
Function Get-Note {
        Get a note

        Get a note

        # Get all notes

        # Get note with ID some_id
        Get-Note -ID some_id

        # Get notes with tag some_tag
        Get-Note -Tags some_tag

        # Get notes with keyword somewhere in the ID, tags, relatedids, or data
        Get-Note -Query keyword

        Get a note with this specific ID

        Get a note with at least one of these Tags

    .PARAMETER Query
        Search notes using regex (-Match)

        We search a note's ID, Tags, RelatedIDs, Data, and jsonified Data

    .PARAMETER IncludeRelated
        For any note identified by your query, include all notes from RelatedIDs

        [string]$Backend = $Script:TireFireConfig.Backend,
        [hashtable]$BackendConfig = $Script:TireFireConfig.BackendConfig
    $Params = @{}
    Write-Output ID, Tags, IncludeRelated, Query | ForEach-Object {
        $Key = $_
            $Value = $PSBoundParameters[$Key]
            $Params.add($Key, $Value)
    foreach($Param in $BackendConfig.Keys){
        $Params.Add($Param, $BackendConfig[$Param])
    if(-not $Script:BackendHash.ContainsKey($Backend)){
        Throw "$Backend is not a valid backend. Valid backends:`n$($Script:BackendHash.keys | Out-String)"
    else {
        $BackendScript = $Script:BackendHash[$Backend].get
    . $BackendScript @Params