## TM Datascripts $DataTypeConfig = @{ MatchPattern = '\.(json)|(csv)|(xlsx?)' BadExtensionErrorMessage = 'The file you attempted to upload has an invalid type. Valid types are JSON, CSV, and Excel files.' FileNotFoundError = 'The file you specified cannot be found.' } Function Get-TMDatascript { [alias("Get-TMETLScript")] [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Default')] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [PSObject]$TMSession = 'Default', [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [String]$Name, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [String[]]$ProviderName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [Switch]$ResetIDs, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'SaveCode')] [String]$SaveCodePath, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'SaveCode')] [Switch]$Passthru ) ## Get Session Configuration $TMSession = Get-TMSession $TMSession #Honor SSL Settings $TMCertSettings = $TMSession.AllowInsecureSSL ? @{SkipCertificateCheck = $true } : @{SkipCertificateCheck = $false } # Format the uri $Instance = $TMSession.TMServer.Replace('/tdstm', '').Replace('https://', '').Replace('http://', '') $uri = "https://$instance/tdstm/ws/dataScript/list" try { $response = Invoke-WebRequest -Method Get -Uri $uri -WebSession $TMSession.TMWebSession @TMCertSettings } catch { return $_ } if ($response.StatusCode -in @(200, 204)) { $Result = ($response.Content | ConvertFrom-Json).data if ($Result.Count -eq 0) { return $false } } else { return "Unable to collect Datascripts." } ## Get each Datascript's Source Code in the list for ($i = 0; $i -lt $Result.Count; $i++) { $uri = "https://" $uri += $instance $uri += '/tdstm/ws/dataScript/' + $Result[$i].id try { $response = Invoke-WebRequest -Method Get -Uri $uri -WebSession $TMSession.TMWebSession @TMCertSettings } catch { return $_ } if ($response.StatusCode -eq 200) { $Result[$i] = ($response.Content | ConvertFrom-Json).data.datascript } else { return "Unable to collect Datascripts." } } if ($ResetIDs) { for ($i = 0; $i -lt $Result.Count; $i++) { $Result[$i].id = $null $Result[$i] = $null } } ## Return the details -- Filter based on passed parameters if ($ProviderName) { $Result = $Result | Where-Object { $ -in $ProviderName } } elseif ($Name) { $Result = $Result | Where-Object { $ -eq $Name } } ## Save the Code Files to a folder if ($SaveCodePath) { ## Save Each of the Script Source Data foreach ($Item in $Result) { ## Get a FileName safe version of the Provider Name $SafeProviderName = Get-FilenameSafeString -String $ $SafeScriptName = Get-FilenameSafeString -String $ ## Create the Provider Action Folder path $ProviderPath = Join-Path $SaveCodePath $SafeProviderName Test-FolderPath -FolderPath $ProviderPath ## Create a File ame for the Action $ProviderScriptConfig = Join-Path $ProviderPath ($SafeScriptName + '.json') $ProviderScriptPath = Join-Path $ProviderPath ($SafeScriptName + '.groovy') ## Copy the code from the Datascript $DatascriptCode = $Item.etlSourceCode ? $Item.etlSourceCode.toString() : "" ## Remove the ETL Code fro the Item, so it can be converted to Json $Item.PSObject.Properties.Remove('etlSourceCode') ## Start Writing the Content of the Script (Force to overwrite any existing files) Set-Content -Path $ProviderScriptConfig -Force -Value (ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $Item -Depth 5) Set-Content -Path $ProviderScriptPath -Force -Value $DatascriptCode } } if ($Passthru -or !$SaveCodePath) { return $Result } } Function New-TMDatascript { [alias("New-TMETLScript")] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)][PSObject]$TMSession = 'Default', [Alias("ETLScript")] [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][PSObject]$Datascript, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)][switch]$Update ) ## Get Session Configuration $TMSession = Get-TMSession $TMSession #Honor SSL Settings $TMCertSettings = @{SkipCertificateCheck = $TMSession.AllowInsecureSSL } ## Look for an existing Script $DatascriptName = $ $ExistingDatascript = Get-TMDatascript -Name $DatascriptName -TMSession $TMSession ## If the Script should not be updated, return it if ($ExistingDatascript) { ## End the function if there is not an update to be made if ($Update) { ## Record the DatascriptId for the update $DatascriptID = $ } else { ## If $PassThru is present, return the Existing Datascript script. if ($PassThru) { return $ExistingDatascript } else { return } } } else { ## Lookup Provider ID if ([String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($ { Write-Error -Message "Provider name is blank for Datascript: $($" return } $ProviderID = (Get-TMProvider -Name $ -TMSession $TMSession).id if (!