$script:TMSKeyVault = $null $script:TMSStorage = $null $script:TMSTable = $null $script:TMSSettingsTable = $null $script:TMSConfiguration = $null #region Classes class TMSModuleSettings { TMSModuleSettings() { #region Read only presets $this | Add-Member -Force ScriptProperty SpecialRowProperties { @("Etag","PartitionKey","RowKey","TableTimestamp") } $this | Add-Member -Force ScriptProperty CommonParameters { @("Debug","ErrorAction","ErrorVariable","Force","InformationAction","InformationVariable","OutVariable","OutBuffer","PipelineVariable","Verbose","WarningAction","WarningVariable","WhatIf","Confirm","PassThru") } $this | Add-Member -Force ScriptProperty ExcludeMetaProperties { $this.SpecialRowProperties + ` $this.CommonParameters + ` @("Secret","Name","Property","SecureValue","DisablePrevious","ImportTags","Attributes","ContentType","Created","Enabled","Expires","Id","NotBefore","SecretValueText","Tags","TagsTable","Updated","VaultName","Version") } $this | Add-Member -Force ScriptProperty RegPath {"HKCU:\Software\TooManySecrets" } $this | Add-Member -Force ScriptProperty ExcludeSettingProperties { @("SettingsFile") } $this | Add-Member -Force ScriptProperty DefaultCharSet { "abcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZ23465789#%&'()*+,-./[\]^_{}~" } #endregion #region Shared variables $this | Add-Member -Force ScriptProperty KeyVault { $script:TMSKeyVault } { $script:TMSKeyVault = $args[0] } $this | Add-Member -Force ScriptProperty Storage { $script:TMSStorage } { $script:TMSStorage = $args[0] } $this | Add-Member -Force ScriptProperty Table { $script:TMSTable } { $script:TMSTable = $args[0] } $this | Add-Member -Force ScriptProperty SettingsTable { $script:TMSSettingsTable } { $script:TMSSettingsTable = $args[0] } $this | Add-Member -Force ScriptProperty Configs { $script:TMSConfiguration } { $script:TMSConfiguration = $args[0] } #endregion } } class TMSSecret { hidden [Microsoft.Azure.Commands.KeyVault.Models.PSKeyVaultSecret] $_AzSecret hidden [string[]]$IncludeProperties = @('SecretID','URL','Username','Created', ` 'Enabled','Expires','Id','Name','NotBefore','SecretValue','Updated', ` 'VaultName','Version') [string]$Name [SecureString]$SecretValue TMSSecret() { $this.Initialize() } TMSSecret([Microsoft.Azure.Commands.KeyVault.Models.PSKeyVaultSecret]$Secret) { $this._AzSecret = $Secret $this.UpdateFromSecret($Secret) $this.Initialize() } #[string] ToString() { # $this.Name #} hidden [void] Initialize() { $this | Add-Member -MemberType ScriptMethod -Name ToString -Value { $this.Name } -Force $this | Add-Member -MemberType ScriptProperty -Name Credential ` -Value { [PSCredential]::New($this.Username,$this.SecretValue) } ` -SecondValue { $Value = $args[0]; if ($value -is [PSCredential]) { $this.Username = $Value.Username; $this.SecretValue = $Value.Password } } } hidden [void] UpdateFromSecret() { If ($this._AzSecret) { $this.UpdateFromSecret($this._AzSecret) } } hidden [void] UpdateFromSecret([Microsoft.Azure.Commands.KeyVault.Models.PSKeyVaultSecret]$Secret) { $Properties = $Secret | get-Member -type *propert* | Where-Object { $this.IncludeProperties -contains $} ForEach ($Prop in $Properties) { Write-Debug "Populating [$($] property" if ($null -ne $Secret.($Prop.Name)) { $this.AddProp($Prop.Name,$Secret.($Prop.Name)) } } } [void] CopyToClipboard() { $this.CopyToClipboard(-1) } [void] CopyToClipboard([int]$timer=-1) { $this.CopyToClipboard($timer,10) } [void] CopyToClipboard([int]$timer=-1,[int]$MaxClear=10) { $this.CopyToClipboard($timer,$MaxClear,$MaxClear) } [void] CopyToClipboard([int]$timer=-1,[int]$MaxClear=10,[int]$MaxPreface=$MaxClear) { If ($timer -gt 0) { #put random values into the clipboard before the actual value is added 1..(Get-Random -minimum 3 -Maximum $MaxPreface) | ForEach-Object { (1..(Get-Random -minimum 8 -Maximum 64) | ForEach-Object { [char](Get-Random -Minimum 32 -Maximum 127)} ) -join '' | Set-Clipboard } } ([System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringAuto( ` [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($this.SecretValue) ` )) | Set-Clipboard If ($timer -gt 0) { $wait = 0 Do { Write-Progress -Activity "Copied secret [$($] to clipboard." -status "Will clear clipboard in [$($timer-$wait)] seconds" -PercentComplete (100*$wait/$timer) -Completed:($wait -ge $timer) Start-Sleep -Seconds 1 $wait++ } Until ($wait -gt $timer) 1..(Get-Random -minimum 3 -Maximum $MaxClear) | ForEach-Object { (1..(Get-Random -minimum 8 -Maximum 64) | ForEach-Object { [char](Get-Random -Minimum 32 -Maximum 127)} ) -join '' | Set-Clipboard } ' ' | Set-Clipboard } } [void] AddProp([string]$Name, $Value) { $this | Add-Member -Force NoteProperty $Name $Value } } #endregion Classes |