
class TMTask {

    #region Non-Static Properties





    [ValidateSet('Hold', 'Planned', 'Ready', 'Pending', 'Started', 'Completed', 'Terminated')]











    [ValidateRange(0, 1)]










    [ValidateRange(0, 100)]







    [ValidateRange(0, 5)]












    #endregion Non-Static Properties

    #region Static Properties

    # The only valid statuses for a Task
    static [System.String[]]$ValidStatuses = @(

    # List of field/property names that are used in the TMQL request to TM
    static [System.String[]]$TMQLFetchProperties = @(
        'assetEntity.Asset Class'

    # String that is used in the TMQL query to fetch all of the necessary details about the Task
    static [String]$TMQLFetchString = "fetch '" + ([TMTask]::TMQLFetchProperties -join "', '") + "'"

    #endregion Static Properties

    #region Constructors

    TMTask() {

    TMTask([Object]$object) {
        $this.Schema = $object.PSObject.Properties.Name -contains 'assetEntity.Tags' ? 2 : 1
        $this.Id = $
        $this.TaskNumber = $object.taskNumber
        $this.Comment = $object.comment ?? $object.title
        $this.Title = $object.title ?? $object.comment
        $this.Status = $object.status
        $this.StatusUpdated = $object.statusUpdated
        $this.StatusUpdatedElapsed = $object.statusUpdatedElapsed ?? ($object.statusUpdated ? (New-TimeSpan -Start $object.statusUpdated -End (Get-Date -AsUTC)) : "")
        $this.LastUpdated = $object.lastUpdated
        $this.LastUpdatedElapsed = $object.lastUpdatedElapsed ?? ($object.statusUpdated ? (New-TimeSpan -Start $object.lastUpdated -End (Get-Date -AsUTC)) : "")
        $this.Action = if ($this.Schema -eq 1) {
            [TMTaskAction]::new(($object.action ?? $object.apiAction))
        } else {
        $this.Asset = if ($this.Schema -eq 1) {
        } else {
                $object.'assetEntity.Asset Class',
                @{id = $object.''; name = $object.'' },
        $this.AssignedTo = $this.Schema -eq 1 ? [TMReference]::new($object.assignedTo) : [TMReference]::new($object.'', $object.'')
        $this.CreatedBy = $this.Schema -eq 1 ? [TMReference]::new($object.createdBy) : [TMReference]::new($object.'', $object.'')
        $this.Category = $object.category
        $this.DateCreated = $object.dateCreated
        $this.HardAssigned = $object.hardAssigned
        $this.EstDurationMinutes = $object.estDurationMinutes
        $this.EstStart = $object.estStart
        $this.EstFinish = $object.estFinish
        $this.Slack = $object.slack
        $this.IsCriticalPath = $object.isCriticalPath
        $this.ActStart = $object.actStart
        $this.ActFinish = $object.actFinish
        $this.Team = $ ?? $object.role
        $this.IsPublished = $object.isPublished
        $this.PercentageComplete = $object.percentageComplete
        $this.Project = $this.Schema -eq 1 ? [TMReference]::new($object.project) : [TMReference]::new($object.'', $object.'')
        $this.IsActionInvocableLocally = $object.isActionInvocableLocally ?? $this.isActionInvokable($object, 'Local')
        $this.IsActionInvocableRemotely = $object.isActionInvocableRemotely ?? $this.isActionInvokable($object, 'Remote')
        $this.IsAutomatic = $object.isAutomatic ?? ($object.role -eq 'AUTO') -or ($object.'' -eq 0)
        $this.Duration = $object.duration
        $this.SendNotification = $object.sendNotification
        $this.Priority = $object.priority
        $this.Event = $this.Schema -eq 1 ? [TMReference]::new($object.event) : [TMReference]::new($object.'', $object.'')
        $this.DueDate = $object.dueDate
        $this.InstructionsLink = $object.instructionsLink
        $this.Predecessors = $object.predecessors | ForEach-Object { [TMTaskDependency]::new($_) }
        $this.Successors = $object.successors | ForEach-Object { [TMTaskDependency]::new($_) }
        $this.Attribute = $object.attribute
        $this.AutoGenerated = $object.autoGenerated
        $this.DisplayOption = $object.displayOption
        $this.Recipe = $object.recipe
        $this.TaskSpec = $object.taskSpec

    #endregion Constructors

    #region Non-Static Methods

            Formats the Task into an object that can be used in the Update-TMTask web services request to TM
            UpdateTaskDependencies - Boolean indicating if the Task's dependencies should be updated