$ProviderID) { # Create the provider if it doesn't exist $NowFormatted = (Get-Date -Format 'yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ' -AsUTC).ToString() $Provider = [PSCustomObject]@{ id = $null name = $ description = "" comment = "" dateCreated = $NowFormatted lastUpdated = $NowFormatted } $ProviderID = (New-TMProvider -Provider $Provider -PassThru -TMSession $TMSession).id } try { ## There is not an existing Datascript, Create the basic ## Create the shell Datascript object, which must be created first $PostBodyJSON = @{ description = $Datascript.description mode = $Datascript.mode name = $ provider = $ProviderID } | ConvertTo-Json -Compress $uri = "https://" $uri += $TMSession.TMServer $uri += '/tdstm/ws/dataScript' ## Post the Datascript Object to the server Set-TMHeaderContentType -ContentType JSON -TMSession $TMSession $response = Invoke-WebRequest -Method 'POST' -Uri $uri -WebSession $TMSession.TMWebSession -Body $PostBodyJSON @TMCertSettings if ($response.StatusCode -eq 200) { $responseContent = $response.Content | ConvertFrom-Json if ($responseContent.status -eq "success") { ## Now that the shell exists, get it's ID $DatascriptID = $ } } } catch { Write-Host "Unable to create Datascript." return $_ } } ## Now that we have an ID for the Datascript, send the source code content $PostBodyJSON = @{ id = $DatascriptID script = $Datascript.etlSourceCode.toString() } | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100 try { ## Post the Source to be saved for this script. $uri = "https://" $uri += $TMSession.TMServer $uri += '/tdstm/ws/dataScript/saveScript' $response = Invoke-WebRequest -Method Post -Uri $uri -WebSession $TMSession.TMWebSession -Body $PostBodyJSON @TMCertSettings if ($response.StatusCode -eq 200) { $responseContent = $response.Content | ConvertFrom-Json if ($responseContent.status -eq 'success') { if ($PassThru) { return $ } } } elseif ($response.StatusCode -eq 204) { return } } catch { Write-Host "Unable to save Datascript Source to server" return $_ } } Function Invoke-TMDatascript { [alias("Invoke-TMETLScript")] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)][PSObject]$TMSession = 'Default', [Alias("ETLScriptName")] [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][String]$DatascriptName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)][bool]$QueueBatches = $false, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)][bool]$MonitorBatches = $false, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]$Data, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)][String]$FilePath, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)][String]$FileName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)][Int16]$ActivityId, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)][Int16]$ParentActivityId = -1, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)][switch]$isAutoPost, [Switch]$SendNotification ) ## Get Session Configuration $TMSession = Get-TMSession $TMSession if ($FilePath) { if ( -not (Test-Path -Path $FilePath -PathType Leaf) ) { throw $DataTypeConfig.FileNotFoundError } ## If a File Path was passed and there is no data, Read the file if ( -not $Data ){ $Data = Get-Content $FilePath -Raw $FileName = (Get-Item $FilePath).Name } ## If a File Path was passed and there is no File Name, get the file name if ( -not $FileName ) { $FileName = (Get-Item $FilePath).Name } } #Honor SSL Settings $TMCertSettings = @{SkipCertificateCheck = $TMSession.AllowInsecureSSL } if ($ActivityId) { ## Parent ID is only used on the root 'TransitionManager Data Import' Activity ## ParentID + 1 = Transform Data ## ParentID + 2 = Import Batches ## ParentID + 3 + n for each batch ## Add the Datascript Processing Progress Indicators $ProgressIndicators = @() $ProgressIndicators += @{ Id = $ActivityId; Activity = 'TransitionManager Data Import'; ParentId = $ParentActivityId } $ProgressIndicators += @{ Id = ($ActivityId + 1); Activity = 'Datascript Data Transformation'; ParentId = $ActivityId } $ProgressIndicators += @{ Id = ($ActivityId + 2); Activity = 'Import Batches'; ParentId = $ActivityId } $ProgressIndicators += @{ Id = ($ActivityId + 3); Activity = 'Monitor Batches'; ParentId = $ActivityId } #Write Progress Indicators for each in the Array $ProgressIndicators | ForEach-Object { Write-Progress @_ -CurrentOperation 'Queued' -PercentComplete 0 } } ## Fix the Server URL $Instance = $TMSession.TMServer.Replace('/tdstm', '') $instance = $instance.Replace('https://', '') $instance = $instance.Replace('http://', '') $Boundary = '----------------------------540299933173025267350719' ## First Test to see if the Datascript Script exists or not if ($ActivityId) { Write-Progress -Id ($ActivityId + 1) -ParentId $ActivityId -Activity 'Datascript Data Transformation' -CurrentOperation 'Validating Datascript Script' -Status 'Confirming Datascript Script exists in TransitionManager' -PercentComplete 5 } Write-Host 'Validating Datascript Script: ' -NoNewline Write-Host $DatascriptName -ForegroundColor Yellow $Datascript = Get-TMDatascript -TMSession $TMSession -Name $DatascriptName if (-Not $Datascript) { Throw 'The Datascript [' + $DatascriptName + '] does not exist' } ## Build the Data Post $uri = "https://" $uri += $instance $uri += "/tdstm/ws/fileSystem/uploadFileETLAssetImport" ## Determine the data type of the file to be uploaded if ($FilePath) { $DataType = (Get-Item $FilePath).Extension if ($DataType -and $DataType -notmatch $DataTypeConfig.MatchPattern) { throw $DataTypeConfig.BadExtensionErrorMessage } } else { $DataType = [string]::Empty } ## FileName if (-not $FileName) { $FileName = ('DataForETL_' + (Get-Date -Format