

    TorizonPlatformAPI - the PowerShell module for the Torizon OTA

     This API is rate limited and will return the following headers for each API call. - X-RateLimit-Limit - The total number of requests allowed within a time period - X-RateLimit-Remaining - The total number of requests still allowed until the end of the rate limiting period - X-RateLimit-Reset - The number of seconds until the limit is fully reset In addition, if an API client is rate limited, it will receive a HTTP 420 response with the following header: - Retry-After - The number of seconds to wait until this request is allowed

    This PowerShell module is automatically generated by the [OpenAPI Generator](https://openapi-generator.tech) project:

    - API version: 2.0-Beta
    - SDK version: 0.2.1
    - Generator version: 7.8.0-SNAPSHOT
    - Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.PowerShellClientCodegen

    Frameworks supported:

    * PowerShell 6.2 or later
    * .NET 4.0 or later