function Search-TssSecret { <# .SYNOPSIS Search for a secret .DESCRIPTION Search for secrets using various filters provided by each parameter .PARAMETER TssSession TssSession object created by New-TssSession .PARAMETER FolderId Folder ID to search, allows multiple .PARAMETER SecretTemplateId Template ID to search, allows multiple .PARAMETER SiteId Site ID to filter on, allows multiple .PARAMETER HeartbeatStatus Heartbeat status to filter on .PARAMETER SearchField Field to filter on .PARAMETER SearchText Field value to filter on .PARAMETER SearchSlug Slug name of field to filter on .PARAMETER IncludeInactive Include inactive or disabled Secrets .PARAMETER Raw Output the raw response from the REST API endpoint .EXAMPLE PS C:\> $session = New-TssSession -SecretServer https://alpha -Credential $ssCred PS C:\> Search-TssSecret -TssSession $session -FolderId 50 Return all secrets found with a folder ID of 50 .EXAMPLE PS C:\> $session = New-TssSession -SecretServer https://alpha -Credential $ssCred PS C:\> Search-TssSecret -TssSession $session -FolderId 50 -SecretTemplateId 6001 Return all secrets using Secret Template 6001 that are found in FolderID 50. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> $session = New-TssSession -SecretServer https://alpha -Credential $ssCred PS C:\> Search-TssSecret -TssSession $session -SecretTemplateId 6047 -IncludeInactive Return all secrets using Secret Template 6047 that are active **and** inactive. .NOTES Requires TssSession object returned by New-TssSession #> [cmdletbinding(DefaultParameterSetName = "filter")] param( # TssSession object passed for auth info [Parameter(Mandatory,ValueFromPipeline)] [TssSession]$TssSession, # Return only secrets within a certain folder [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "filter")] [int[]] $FolderId, # Return only secrets matching a certain template [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "filter")] [Alias('TemplateId')] [int[]] $SecretTemplateId, # Return only secrets within a certain site [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "filter")] [int[]] $SiteId, # Return only secrets with a certain heartbeat status [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "filter")] [ValidateSet('Pending','Disabled','Success','Failed','UnableToConnect','IncompatibleHost','UnknownError','ArgumentError')] [string] $HeartbeatStatus, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "field")] [string] $SearchField, # Search text value for field [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "field")] [string] $SearchText, # Field-slug to search. This Roverride SearchField. [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "field")] [string] $SearchSlug, # Include inactive or disabled secrets [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "field")] [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "filter")] [switch] $IncludeInactive, # output the raw response from the API endpoint [switch] $Raw ) begin { $invokeParams = @{ } $Parameters = @{ } + $PSBoundParameters $Parameters.Remove('Raw') $filterParams = . $GetSearchSecretParams $Parameters } process { if ($filterParams.Contains('TssSession') -and $TssSession.IsValidSession()) { $uri = $TssSession.SecretServerUrl + ( $TssSession.ApiVersion, "secrets" -join '/') $uri += "?take=$($TssSession.Take)" if ($filterParams.Contains('IncludeInactive')) { $uri += "&filter.includeInactive=true" } $uri += "&filter.includeRestricted=true" $filters = $filterParams.GetEnumerator() | ForEach-Object { "filter.$($$($_.value)" } $uriFilter = $filters -join "&" Write-Verbose "Filters: $uriFilter" $uri = $uri, $uriFilter -join "&" $invokeParams.Uri = $uri $invokeParams.PersonalAccessToken = $TssSession.AccessToken $invokeParams.Method = 'GET' if (-not $Raw) { $invokeParams.ExpandProperty = 'records' } try { $restResponse = Invoke-TssRestApi @invokeParams -ErrorAction Stop } catch { Write-Error -TargetObject $Uri -Category InvalidOperation -Message "Unable to search for secrets: $($_.Exception)" } if ($restResponse) { foreach ($record in $restResponse) { $output = [PSCustomObject]@{ SecretId = $ SecretName = $ TemplateId = $record.secretTemplateId TemplateName = $record.secretTemplateName FolderId = if ($record.folderId -eq -1) { $null } else { $record.folderId } SiteId = $record.siteId Active = $ CheckedOut = $record.checkedOut Restricted = $record.isRestricted OutOfSync = $record.isOutOfSync HeartbeatStatus = $record.lastHeartBeatStatus PasswordChangeAttempt = [datetime]$record.lastPasswordChangeAttempt LastAccessed = if ($record.lastAccessed) { [datetime]$record.lastAccessed } else { [datetime]"0001-01-01T00:00" } CheckoutEnabled = $record.CheckoutEnabled AutoChangeEnabled = $record.AutoChangeEnabled DoubleLockEnabled = $record.doubleLockEnabled RequiresApproval = $record.requiresApproval RequiresComment = $record.requiresComment InheritsPermissions = $record.inheritsPermissions PasswordHidden = $record.hidePassword CreateDate = [datetime]$record.createDate ExpirationDays = $record.daysUntilExpiration ExpirationDate = if ($record.daysUntilExpiration) { [datetime]::UtcNow.AddDays($record.daysUntilExpiration) } else { $null } } $properties = $output.PSObject.Properties | Sort-Object Name $final = [PSCustomObject]@{ } foreach ($prop in $properties) { $final.PSObject.Properties.Add([PSNoteProperty]::new($prop.Name,$prop.Value)) } $final } } } else { Write-Warning "No valid session found" } } } |