FileDateTime ) + $DataType) } ## Construct the PostBody and Form Data for the request $CRLF = "`r`n"; $PostBody = ("-----------------------------$boundary", 'Content-Disposition: form-data; name="uploadType"', '', 'assetImport', "-----------------------------$boundary", '' ) -join $CRLF $FileUpload = @{ Form = @{ uploadType = 'assetImport' file = Get-Item -Path $FilePath fileName = $FileName } } ## Upload the Data File if ($ActivityId) { Write-Progress -Id ($ActivityId + 1) -ParentId $ActivityId -Activity 'Datascript Data Transformation' -CurrentOperation 'Uploading Data' -Status ('Uploading ' + $FileName) -PercentComplete 5 } Write-Host "Uploading File: " -NoNewline Write-Host $FileName -ForegroundColor Yellow try { ## If the file is being uploaded, append the fileupload to the command if ($FileUpload) { $response = Invoke-WebRequest -Method Post -Uri $uri -WebSession $TMSession.TMWebSession -ContentType ('multipart/form-data; boundary=---------------------------' + $boundary) @TMCertSettings @FileUpload } else { $response = Invoke-WebRequest -Method Post -Uri $uri -WebSession $TMSession.TMWebSession -ContentType ('multipart/form-data; boundary=---------------------------' + $boundary) @TMCertSettings } } catch { throw $_ } if ($response.StatusCode -eq 200) { $responseContent = $response.Content | ConvertFrom-Json if ($responseContent.status -eq "success") { $DatascriptdataFileName = $ } else { Throw "Unable to upload data to TM Datascript pre-transform storage." } } ## With the file uploaded, Initiate the Datascript script on the server $uri = "https://" $uri += $instance $uri += "/tdstm/ws/assetImport/initiateTransformData" $uri += "?dataScriptId=" + $ $uri += "&filename=" + $DatascriptdataFileName ## Deal with Version specific items $uri += "&originalFilename=" + $FileName $uri += "&sendNotification=" + $SendNotification.IsPresent.toString().ToLower() if ($isAutoPost.IsPresent) { $uri += '&isAutoPost=true' } Set-TMHeaderContentType -ContentType JSON -TMSession $TMSession ## Post the data starting the Datascript process. A progress key is provided. This progress key is what can be used to poll for the status of the Datascript script if ($ActivityId) { Write-Progress -Id ($ActivityId + 1) -ParentId $ActivityId -Activity 'Datascript Data Transformation' -CurrentOperation 'Starting Datascript Transformation' -PercentComplete 5 } Write-Host 'TransitionManager Data Import: ' -NoNewline Write-Host 'Starting Datascript Transformation' -ForegroundColor Yellow $response = Invoke-WebRequest -Method Post -Uri $uri -WebSession $TMSession.TMWebSession @TMCertSettings if ($response.StatusCode -eq 200) { $responseContent = $response.Content | ConvertFrom-Json if ($responseContent.status -eq "success") { $DatascriptProgressKey = $ } else { throw $responseContent.errors } } else { Throw $response } ## Supply Progress from Datascript Transformation Progress if ($ActivityId) { Write-Progress -Id $($ActivityId + 1) -Activity 'Datascript Data Transformation' -CurrentOperation 'Running Datascript Transformation' -PercentComplete 0 -ParentId $ActivityId } ## The Datascript is underway, Setup a progress URL $uri = "https://" $uri += $instance $uri += "/tdstm/ws/progress/" + $DatascriptProgressKey Set-TMHeaderContentType -ContentType JSON -TMSession $TMSession ## Poll for the status of the Datascript engine ## TODO: This should be converted to a function for polling the job engine. It's nearly dupilcated now in the Import Batch watching. $Completed = $false ## $ReportedLogItems = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@() while ($Completed -eq $false) { ## Post the data starting the Datascript process. A progress key is provided. This progress key is what can be used to poll for the status of the Datascript script $response = Invoke-WebRequest -Method Get -Uri $uri -WebSession $TMSession.TMWebSession @TMCertSettings if ($response.StatusCode -eq 200) { $responseContent = $response.Content | ConvertFrom-Json if ($responseContent.status -eq "success") { $DatascriptProgress = $ switch ($DatascriptProgress.status) { "Queued" { $CurrentOperation = 'Datascript Queued' $Status = 'Queued' $ProgressString = 'Status - Queued: ' + $DatascriptProgress.percentComp + '%' $PercentComplete = $DatascriptProgress.percentComp $SleepSeconds = 2 Break } "Pending" { $CurrentOperation = 'Datascript Pending' $Status = 'Pending' $ProgressString = 'Status - Pending: ' + $DatascriptProgress.percentComp + '%' $PercentComplete = $DatascriptProgress.percentComp $SleepSeconds = 2 Break } "RUNNING" { $CurrentOperation = 'Datascript Running' $Status = 'Transforming Data' $ProgressString = 'Status - Running: ' + $DatascriptProgress.percentComp + '%' $PercentComplete = $DatascriptProgress.percentComp -gt 99 ? 