Set-Variable -Name "SpecialRowProperties" ` -Value @("Etag","PartitionKey","RowKey","TableTimestamp") ` -Option AllScope #$SpecialRowProperties = @("Etag","PartitionKey","RowKey","TableTimestamp") $CommonParameters = @("Debug","ErrorAction","ErrorVariable","Force","InformationAction","InformationVariable","OutVariable","OutBuffer","PipelineVariable","Verbose","WarningAction","WarningVariable","WhatIf","Confirm","PassThru") $ExcludeMetaProperties = $SpecialRowProperties + ` $CommonParameters + ` @("Secret","Name","Property","SecureValue","DisablePrevious","ImportTags","Attributes","ContentType","Created","Enabled","Expires","Id","NotBefore","SecretValueText","Tags","TagsTable","Updated","VaultName","Version") Function Get-TooManyMeta() { <# .SYNOPSIS Get the metadata associated with a secret .DESCRIPTION .PARAMETER Name The name of a Secret in the current Azure subscription. .EXAMPLE PS> Get-TooManyMeta -Name "MySecret" .LINK Get-TooManyKeyVault Get-TooManySecret Get-AzKeyVault #> param([string]$Name) If (Test-TooManyTable) { Write-Debug "Using table [$($TMSTable.Name)]..." $row = Get-AzTableRow -Table $TMSTable -PartitionKey "Secrets" -RowKey $Name If ($Row) { return ($row | Select-Object * -ExcludeProperty $SpecialRowProperties) } else { return $null } } } Function Set-TooManyMeta() { <# .SYNOPSIS Get the metadata associated with a secret .DESCRIPTION .PARAMETER Name The name of a Secret in the current Azure subscription. .EXAMPLE PS> Set-TooManyMeta -Name "MySecret" -Property @{ "Col1"="Value1"; "Col2"="Value2" } .LINK Get-TooManyKeyVault Get-TooManySecret Get-AzKeyVault AzTable #> param([parameter(ParameterSetName="ByObject",ValueFromPipeline=$true,Mandatory=$true,Position=1)][PSObject]$InputObject, [parameter(ParameterSetName="ByObject",Mandatory=$true,Position=1)][switch]$ImportTags, [parameter(ParameterSetName="ByName",Mandatory=$true,Position=1)][string]$Name, [hashtable]$Property=@{}) Process { $SetProperties = @{} ForEach ($Prop in ($Property.Keys | Where-Object { $ExcludeMetaProperties -notcontains $_ })) { $SetProperties.$Prop = $Property.$Prop} If ($InputObject) { $Name = $InputObject.Name $PropNames = $InputObject | Get-Member -MemberType *Property | Where-Object { $ExcludeMetaProperties -notcontains $_.Name } | ForEach-Object { $ } $SetProperties.SecretID = $InputObject.ID ForEach ($PropName in $PropNames) { If (-not $SetProperties.ContainsKey($PropName)) { $SetProperties.$PropName = $InputObject.$PropName } } If ($ImportTags -and $InputObject.Tags) { ForEach ($Tag in ($InputObject.Tags.Keys | Where-Object{ -not $SetProperties.ContainsKey( $_ ) } ) ) { $SetProperties.$Tag = $InputObject.Tags.$Tag } } } write-Debug "Meta for [$Name]" $addResult = Add-AzTableRow -Table $TMSTable -PartitionKey "Secrets" -RowKey $Name -UpdateExisting -Property $SetProperties If ($addResult) { If ($addResult.HttpStatusCode -lt 400 -and $addResult.HttpStatusCode -ge 200) { return $addResult.Result.Properties } } } } function Add-TooManyMeta () { param( [parameter(ParameterSetName="ByIdentityItem",ValueFromPipeline=$true,Mandatory=$true,Position=1)] [Microsoft.Azure.Commands.KeyVault.Models.PSKeyVaultSecretIdentityItem] $InputObject, [switch]$Force ) Begin { If (Test-TooManyTable) { } else { exit } } Process { switch ($InputObject.GetType().Name) { "PSKeyVaultSecret" { Write-Debug "By secret: $($InputObject.GetType())" $Metadata = Get-TooManyMeta -Name $InputObject.Name If ($Metadata) { Write-Debug ("existing props: [{0}]" -f (($InputObject | Get-member -MemberType *Propert* | %{ $ }) -join ",")) $Properties = $Metadata | Get-Member -MemberType *Propert* | Where-Object { $SpecialRowProperties -notcontains $ } ForEach ($Property in $Properties) { Write-Debug "Adding member [$($Property.Name)]" #-ForegroundColor Yellow $InputObject | Add-Member -MemberType $Property.MemberType -Name $Property.Name -Value ($Metadata.($Property.Name)) -Force:$Force } } else { Write-Debug "No meta data" } $InputObject } Default { If ($InputObject) { Write-Debug "By ident: $($InputObject.GetType())" $Secret = Get-TooManySecret -Name $InputObject.Name -Version $InputObject.Version -ExcludeMetadata $Secret | Add-TooManyMeta -Force:$Force } } } } } Function Get-TooManyMetaList() { param( [switch]$IncludeMetadata ) If (Test-TooManyTable) { Write-Debug "Using table [$($TMSTable.Name)]..." $allRows = Get-AzTableRow -Table $TMSTable -PartitionKey "Secrets" | Sort-Object -Property RowKey If ($allRows) { ForEach ($row in $allRows) { $row | Add-Member NoteProperty Name $row.RowKey -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } If ($IncludeMetadata) { return ($allRows | Select-Object * -ExcludeProperty $SpecialRowProperties) } else { return ($allRows | Select-Object Name) } } else { return $null } } } |