.SYNOPSIS Get notes from the File backend .DESCRIPTION Get notes from the File backend BackEndConfig Parameters: RootPath. Path to notes. All notes get a filename pstf-$id .PARAMETER ID Get a note with this specific ID Accepts wildcard, faster without wildcard .PARAMETER Tags Get a note with at least one of the specified tags .PARAMETER Query Search using regex (-Match). We search a note's ID, Tags, RelatedIDs, Data, and jsonified Data .PARAMETER IncludeRelated For any note that we would output, output RelatedIDs as well .PARAMETER RootPath BackEndConfig parameter specifiying a path to notes All notes get a filename pstf-$id #> [cmdletbinding()] param( [string[]]$ID, [string[]]$Data, [string[]]$Tags, [string[]]$Query, [validateset('and','or')] [string]$ComparisonOperator = 'and', [switch]$IncludeRelated, [string]$RootPath ) if(-not $RootPath){ throw "RootPath required for now" } if(-not (Test-Path $RootPath)){ throw "RootPath [$RootPath] does not exist. Create it first" } Function Get-NoteData { [cmdletbinding()] param( [string]$Path ) Write-Verbose "Getting notes from [$Path]" foreach($NoteFile in (Get-ChildItem $Path -File)){ if($NoteFile.Name -notmatch '^pstf-'){ Write-Verbose "Skipping $($NoteFile.Fullname), doesn't start pstf-" continue } try { Write-Verbose "Importing $($NoteFile.Fullname)" Import-Clixml -Path $NoteFile.Fullname } catch { Write-Error $_ Write-Error "Failed to import $($NoteFile.Fullname)" } } } $splat = @{ InputObject = Get-NoteData -Path $RootPath } if($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('ID')){ $Exact = $true foreach($IDString in $ID){ if($IDString -match '\*'){ $Exact = $false } } if($Exact){ foreach($IDString in $ID){ $FileName = '{0}-{1}' -f 'pstf', ($IDString -Replace "^pstf-") $NotePath = Join-Path $RootPath $FileName if(-not (Test-Path $NotePath)){ Write-Error "Could not find note with ID [$IDString] at path [$NotePath]" } else { Get-NoteData -Path $NotePath } } return } else { $splat.add('Id', $ID) } } if($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Query')){ $splat.Add('Query', $Query) } if($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('IncludeRelated')){ $splat.Add('IncludeRelated', $IncludeRelated) } if($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Tags')){ $splat.Add('Tags', $Tags) } if($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Data')){ $splat.Add('Data', $Data) } $splat.Add('ComparisonOperator', $ComparisonOperator) Select-Note @splat |