99 : $DatascriptProgress.percentComp $SleepSeconds = 2 Break } "COMPLETED" { # $DatascriptOutputKey = $DatascriptProgress.detail $CurrentOperation = 'Datascript Processing Complete' $Status = 'Creating Import Batches' $Completed = $true $SleepSeconds = 0 $PercentComplete = 99 $ProgressString = "Status - Datascript Processing Complete, Creating Import Batches." Break } "Failed" { $CurrentOperation = 'Failed' $Status = $DatascriptProgress.status Write-Host "Datascript Processing Failed "$DatascriptProgress.detail Throw $DatascriptProgress.detail } Default { $CurrentOperation = 'State Unknown' $Status = 'Unknown. Sleeping to try again.' $ProgressString = "Unknown Status: " + $DatascriptProgress.status $PercentComplete = 99 $SleepSeconds = 2 Break } } ## Notify the user of the Datascript Progress if ($ActivityId) { Write-Progress -Id ($ActivityId + 1) ` -ParentId $ActivityId ` -Activity 'Datascript Data Transformation' ` -CurrentOperation $CurrentOperation ` -Status $Status ` -PercentComplete ($PercentComplete ?? 0) } else { Write-Host $ProgressString } Start-Sleep -Seconds $SleepSeconds } } } ## Update Progress and transition to Activity + 2 Write-Progress -Id ($ActivityId + 1) -ParentId $ActivityId -Activity 'Datascript Data Transformation' -CurrentOperation 'Transformation Complete' -PercentComplete 100 -Completed Write-Progress -Id ($ActivityId + 2) -ParentId $ActivityId -Activity 'Importing Batches' -CurrentOperation 'Beginning Import' -PercentComplete 5 Write-Host "Datascript Transformation is complete, Loading to Batch Import" ## TODO, this is where a Job Log could be pulled. With the DatascriptOutputKey now provided, the API like this could be used: ## and ## ## Check the Datascript Script Editor Web Dev tools to see more ## Ensure the Batches loaded and the job is finished ## The Datascript is underway, Setup a progress URL $uri = "https://" $uri += $instance $uri += "/tdstm/ws/progress/" + $DatascriptProgressKey Set-TMHeaderContentType -ContentType JSON -TMSession $TMSession ## Poll for the status of the Datascript engine ## TODO: This should be converted to a function for polling the job engine. It's nearly dupilcated now in the Import Batch watching. $Completed = $false while ($Completed -eq $false) { ## Post the data starting the Datascript process. A progress key is provided. This progress key is what can be used to poll for the status of the Datascript script $response = Invoke-WebRequest -Method Get -Uri $uri -WebSession $TMSession.TMWebSession @TMCertSettings if ($response.StatusCode -eq 200) { $responseContent = $response.Content | ConvertFrom-Json if ($responseContent.status -eq "success") { $DatascriptProgress = $ switch ($DatascriptProgress.status) { "Queued" { $CurrentOperation = 'Loading Batches Queued' $Status = 'Queued' $ProgressString = 'Status - Queued: ' + $DatascriptProgress.percentComp + '%' $PercentComplete = $DatascriptProgress.percentComp $SleepSeconds = 2 Break } "Pending" { $CurrentOperation = 'Loading Batches Pending' $Status = 'Pending Batch Loading' $ProgressString = 'Status - Pending: ' + $DatascriptProgress.percentComp + '%' $PercentComplete = $DatascriptProgress.percentComp $SleepSeconds = 2 Break } "RUNNING" { $CurrentOperation = 'Loading Batches' $Status = 'Loading Batches' $ProgressString = 'Status - Running: ' + $DatascriptProgress.percentComp + '%' $PercentComplete = $DatascriptProgress.percentComp $SleepSeconds = 2 Break } "COMPLETED" { $BatchGroupGuid = $ $CurrentOperation = 'Batch Loading Complete' $Status = 'Loaded Import Batches' $Completed = $true $SleepSeconds = 0 $PercentComplete = 99 $ProgressString = "Status - Completed Loading Import Batches." Break } "Failed" { $CurrentOperation = 'Failed' $Status = $DatascriptProgress.status Write-Host "Batch Loading Processing Failed "$DatascriptProgress.detail Throw $DatascriptProgress.detail } Default { $CurrentOperation = 'State Unknown' $Status = 'Unknown. Sleeping to try again.' $ProgressString = "Unknown Status: " + $DatascriptProgress.status $PercentComplete = 99 $SleepSeconds = 2 Break } } ## Notify the user of the Datascript Progress if ($ActivityId) { $ProgressOptions = @{ Id = ($ActivityId + 2) ParentId = $ActivityId Activity = 'Import Batch Loading' CurrentOperation = $CurrentOperation Status = $Status PercentComplete = $PercentComplete } if ($Completed) { $ProgressOptions.Completed = $True } Write-Progress @ProgressOptions } else { Write-Host $ProgressString } if (-Not $Completed) { Start-Sleep -Seconds $SleepSeconds } } } } ## Assemble the batch list object. Dependencies are deliberately moved to the end $BatchesToProcess = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@() ## Get the Batches that were created during the import ## With the Datascript converted, Use it to create Import Batches $uri = "https://" $uri += $instance $uri += "/tdstm/ws/import/batches?groupGuid=" $uri += $BatchGroupGuid Set-TMHeaderContentType -ContentType JSON -TMSession $TMSession ## Post the Transformed data filename to the Datascript engine to Import the Batches. $response = Invoke-WebRequest -Method Get -Uri $uri -WebSession $TMSession.TMWebSession @TMCertSettings if ($response.StatusCode -eq 200) { $responseContent = $response.Content | ConvertFrom-Json if ($responseContent.status -eq "success") { $Batches = $ } else { } } else { } if ($Batches.Count) { Write-Host $Batches.Length -ForegroundColor Yellow -NoNewline Write-Host ' Batches have been created' } ## Update Progress and transition to Activity + 3 Write-Progress -Id ($ActivityId + 2) -ParentId $ActivityId -Activity 'Batches Imported' -CurrentOperation 'Importing Batches Complete' -PercentComplete 