function Get-TssSecretTemplate { <# .SYNOPSIS Get a secret template from Secret Server .DESCRIPTION Get a secret template(s) from Secret Server .PARAMETER Id Secret template ID to retrieve, accepts an array of IDs .PARAMETER Raw Output the raw response from the REST API endpoint .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-TssSecretTemplate -Id 93 Returns secret associated with the Secret ID, 93 .NOTES Requires New-TssSession session be set #> [cmdletbinding()] param( # Return only specific Secret, Secret Id [Parameter(Mandatory,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [Alias("TemplateId")] [int[]] $Id, # output the raw response from the API endpoint [switch] $Raw ) begin { $invokeParams = @{ } } process { . $TestTssSession -Session foreach ($template in $Id) { $restResponse = $null $errorResponse = $null $uri = $TssSession.SecretServerUrl, $TssSession.ApiVersion, "secret-templates", $template.ToString() -join '/' $invokeParams.Uri = $Uri $invokeParams.Method = 'GET' $invokeParams.PersonalAccessToken = $TssSession.AuthToken try { $restResponse = Invoke-TssRestApi @invokeParams -ErrorAction Stop } catch { $errorResponse = $_.ErrorDetails.Message | ConvertFrom-Json } if ($Raw -and $restResponse) { $restResponse } elseif ($restResponse) { foreach ($fieldDetail in $restResponse.fields) { $fieldType = if ($fieldDetail.isFile) { "File" } elseif ($fieldDetail.isNotes) { "Notes" } elseif ($fieldDetail.isPassword) { "Password" } elseif ($fieldDetail.isUrl) { "URL" } else { "Text" } $history = if ($fieldDetail.historyLength -eq [int]::MaxValue) { "All" } else { $fieldDetail.historyLength } $outTemplate = [pscustomobject]@{ TemplatId = $restResponse.Id TemplateName = $restResponse.Name FieldName = $ SlugName = $fieldDetail.fieldSlugName Description = $fieldDetail.description FieldType = $fieldType Required = $fieldDetail.isRequired History = $history Searchable = $fieldDetail.isIndexable EditRequires = $fieldDetail.editRequires HideOnView = $fieldDetail.hideOnView ExposeForDisplay = $fieldDetail.mustEncrypt } $outTemplate } } if ($errorResponse) { Write-Warning -Message "Issue retrieving secret [$template]: $($errorResponse.message)" } if ($restResponse.code) { Write-Warning -Message "Issue retrieving secret [$template]: $($restResponse.message)" } } } } |