function Update-TssSecretRdpLauncherSetting { <# .SYNOPSIS Update RDP Launcher Settings of a Secret for the current user. .DESCRIPTION Update RDP Launcher Settings of a Secret for the current user. The context of these settings are user-based only and is not global. .EXAMPLE session = New-TssSession -SecretServer https://alpha -Credential ssCred Update-TssSecretSetting -TssSession $session -Primary Parameter Update ... .LINK .LINK .NOTES Requires TssSession object returned by New-TssSession #> [cmdletbinding(SupportsShouldProcess)] [OutputType('Thycotic.PowerShell.Secrets.RdpLauncherSettings')] param( # TssSession object created by New-TssSession for authentication [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline, Position = 0)] [Thycotic.PowerShell.Authentication.Session] $TssSession, # SecretSetting ID [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [Alias('SecretId')] [int[]] $Id, # Update Connect to Console [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'allows')] [switch] $ConnectToConsole, # Update Allow Access to Printers [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'allows')] [switch] $AllowPrinters, # Update Allow Access to Drives [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'allows')] [switch] $AllowDrives, # Update Allow Access to Clipboard [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'allows')] [switch] $AllowClipboard, # Update Allow Access to Smart Cards [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'allows')] [switch] $AllowSmartCards, # Use Custom Window Size, Window Height [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'resolution')] [int] $LauncherHeight, # Use Custom Window Size, Window Width [Parameter(Mandatory,ParameterSetName = 'resolution')] [int] $LauncherWidth ) begin { $updateLaunchParams = $PSBoundParameters $invokeParams = . $GetInvokeTssParams $TssSession } process { . $InternalEndpointUsed $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation Write-Verbose "Provided command parameters: $(. $GetInvocation $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation)" if ($updateLaunchParams.ContainsKey('TssSession') -and $TssSession.IsValidSession()) { . $CheckVersion $TssSession '10.9.000000' $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation foreach ($secret in $Id) { $restResponse = $null $uri = $TssSession.ApiUrl.Replace('api/v1', 'internals'), 'secret-detail', $secret, 'rdp-launcher-settings' -join '/' $invokeParams.Uri = $uri $invokeParams.Method = 'PUT' $updateLaunchBody = @{ data = @{ } } switch ($updateLaunchParams.Keys) { 'ConnectToConsole' { $console = @{ dirty = $true value = [boolean]$ConnectToConsole } $'connectToConsole',$console) } 'AllowPrinters' { $printers = @{ dirty = $true value = [boolean]$AllowPrinters } $'allowPrinters',$printers) } 'AllowDrives' { $drives = @{ dirty = $true value = [boolean]$AllowDrives } $'allowDrives',$drives) } 'AllowClipboard' { $clipboard = @{ dirty = $true value = [boolean]$AllowClipboard } $'allowClipboard',$clipboard) } 'AllowSmartCards' { $smartCards = @{ dirty = $true value = [boolean]$AllowSmartCards } $'allowSmartCards',$smartCards) } 'LauncherHeight' { $resolutionH = @{ dirty = $true value = $LauncherHeight } $'launcherHeight',$resolutionH) # both height and width are required params $customResolution = @{ dirty = $true value = [boolean]$UseCustomResolution } $'useCustomLauncherResolution',$customResolution) } 'LauncherWidth' { $resolutionW = @{ dirty = $true value = $LauncherWidth } $'launcherWidth',$resolutionW) } } $invokeParams.Body = $updateLaunchBody | ConvertTo-Json if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("description: $Primary Parameter", "$($invokeParams.Method) $uri with: `n$($invokeParams.Body)")) { Write-Verbose "$($invokeParams.Method) $uri with: `n$($invokeParams.Body)" try { $restResponse = . $InvokeApi @invokeParams } catch { Write-Warning 'Issue updating Secret Launcher Settings for [$secret]' $err = $_ . $ErrorHandling $err } if ($restResponse) { [Thycotic.PowerShell.Secrets.RdpLauncherSettings]@{ AllowClipboard =$restResponse.allowClipboard.value AllowDrives =$restResponse.allowDrives.value AllowPrinters =$restResponse.allowPrinters.value AllowSmartCards =$restResponse.allowSmartCards.value ConnectToConsole =$restResponse.connectToConsole.value LauncherHeight =$restResponse.launcherHeight.value LauncherWidth =$restResponse.launcherWidth.value UseCustomLauncherResolution =$restResponse.useCustomLauncherResolution.value } } } } } else { Write-Warning 'No valid session found' } } } |