function New-Task { <# .SYNOPSIS Adds a new task to a TODO list. .DESCRIPTION Adds a new task to a TODO list. It is possible to manage multiple TODO lists in separate databases at once. .PARAMETER Description Sets the description of this task. .PARAMETER DueDate Sets the due date for this task. .PARAMETER Priority Sets the perceived priority to this task. .PARAMETER Project Associates this task with a project (group). .PARAMETER Status Sets the current status to this task. .PARAMETER User Each TODO list is accociated to a user account. The default user account is read from the username environment variable. Specify a value for this parameter to access an another TODO list from a different user. .INPUTS None. You cannot pipe objects to New-Task. .OUTPUTS None. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> New-Task "Update VM" Add a new item to the current user's TODO list. Description is the only required parameter in this Cmdlet, all other properties will be automatically populated with their respective default values. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> New-Task -Description "Review PR #186" -Project "Backend" -Priority Medium NOTE: You can always update specific Properties later with the Update-Task Cmdlet. #> [Alias("ntask")] [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess)] param( [Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string] $Description, [Parameter()] [string] $Project = "Default", [Parameter()] [ValidateSet("High", "Medium", "Low")] [string] $Priority = "Low", [Parameter()] [ValidateSet("TODO", "Idea", "Planning", "InProgress", "Testing", "InReview", "Done", "Discarded", "Blocked")] [string] $Status = "TODO", [Parameter()] [DateTime] $DueDate, [Parameter()] [string] $User = $env:USERNAME ) begin { $SavePath = Join-Path -Path $([Environment]::GetFolderPath("ApplicationData")) -ChildPath "Todo" $DatabasePath = Join-Path -Path $SavePath -ChildPath "${User}.db" if (-not (Test-Path $DatabasePath)) { Write-Error -Message "This TODO list does not exist. You can create one with the command 'New-TodoList -User ${User}'" -Category ObjectNotFound -ErrorAction Stop } $Connection = New-Object -TypeName System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteConnection $Connection.ConnectionString = "DATA SOURCE=${DatabasePath}" $Connection.Open() $Today = Get-Date } process { $Sql = $Connection.CreateCommand() $Param1 = $Sql.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Id", $null) $Param2 = $Sql.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Project", $Project) $Param3 = $Sql.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Description", $Description) $Param4 = $Sql.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Priority", $Priority) $Param5 = $Sql.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Status", $Status) $Param6 = $Sql.Parameters.AddWithValue("@StartDate", $Today) $Param7 = $Sql.Parameters.AddWithValue("@DueDate", $(if ($DueDate) { $DueDate } else { [DateTime]::new($Today.Year, 12, 31) })) $Sql.CommandText = "INSERT INTO TodoList (Id,Project,Description,Priority,Status,StartDate,DueDate) VALUES (@Id,@Project,@Description,@Priority,@Status,@StartDate,@DueDate)" if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Sql.CommandText)) { $Sql.ExecuteNonQuery() | Out-Null } } end { $Connection.Close() $Sql.Dispose() } } |