

    Helps investors capture dividends by returning all the stocks that will go
    ex-dividend in the next five trading days and the last opportunity to

    The returned stocks will also contain a purchase by property. This the last
    day to purchase the shares and qualify to collect the dividend. Typically
    this is the day before the ex-dividend date. However, if the ex-dividend
    date is a Monday your purchase by date is the previous Friday. The purchase
    by date also checks for holidays where the markets will be closed. For
    example if the ex-dividend date is a Friday but Thursday is Thanksgiving
    your purchase by date is the Wednesday before Thanksgiving.

    Get-TkyDate default to using values stored in the Trackyon_Tickers
    environment variable. This value should be a compressed JSON string array
    of ticker symbols. You can create the environment with the follow code.

    PS C:\> $env:Trackyon_Tickers = @("RA", "CAT", "CVS", "GLAD", "PDCO", "PNR") | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
    PS C:\> Get-TkyDate

    Symbol Company Purchase By Amount Paid
    ------ ------- ----------- ------ ----
    RA Brookfield Real Assets Income Fund Inc. 01-14-2022 $0.199 01-27-2022
    CAT Caterpillar, Inc. 01-18-2022 $1.11 02-18-2022
    CVS CVS Health Corporation 01-19-2022 $0.55 02-01-2022
    GLAD Gladstone Capital Corp Company Website 01-19-2022 $0.065 01-31-2022
    PDCO Patterson Companies, Inc. 01-19-2022 $0.26 02-04-2022
    PNR Pentair plc. 01-19-2022 $0.21 02-04-2022

    This will return all stocks that are going to ex-dividend in the next five
    trading days.

    $stocks = Get-TkyDate -Price
    $stocks | ft *

    This will return the stocks with their current price.

    Stocks, Securities, Dividends, Investing