100 -Completed Write-Progress -Id ($ActivityId + 3) -ParentId $ActivityId -Activity 'Monitoring Batches' -CurrentOperation 'Monitoring Batches' -PercentComplete 5 ## OPTIONAL - If the switch was set to Queue the batches if ($QueueBatches) { ## Sort the batches to a desired order $Batches | Where-Object { $_.domainClass -ne 'Dependency' } | ForEach-Object { $BatchesToProcess.Add($_) | Out-Null } $Batches | Where-Object { $_.domainClass -eq 'Dependency' } | ForEach-Object { $BatchesToProcess.Add($_) | Out-Null } ## Write Progress to the Monitor Import Batches if ($ActivityId) { Write-Progress -Id ($ActivityId + 3) ` -ParentId $ActivityId ` -Activity 'Manage Batches' ` -CurrentOperation 'Queueing Batches' ` -Status ('Queueing ' + [string]$Batches.Length + ' batches.') ` -PercentComplete 5 } Write-Host "Queueing Batches: " -NoNewline Write-Host $Batches.Length -ForegroundColor Yellow ## Add a Progress Activity for each of the Import Batches for ($i = 0; $i -lt $BatchesToProcess.Count; $i++) { ## Set Variable for Batch $Batch = $BatchesToProcess[$i] ## Create Progress Results for the batches that were created if ($ActivityId) { ## Activity Explained: The $ActivityId is considered the (Root) + 2 (to move to Monitoring Batches) + I for the looping + 1 to add a new layer Write-Progress -Id ($ActivityId + 3 + $i + 1) ` -ParentId ($ActivityId + 3) ` -Activity ($Batch.domainClassName + ' batch: ' + $ + ' | Total: ' + $Batch.recordsSummary.count) ` -CurrentOperation 'Queueing Batch' ` -Status ([String]$Batch.recordsSummary.count + ' ' + $Batch.domainClassName + ' records') ` -PercentComplete 10 } Write-Host "Batch (id $($ Created with $([String]$Batch.recordsSummary.count) $($Batch.domainClassName) records" } ## Queue each Batch for ($i = 0; $i -lt $BatchesToProcess.Count; $i++) { ## Set Variable for Batch $Batch = $BatchesToProcess[$i] if ($Batch.autoProcess -eq 0) { ## With the file uploaded, Initiate the Datascript script on the server $uri = "https://" $uri += $instance $uri += "/tdstm/ws/import/batches" Set-TMHeaderContentType -ContentType JSON -TMSession $TMSession $PostBody = @{ action = 'QUEUE' ids = $ } | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100 ## Post this batch to begin it's Queueing $response = Invoke-WebRequest -Method Patch -Uri $uri -WebSession $TMSession.TMWebSession -Body $PostBody @TMCertSettings if ($response.StatusCode -eq 200) { $responseContent = $response.Content | ConvertFrom-Json if ($responseContent.status -eq "success") { ## Create Progress Results for the batches that were created if ($ActivityId) { ## Notify the Manage Batches Activity of a queued batch Write-Progress -Id ($ActivityId + 3) ` -ParentId $ActivityId ` -Activity 'Monitor Batches' ` -CurrentOperation 'Queueing Batches' ` -Status ('Queued ' + $Batch.domainClass + ' Batch') ` -PercentComplete 5 ## Activity (Root) + 2 (to move to Monitoring Batches) + I for the looping + 1 to add a new layer Write-Progress -Id ($ActivityId + 3 + $i + 1) ` -ParentId ($ActivityId + 3) ` -Activity ($Batch.domainClassName + ' batch: ' + $ + ' | Total: ' + $Batch.recordsSummary.count) ` -CurrentOperation 'Batch Queued' ` -Status 'Queued' ` -PercentComplete 0 } Write-Host "Batch Queued: " -NoNewline Write-Host $Batch.domainClassName -ForegroundColor Yellow } else { Throw 'Failed to Queue Batch' } } else { Throw 'Failed to Queue Batch.' } } } ## If Monitoring isn't going to occur, status should be complete here if ($MonitorBatches -ne $true) { Write-Progress -Id ($ActivityId + 3) -ParentId $ActivityId -Activity 'Batches Queued' -CurrentOperation 'Batches have been queued' -PercentComplete 100 -Completed } } ## Allow the batch to be monitored and reported on in the UI if ($MonitorBatches) { $BatchStatus = @{ CompletedBatches = 0 TotalBatches = $BatchesToProcess.Count } ## Monitor the batches to completion for ($i = 0; $i -lt $BatchesToProcess.Count; $i++) { ## Set Variable for Batch $Batch = $BatchesToProcess[$i] if ($Batch.recordsSummary.count -gt 0) { ## Build the URL $uri = "https://" $uri += $instance $uri += "/tdstm/ws/import/batch/" $uri += $ $uri += "/progress" Set-TMHeaderContentType -ContentType JSON -TMSession $TMSession ## Poll for the status of the Import Batch if ($ActivityId) { ## Activity (Root) + 3 (to move to Monitoring Batches) + I for the looping + 1 to add a new layer Write-Progress -Id ($ActivityId + 3 + $i + 1) ` -ParentId ($ActivityId + 3) ` -Activity ($Batch.domainClassName + ' batch: ' + $ + ' | Total: ' + $Batch.recordsSummary.count) ` -CurrentOperation 'Monitoring Progress' ` -Status 'Importing' ` -PercentComplete 1 } Write-Host 'Monitoring Batch Status for ' -NoNewline Write-Host $Batch.domainClassName -ForegroundColor Yellow ## Start a loop to run while the batch is not complete. $Completed = $false while ($Completed -eq $false) { ## Post the data starting the Datascript process. A progress key is provided. This progress key is what can be used to poll for the status of the Datascript script $response = Invoke-WebRequest -Method Get -Uri $uri -WebSession $TMSession.TMWebSession @TMCertSettings if ($response.StatusCode -eq 200) { $responseContent = $response.Content | ConvertFrom-Json if ($responseContent.status -eq "success") { $BatchProgress = $ switch ($BatchProgress.status.code) { "RUNNING" { $CurrentOperation = 'Import Running' $Status = 'Importing Batch Data' $ProgressString = $DomainClass + ' Status: Running - ' + $BatchProgress.progress + "%" $PercentComplete = $BatchProgress.progress $SleepSeconds = 2 break } "QUEUED" { $CurrentOperation = 'Batch Queued' $Status = 'Batch Queued' $ProgressString = $DomainClass + ' Status: Queued' $PercentComplete = $BatchProgress.progress $SleepSeconds = 2 break } "PENDING" { $CurrentOperation = 'Batch Pending' $Status = 'Batch Pending' $ProgressString = $DomainClass + ' Status: Pending' $PercentComplete = $BatchProgress.progress $SleepSeconds = 2 break } "COMPLETED" { $Completed = $true $CurrentOperation = 'Complete' $Status = 'Complete' $ProgressString = ($batch.domainClassName + " Status: Complete") $PercentComplete = 100 $SleepSeconds = 0 break } Default { $CurrentOperation = 'Status Unknown. Retrying' $Status = 'Retrying' $ProgressString = ($batch.domainClassName + "Status Unkown. Retrying") $PercentComplete = 1 $SleepSeconds = 2 break } } ## Display the Status of this loop if ($ActivityId) { $ProgressOptions = @{ Id = ($ActivityId + 3 + $i + 1) ParentId = ($ActivityId + 3) Activity = ($Batch.domainClassName + ' batch: ' + $ + ' | Total: ' + $Batch.recordsSummary.count) CurrentOperation = $CurrentOperation Status = $Status PercentComplete = ($PercentComplete ?? 0) } ## Activity (Root) + 3 (to move to Monitoring Batches) + I for the looping + 1 to add a new layer if ($Completed) { $ProgressOptions.Completed = $true } Write-Progress @ProgressOptions } else { Write-Host $ProgressString } ## Sleep the expected duration Start-Sleep -Seconds $SleepSeconds } } } } ## Now that this batch is done, increment the Completed Batches counter $BatchStatus.CompletedBatches++ Write-Host 'Batch Import Complete for ' -NoNewline Write-Host $Batch.domainClassName -ForegroundColor Yellow } ## Mark the Manage Batches Activity Complete if ($ActivityId) { Write-Progress -Id ($ActivityId + 3) ` -ParentId $ActivityId ` -Activity 'Batches Posted' ` -CurrentOperation 'Complete' ` -Status 'All Batches Imported' ` -PercentComplete 100 ` -Completed } } ## Mark the TM Import Activity complete if ($ActivityId) { Write-Progress -Id $ActivityId ` -ParentId $ParentActivityId ` -Activity 'TransitionManager Data Import' ` -CurrentOperation 'Complete' ` -Status 'All Data Imported' ` -PercentComplete 100 ` -Complete } if ($Batches.Count) { Write-Host 'All Batches have Imported successfully' } } Function Test-TMDatascript { [alias("Test-TMETLScript")] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)][PSObject]$TMSession = 'Default', [Alias("ETLScriptName")] [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][String]$DatascriptName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)][bool]$QueueBatches = $false, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)][bool]$MonitorBatches = $false, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]$Data, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)][String]$FilePath, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)][String]$FileName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)][Int16]$ActivityId, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)][Int16]$ParentActivityId = -1 ) ## Get Session Configuration $TMSession = Get-TMSession $TMSession if ($FilePath) { if ( -not (Test-Path -Path $FilePath -PathType Leaf) ) { throw $DataTypeConfig.FileNotFoundError } ## If a File Path was passed and there is no data, Read the file if ( -not $Data ){ $Data = Get-Content $FilePath -Raw $FileName = (Get-Item $FilePath).Name } ## If a File Path was passed and there is no File Name, get the file name if ( -not $FileName ) { $FileName = (Get-Item $FilePath).Name } } #Honor SSL Settings $TMCertSettings = @{SkipCertificateCheck = $TMSession.AllowInsecureSSL } if ($ActivityId) { ## Parent ID is only used on the root 'TransitionManager Data Import' Activity ## ParentID + 1 = Transform Data ## ParentID + 2 = Import Batches ## ParentID + 3 + n for each batch ## Add the Datascript Processing Progress Indicators $ProgressIndicators = @() $ProgressIndicators += @{ Id = $ActivityId; Activity = 'Test Datascript Data Transformation'; ParentId = $ParentActivityId } } ## Fix the Server URL $Instance = $TMSession.TMServer.Replace('/tdstm', '') $instance = $instance.Replace('https://', '') $instance = $instance.Replace('http://', '') $Boundary = '----------------------------540299933173025267350719' ## First Test to see if the Datascript exists or not if ($ActivityId) { Write-Progress -Id ($ActivityId + 1) -ParentId $ActivityId -Activity 'Datascript Data Transformation' -CurrentOperation 'Validating Datascript' -Status 'Confirming Datascript exists in TransitionManager' -PercentComplete 5 } $Datascript = Get-TMDatascript -TMSession $TMSession -Name $DatascriptName if (-Not $Datascript) { Throw 'The Datascript [' + $DatascriptName + '] does not exist' } ## Build the Data Post $uri = "https://" $uri += $instance $uri += "/tdstm/ws/fileSystem/uploadFileETLAssetImport" ## Determine the data type of the file to be uploaded if ($FilePath) { $DataType = (Get-Item $FilePath).Extension if ($DataType -notmatch $DataTypeConfig.MatchPattern) { throw $DataTypeConfig.BadExtensionErrorMessage } } else { $DataType = [string]::Empty } ## FileName if (-not $FileName) { $FileName = ('DataForETL_' + (Get-Date -Format FileDateTime ) + $DataType) } ## Construct the PostBody and Form Data for the request $CRLF = "`r`n"; $PostBody = ("-----------------------------$boundary", 'Content-Disposition: form-data; name="uploadType"', '', 'assetImport', "-----------------------------$boundary", '' ) -join $CRLF $FileUpload = @{ Form = @{ uploadType = 'assetImport' file = Get-Item -Path $FilePath fileName = $FileName } } ## Upload the Data File if ($ActivityId) { Write-Progress -Id ($ActivityId + 1) -ParentId $ActivityId -Activity 'Testing Datascript Data Transformation' -CurrentOperation 'Uploading Data' -Status ('Uploading ' + $FileName) -PercentComplete 5 } try { ## If the file is being uploaded, append the fileupload to the command if ($FileUpload) { $response = Invoke-WebRequest -Method Post -Uri $uri -WebSession $TMSession.TMWebSession -ContentType ('multipart/form-data; boundary=---------------------------' + $boundary) @TMCertSettings @FileUpload } else { $response = Invoke-WebRequest -Method Post -Uri $uri -WebSession $TMSession.TMWebSession -ContentType ('multipart/form-data; boundary=---------------------------' + $boundary) @TMCertSettings } } catch { throw $_ } if ($response.StatusCode -eq 200) { $responseContent = $response.Content | ConvertFrom-Json if ($responseContent.status -eq "success") { $DatascriptdataFileName = $ } else { Throw "Unable to upload data to TM Datascript pre-transform storage." } } ## With the file uploaded, Initiate the Datascript script on the server $uri = "https://" $uri += $instance $uri += "/tdstm/ws/dataScript/initiateTestScript" ## Create a post body $PostBody = [PSCustomObject]@{ dataScriptId = $ filename = $DatascriptdataFileName script = ($Datascript.etlSourceCode -replace $CRLF, '\n') } | ConvertTo-Json -Compress Set-TMHeaderContentType -ContentType JSON -TMSession $TMSession ## Post the data starting the Datascript process. A progress key is provided. This progress key is what can be used to poll for the status of the Datascript if ($ActivityId) { Write-Progress -Id ($ActivityId + 1) -ParentId $ActivityId -Activity 'Testing Datascript Data Transformation' -CurrentOperation 'Starting Datascript Testing' -PercentComplete 5 } else { Write-Host 'TransitionManager Data Import: Starting Datascript Test' } $response = Invoke-WebRequest -Method Post -Uri $uri -Body $PostBody -WebSession $TMSession.TMWebSession @TMCertSettings if ($response.StatusCode -eq 200) { $responseContent = $response.Content | ConvertFrom-Json if ($responseContent.status -eq "success") { $DatascriptProgressKey = $ } else { throw $responseContent.errors } } else { Throw $response } ## Supply Progress from Datascript Transformation Progress if ($ActivityId) { Write-Progress -Id $($ActivityId + 1) -Activity 'Testing Datascript Data Transformation' -CurrentOperation 'Running Datascript Transformation' -PercentComplete 0 -ParentId $ActivityId } else { Write-Host 'Testing Datascript Data Transformation: Starting Datascript Processing' } ## The Datascript is underway, Setup a progress URL $uri = "https://" $uri += $instance $uri += "/tdstm/ws/progress/" + $DatascriptProgressKey Set-TMHeaderContentType -ContentType JSON -TMSession $TMSession ## Poll for the status of the Datascript engine ## TODO: This should be converted to a function for polling the job engine. It's nearly dupilcated now in the Import Batch watching. $Completed = $false while ($Completed -eq $false) { ## Post the data starting the Datascript process. A progress key is provided. This progress key is what can be used to poll for the status of the Datascript script $response = Invoke-WebRequest -Method Get -Uri $uri -WebSession $TMSession.TMWebSession @TMCertSettings if ($response.StatusCode -eq 200) { $responseContent = $response.Content | ConvertFrom-Json if ($responseContent.status -eq "success") { $DatascriptProgress = $ switch ($DatascriptProgress.status) { "Queued" { $CurrentOperation = 'Datascript Queued' $Status = 'Queued' $ProgressString = 'Status - Queued: ' + $DatascriptProgress.percentComp + '%' $PercentComplete = $DatascriptProgress.percentComp $SleepSeconds = 2 Break } "Pending" { $CurrentOperation = 'Datascript Pending' $Status = 'Pending' $ProgressString = 'Status - Pending: ' + $DatascriptProgress.percentComp + '%' $PercentComplete = $DatascriptProgress.percentComp $SleepSeconds = 2 Break } "RUNNING" { $CurrentOperation = 'Datascript Running' $Status = 'Transforming Data' $ProgressString = 'Status - Running: ' + $DatascriptProgress.percentComp + '%' $PercentComplete = $DatascriptProgress.percentComp $SleepSeconds = 2 Break } "COMPLETED" { $CurrentOperation = 'Datascript Testing Complete' $Status = 'Creating Import Batches' $Completed = $true $SleepSeconds = 0 $PercentComplete = 99 $ProgressString = "Status - Datascript Testing Complete" Break } "Failed" { $CurrentOperation = 'Failed' $Status = $DatascriptProgress.status Write-Host "Datascript Testing Failed "$DatascriptProgress.detail