    [PSCustomObject]GetWSUpdateObject([Boolean]$UpdateTaskDependencies) {
        $returnObject = [PSCustomObject]@{
            id                 = $this.Id
            comment            = $this.Comment ? $this.Comment : $this.Title
            project            = $this.Project.Id
            status             = $this.Status
            assignedTo         = $
            apiAction          = $this.Action.Id
            apiActionId        = "$($this.Action.Id)"
            category           = $this.Category
            assetEntity        = $this.Asset.Id
            hardAssigned       = $this.HardAssigned
            moveEvent          = $
            priority           = $this.Priority
            role               = $this.Team
            percentageComplete = $this.PercentageComplete
            sendNotification   = $this.SendNotification ? 1 : 0
            instructionsLink   = $this.InstructionsLink
            duration           = $this.Duration
            durationScale      = 'M'
            durationLocked     = 0

        if ($UpdateTaskDependencies) {
            $returnObject | Add-Member -NotePropertyName 'taskDependency' -NotePropertyValue @()
            $returnObject | Add-Member -NotePropertyName 'taskSuccessor' -NotePropertyValue @()

            foreach ($Predecessor in $this.Predecessors) {
                if (-not $Predecessor.Id -or $Predecessor.Id -eq 0) {
                    $Predecessor.Id = -1
                $returnObject.taskDependency += "$($Predecessor.Id)_$($Predecessor.TaskId)"

            foreach ($Successor in $this.Successors) {
                if (-not $Successor.Id -or $Successor.Id -eq 0) {
                    $Successor.Id = -1
                $returnObject.taskSuccessor += "$($Successor.Id)_$($Successor.TaskId)"

        return $returnObject

            Formats the Task into an object that can be used in the Update-TMTask REST request to TM
            Note - A note/comment to be added to the Task
            Status - A new Status to be set on the Task
            UpdateTaskDependencies - Boolean indicating if the Task's dependencies should be updated

    [PSCustomObject]GetApiUpdateObject([String]$Note, [String]$Status, [Boolean]$UpdateTaskDependencies) {
        $returnObject = [PSCustomObject]@{
            action             = @{ id = $this.Action.Id }
            asset              = @{ id = $this.Asset.Id }
            event              = @{ id = $ }
            assignedTo         = $
            category           = $this.Category
            comment            = $this.comment ? $this.comment : $this.title
            title              = $this.comment ? $this.comment : $this.title
            hardAssigned       = $this.HardAssigned
            instructionsLink   = $this.InstructionsLink
            percentageComplete = $this.PercentageComplete
            priority           = $this.Priority
            role               = $this.Team
            status             = [String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Status) ? $this.Status : $Status
            currentStatus      = $this.Status
            sendNotification   = $this.SendNotification ? 1 : 0
            project            = $this.Project.Id
            note               = $Note

        if ($UpdateTaskDependencies) {
            $returnObject | Add-Member -NotePropertyName 'predecessors' -NotePropertyValue @()
            $returnObject | Add-Member -NotePropertyName 'successors' -NotePropertyValue @()

            foreach ($Predecessor in $this.Predecessors) {
                if (-not $Predecessor.Id -or $Predecessor.Id -eq 0) {
                    $Predecessor.Id = -1
                $returnObject.predecessors += @{id = $Predecessor.Id; taskId = $Predecessor.TaskId }

            foreach ($Successor in $this.Successors) {
                if (-not $Successor.Id -or $Successor.Id -eq 0) {
                    $Successor.Id = -1
                $returnObject.successors += @{id = $Successor.Id; taskId = $Successor.TaskId }

        return $returnObject

    #endregion Non-Static Methods

    #region Private Methods

            Copy of the logic from the TM source code to determine if the Action is invokable
            object - The object returned from TM representing the Task
            location - The invocation location. Remote or Local

    hidden [System.Boolean]isActionInvokable([System.Object]$object, [System.String]$location) {
        $invokable = switch ($location) {
            'Remote' {
                    ($object.'' -gt 0) -and
                    (-not $object.apiActionInvokedAt) -and
                    ($object.'apiAction.isRemote') -and
                    ($object.status -in 'Ready', 'Started')

            'Local' {
                    ($object.'' -gt 0) -and
                    (-not $object.apiActionInvokedAt) -and
                    (-not $object.'apiAction.isRemote') -and
                    ($object.status -in 'Ready', 'Started')

            default { $false }

        return $invokable

            Adds properties that have a custom getter and or setter script

    hidden [void]addPublicMembers() {
        # Add a read-only property that calculates the Score of the Task
                { # get
                    $score = switch ($this.Status) {
                        'Hold' { 9000000 }
                        'Completed' { $this.StatusUpdated -ge (Get-Date).AddMinutes(-1) ? 8000000 : 3000000 }
                        'Started' { 7000000 }
                        'Ready' { 6000000 }
                        'Pending' { 5000000 }
                        'Planned' { 4000000 }
                        'Terminated' { 2000000 }

