.Synopsis Checkout a secret .Description Certain endpoints are found to not support restricted arguments When that happens the secret has to be checked out before the given endpoint can be used This part is used to perform that checkout using restricted params of the function Endpoints used: - POST /secret-access-requests/secrets/{id}/view-comment - POST /secrets/{id}/check-out #> [cmdletbinding(SupportsShouldProcess)] param( [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline,Position = 0,Mandatory)] [Thycotic.PowerShell.Authentication.Session] $TssSession, [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline,Position = 1,Mandatory)] [Collections.IDictionary] $FunctionParameters, [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline,Position = 2,Mandatory)] [int] $SecretId ) begin { $invokeViewCommentParams = . $GetInvokeTssParams $TssSession $invokeCheckOutParams = . $GetInvokeTssParams $TssSession } process { $restrictedBody = @{} if ($FunctionParameters.ContainsKey('Comment')) { $restrictedBody.Add('comment', $FunctionParameters['Comment']) } if ($FunctionParameters.ContainsKey('TicketNumber')) { $restrictedBody.Add('ticketNumber', $FunctionParameters['TicketNumber']) } if ($FunctionParameters.ContainsKey('TicketSystemId')) { $restrictedBody.Add('ticketSystemId', $FunctionParameters['TicketSystemId']) } if ($restrictedBody.Count -gt 0) { # secret view comment $uri = $TssSession.ApiUrl, 'secret-access-requests', 'secrets', $SecretId, 'view-comment' -join '/' $invokeViewCommentParams.Body = $restrictedBody | ConvertTo-Json $invokeViewCommentParams.Uri = $uri $invokeViewCommentParams.Method = 'POST' if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("SecretId: $SecretId", "$($invokeViewCommentParams.Method) $uri with: `n$($invokeViewCommentParams.Body)`n")) { Write-Verbose "$($invokeViewCommentParams.Method) $uri with:`n$($invokeViewCommentParams.Body)`n" try { . $InvokeApi @invokeViewCommentParams >$null } catch { Write-Warning "Issue doing pre-checkout of Secret [$SecretId]" $err = $_ . $ErrorHandling $err } } } # secret check-out $uri = $TssSession.ApiUrl, 'secrets', $SecretId, 'check-out' -join '/' $invokeCheckOutParams.Uri = $uri $invokeCheckOutParams.Method = 'POST' if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("SecretId: $SecretId", "$($invokeCheckOutParams.Method) $uri")) { Write-Verbose "$($invokeCheckOutParams.Method) $uri" try { $checkOutResponse = . $InvokeApi @invokeCheckOutParams } catch { Write-Warning "Issue doing pre-checkout of Secret [$SecretId]" $err = $_ . $ErrorHandling $err } if ($checkOutResponse) { Write-Verbose "Secret [$secretId] checked out successfully" } } } |