.Synopsis Gets the input parameters and values .Description Gets the inputs and values from the parameters of the called command and outputs as a string value ref: #> param( # A collection of parameters. [Parameter(Position = 0,Mandatory)] [System.Management.Automation.InvocationInfo] $Invocation ) $cmdText = $Invocation.InvocationName foreach ($param in $Invocation.BoundParameters.GetEnumerator()) { $name = $param.Key $paramValue = switch ($param.Value) { { $_ -is [Thycotic.PowerShell.Authentication.Session] } { "TssSessionObject" } { $_ -is [PSCredential] } { "CredentialObject" } { $_ -is [string] } { # Quote and escape all string values as single-quoted literals "'{0}'" -f [System.Management.Automation.Language.CodeGeneration]::EscapeSingleQuotedStringContent($_) } { $_ -is [datetime] } { # Quote datetime using a culture-independent format "'{0}'" -f $_.ToString('o') } { $_ -is [bool] -or $_ -is [switch] } { # Map booleans to their respective automatic variables '${0}' -f "$_" } { $_ -is [enum] -or $_.GetType().IsPrimitive } { # Leave numerals $_ } } $cmdText += " -${name}:${paramValue}" } $cmdText |