                    return (
                        $score - ($this.Status -in 'Hold', 'Completed', 'Started', 'Terminated' ? (
                            $null -ne $this.StatusUpdated ? (
                                [Math]::Round(([DateTimeOffSet]::UtcNow.ToUnixTimeSeconds() - ([DateTimeOffset]$this.StatusUpdated).ToUnixTimeSeconds()) / 60)
                            ) : 0
                        ) : 0) + (($this.Status -in 'Ready', 'Pending', 'Planned') -and ($null -ne $this.EstStart) ? (
                                    10000 * (
                                        (([DateTimeOffset]$this.EstStart).ToUnixTimeSeconds() + $this.Slack) -lt [DateTimeOffSet]::UtcNow.ToUnixTimeSeconds() ? (
                                            [Math]::Round(([DateTimeOffSet]::UtcNow.ToUnixTimeSeconds() - ([DateTimeOffset]$this.EstStart).ToUnixTimeSeconds() - $this.Slack) / 60)
                                        ) : (
                                            [Math]::Round((([DateTimeOffset]$this.EstStart).ToUnixTimeSeconds() + $this.Slack - [DateTimeOffSet]::UtcNow.ToUnixTimeSeconds()) / 60)
                                ) * ((([DateTimeOffset]$this.EstStart).ToUnixTimeSeconds() + $this.Slack) -lt [DateTimeOffSet]::UtcNow.ToUnixTimeSeconds() ? 1 : -1)
                        ) : 0) - (($this.Status -ne 'Hold') -and (($this.Team -eq 'AUTO') -or ($this.AssignedTo.Id -eq 5667)) ? 500000 : 0)

    #endregion Private Methods

class TMTaskAction {

    #region Non-Static Properties


    #endregion Non-Static Properties

    #region Constructors

    TMTaskAction() {}

    ) {
        $this.Id = $id
        $this.Name = $name
        $this.IsRemote = $isRemote
        $this.ActionType = [TMReference]::new($actionType)
        $this.Description = $description
        $this.InvokedAt = $invokedAt
        $this.CompletedAt = $completedAt
        if ($params -is [System.String]) {
            $params = ($params | ConvertFrom-Json -Depth 5)
        $this.MethodParams = $params | ForEach-Object { [TMTaskActionMethodParam]::new($_) }

    TMTaskAction([Object]$object) {
        $this.Id = $
        $this.Name = $
        $this.IsRemote = $object.isRemote
        $this.ActionType = [TMReference]::new($object.actionType)
        $this.Description = $object.description
        $this.InvokedAt = $object.invokedAt
        $this.CompletedAt = $object.completedAt
        if ($object.methodParams -is [System.String]) {
            $object.methodParams = ($object.methodParams | ConvertFrom-Json -Depth 5)
        $this.MethodParams = $object.methodParams | ForEach-Object { [TMTaskActionMethodParam]::new($_) }

    #endregion Constructors


class TMTaskActionMethodParam {

    #region Non-Static Properties


    #endregion Non-Static Properties

    #region Constructors

    TMTaskActionMethodParam() {}

    TMTaskActionMethodParam([Object]$object) {
        $this.Type = $object.type
        $this.Value = $object.value
        $this.Context = $object.context
        $this.Encoded = $object.encoded
        $this.Invalid = $object.invalid
        $this.Readonly = $object.readonly
        $this.Required = $object.required
        $this.FieldName = $object.fieldName
        $this.ParamName = $object.paramName
        $this.Description = $object.description

    #endregion Constructors


class TMTaskAsset {

    #region Non-Static Properties


    #endregion Non-Static Properties

    #region Constructors

    TMTaskAsset() {}

    ) {
        $this.Id = $id
        $this.Name = $name
        $this.Class = $id -eq 0 ? '' : $class
        $this.Type = $type
        $this.Bundle = [TMReference]::new($bundle)
        $this.Tags = $tags

    TMTaskAsset([Object]$object) {
        $this.Id = $
        $this.Name = $
        $this.Class = $ -eq 0 ? '' : $object.class
        $this.Type = $object.type
        $this.Bundle = [TMReference]::new($object.bundle)
        $this.Tags = $object.tags

    #endregion Constructors


class TMTaskDependency {

    #region Non-Static Properties


    #endregion Non-Static Properties

    #region Static Properties

    # List of field/property names that are used in the TMQL request to TM
    static [System.String[]]$TMQLFetchProperties = @(

    # String that is used in the TMQL query to fetch all of the necessary details about the Task
    static [String]$TMQLFetchString = "fetch '" + ([TMTaskDependency]::TMQLFetchProperties -join "', '") + "'"

    #endregion Static Properties

    #region Constructors

    TMTaskDependency() {}

    TMTaskDependency([System.Int64]$taskId) {
        $this.TaskId = $taskId

    TMTaskDependency([System.Int64]$id, [System.Int64]$taskId, [System.Int64]$number, [System.String]$title) {
        $this.Id = $id
        $this.TaskId = $taskId
        $this.Number = $number
        $this.Title = $title

    TMTaskDependency([Object]$object) {
        $this.Id = $
        $this.TaskId = $object.taskId
        $this.Number = $object.number
        $this.Title = $object.title

    TMTaskDependency([Object]$object, [Boolean]$successor) {
        $this.Id = $
        $this.TaskId = $successor ? $object.'' : $object.''
        $this.Number = $successor ? $object.'assetComment.taskNumber' : $object.'predecessor.taskNumber'
        $this.Title = $successor ? $object.'assetComment.comment' : $object.'predecessor.comment'

    #endregion Constructors