Throw $DatascriptProgress.detail } Default { $CurrentOperation = 'State Unknown' $Status = 'Unknown. Sleeping to try again.' $ProgressString = "Unknown Status: " + $DatascriptProgress.status $PercentComplete = 99 $SleepSeconds = 2 Break } } ## Notify the user of the Datascript Progress if ($ActivityId) { Write-Progress -Id ($ActivityId + 1) ` -ParentId $ActivityId ` -Activity 'Testing Datascript Data Transformation' ` -CurrentOperation $CurrentOperation ` -Status $Status ` -PercentComplete $PercentComplete } else { Write-Host $ProgressString } Start-Sleep -Seconds $SleepSeconds } } } ## Update Progress and transition to Activity + 2 Write-Progress -Id ($ActivityId + 1) -ParentId $ActivityId -Activity 'Tested Datascript Data Transformation' -CurrentOperation 'Testing Complete' -PercentComplete 100 -Completed ## Mark the TM Import Activity complete if ($ActivityId) { Write-Progress -Id $ActivityId ` -ParentId $ParentActivityId ` -Activity 'TransitionManager Data Import' ` -CurrentOperation 'Complete' ` -Status 'All Data Imported' ` -PercentComplete 100 ` -Complete } } Function Read-TMDatascriptFile { param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]$Path ) ## First order of business is to determine if this Script file has a counterpart Json file $DatascriptConfigJsonPath = $Path -Replace '.groovy', '.json' $DatascriptConfigFile = Get-Item -Path $DatascriptConfigJsonPath -ErrorAction 'SilentlyContinue' ## Check if there is a config JSON file, if so, get the Action from the 2 files if ($DatascriptConfigFile) { ## Get the Recipe Object that doesn't have the source code $TMDatascript = Get-Content -Path $DatascriptConfigFile | ConvertFrom-Json Add-Member -InputObject $TMDatascript -NotePropertyName etlSourceCode -NotePropertyValue (Get-Content -Path $Path -Raw) } ## Read the ReferenceDesign (Combined) file else { ## Name the Input File $Content = Get-Content -Path $Path -Raw ## Ignore Empty Files if (-Not $Content) { return } $ContentLines = Get-Content -Path $Path ## Create Automation Token Variables Parse the Script File New-Variable astTokens -Force New-Variable astErr -Force $ast = [System.Management.Automation.Language.Parser]::ParseInput($Content, [ref]$astTokens, [ref]$astErr) ## ## Assess the Script Parts to get delineating line numbers ## ## Locate the Delimiting line $ConfigBlockStartLine = $astTokens | ` Where-Object { $_.Text -like '/*********TransitionManager-ETL-Script*********' } |` Select-Object -First 1 | ` Select-Object -ExpandProperty Extent | ` Select-Object -ExpandProperty StartLineNumber ## Test if the file has been written with MetaData if (-Not $ConfigBlockStartLine) { ## This file does not have metadata. Create the minimum data for the constructor below $DatascriptConfig = @{ DatascriptName = (Get-Item -Path $Path).BaseName Description = "" ProviderName = (Get-Item -Path $Path).Directory.BaseName IsAutoProcess = $false Target = $null Mode = 'Import' } ## Add Variables that will be used in the construction $DatascriptCode = $ContentLines $ConfigBlockEndLine = -1 } else { ## This File has metadata - Work to parse it $ConfigBlockEndLine = $astTokens | ` Where-Object { $_.Text -like '*********TransitionManager-ETL-Script*********/' } |` Select-Object -First 1 | ` Select-Object -ExpandProperty Extent | ` Select-Object -ExpandProperty StartLineNumber ## Adjust the Line Numbers to capture just the JSON $JsonConfigBlockStartLine = $ConfigBlockStartLine + 1 $JsonConfigBlockEndLine = $ConfigBlockEndLine - 1 ## ## Read the Script Header to gather the configurations ## ## Get all of the lines in the header comment $DatascriptConfigJson = $JsonConfigBlockStartLine..$JSONConfigBlockEndLine | ForEach-Object { ## Return the line for collection $ContentLines[$_ - 1] } | Out-String ## Convert the JSON string to an Object if ($DatascriptConfigJson) { $DatascriptConfig = $DatascriptConfigJson | ConvertFrom-Json } else { $DatascriptConfig = @{ DatascriptName = (Get-Item -Path $Path).BaseName Description = "" ProviderName = (Get-Item -Path $Path).Directory.Parent.Parent.BaseName IsAutoProcess = $false Target = $null Mode = 'Import' } } } ## ## Read the Script Block ## ## Note where the Configuration Code is located $StartCodeBlockLine = $ConfigBlockEndLine + 1 $EndCodeBlockLine = $ast[-1].Extent.EndLineNumber ## Create a Text StrinBuilder to collect the Script into $DatascriptStringBuilder = New-Object System.Text.StringBuilder ## For each line in the Code Block, add it to the Datascript Script Code StringBuilder $StartCodeBlockLine..$EndCodeBlockLine | ForEach-Object { $DatascriptStringBuilder.AppendLine($ContentLines[$_]) | Out-Null } ## Convert the StringBuilder to a Multi-Line String $DatascriptCode = $DatascriptStringBuilder.ToString() ## Assemble the Action Object $TMDatascript = [pscustomobject]@{ ## Primary Information id = $null name = $DatascriptConfig.DatascriptName description = $DatascriptConfig.Description ## Source Code etlSourceCode = $DatascriptCode ## Provider provider = @{ id = $null name = $DatascriptConfig.ProviderName } ## Other details for the Datascript Script dateCreated = Get-Date lastUpdated = Get-Date } } ## Return the Action Object return $TMDatascript } |