This help topic describes the TssSecretDependencyRunScript class in the Thycotic.SecretServer module CLASS TssSecretDependencyRunScript INHERITANCE None DESCRIPTION The TssSecretDependencyRunScript class represents the SecretDependencyRunScript object returned by Secret Server endpoint GET /secret-dependencies/stub CONSTRUCTORS new() PROPERTIES MachineName: string The machine name that the Secret Dependency runs on OdbcConnectionArguments: object[] Connection arguments used for ODBC connections ScriptArguments: object[] Parameter script arguments used by the script ScriptId: integer (int32) The Id of the script that the Secret Dependency runs. (If directly running a script) ScriptName: string The Name of the script that the Secret Dependency runs. ServiceName: string The service name of the Secret Dependency METHODS RELATED LINKS: TssSecretDependency Get-TssSecretDependencyRunScriptStub |