
using namespace PoshCode.Pansies
#Region '.\Private\FindProfile.ps1' 0
function FindProfile {
        # A collection of profiles to search by GUID
        $Profiles = @((GetLayeredConfig -FlattenDefaultProfile).profiles.list),

        # If the only thing we care about is the color scheme, we can take shortcuts

        # The profile guid. Default value from Env:WT_PROFILE_ID
        $ProfileId = $Env:WT_PROFILE_ID

    if (!$ProfileId) {
        Write-Warning "ENV:WT_PROFILE_ID should always be set when you're in Windows Terminal. Without that, we cannot identify the current profile. Please ensure you're running Windows Terminal 0.11 or higher."
    } else {
        if (($P = $Profiles.Where({ $_.guid -eq $ProfileId }))) {
        } else {
            Write-Error "The ProfileId should be a guid set in ENV:WT_PROFILE_ID"
#EndRegion '.\Private\FindProfile.ps1' 24
#Region '.\Private\GetLayeredConfig.ps1' 0
function GetLayeredConfig {
        # If set, update the profiles with values from profiles.defaults

    # Hypothetically the file is in the first location, but if you're using a dev copy instead, it might be elsewhere:
    if (!$script:UserConfigFile) {
        $script:UserConfigFile = Get-ChildItem @(
            "$Env:AppData/Microsoft/Windows Terminal/settings.json"
            "$Env:AppData/Microsoft/Windows Terminal/profile.json"
            ) -ErrorAction Ignore | Select-Object -First 1

    if (!$UserConfigFile) {
        Write-Warning "Unable to locate Windows Terminal's settings.json"
    } else {
        $UserConfig = if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -gt 5) {
                ConvertFrom-Json (Get-Content $UserConfigFile -Raw)
            } else { # WindowsPowerShell's JSON can't handle comments
                ConvertFrom-Json (((Get-Content $UserConfigFile) -replace "^\s*//.*") -join "`n")

    if (!$script:DefaultConfig) {
        $wt = @(Get-Process WindowsTerminal -ErrorAction Ignore)
        if ($wt.count -eq 1) {
            $wtExecutable = $wt.Path
        } else {
            $ps = Get-Process -Id $Pid
            while ($ps.ProcessName -ne "WindowsTerminal" -and $ps.Parent) {
                $ps = $ps.Parent
            if ($ps.ProcessName -eq "WindowsTerminal") {
                $wtExecutable = $ps.Path

        if ($wtExecutable) {
            $DefaultConfigFile = Get-ChildItem ($wtExecutable | Split-Path) -Filter defaults.json | Convert-Path

        if (!$DefaultConfigFile) {
            Write-Warning "Unable to locate Windows Terminal's default.json"
        } else {
            $script:DefaultConfig = if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -gt 5) {
                ConvertFrom-Json (Get-Content $DefaultConfigFile -Raw)
            } else { # WindowsPowerShell's JSON can't handle comments
                ConvertFrom-Json (((Get-Content $DefaultConfigFile) -replace "^\s*//.*") -join "`n")

    # The profiles exist two different ways, so we have to normalize that first ...
    # The only way to normalize it is to add the `default`:
    if (!(Get-Member Defaults -Input $UserConfig.Profiles)) {
        $UserConfig.profiles = [PSCustomObject]@{
            defaults = [PSCustomObject]@{ }
            list     = $UserConfig.profiles
    if (!(Get-Member Defaults -input $DefaultConfig.Profiles)) {
        $DefaultConfig.profiles = [PSCustomObject]@{
            defaults = [PSCustomObject]@{ }
            list     = $DefaultConfig.profiles

    # Update-Object doesn't handle arrays at all, so we need to deal with those manually
    for ($u = 0; $u -lt $UserConfig.profiles.list.Count; $u++) {
        if (($d = $DefaultConfig.profiles.list.guid.IndexOf($UserConfig.profiles.list[$u].guid)) -ge 0) {
            # Which is fine, because maybe we need to start with the default profile
            if ($FlattenDefaultProfile -and $UserConfig.profiles.defaults) {
                $UserConfig.profiles.list[$u] = $DefaultConfig.profiles.list[$d] |
                    Update-Object ($UserConfig.profiles.defaults | Select-Object *) |
                    Update-Object $UserConfig.profiles.list[$u]
            } else {
                $UserConfig.profiles.list[$u] = $DefaultConfig.profiles.list[$d] |
                    Update-Object $UserConfig.profiles.list[$u]
        } elseif ($FlattenDefaultProfile -and $UserConfig.profiles.defaults) {
            $UserConfig.profiles.list[$u] = $UserConfig.profiles.defaults | Select-Object * |
                    Update-Object $UserConfig.profiles.list[$u]
    for ($u = 0; $u -lt $UserConfig.schemes.Count; $u++) {
        if (($d = $$UserConfig.schemes[$u].name)) -ge 0) {
            $UserConfig.schemes[$u] = $DefaultConfig.schemes[$d] | Update-Object $UserConfig.schemes[$u]
    # Let's be honest, schemes that are in the default probably aren't in UserConfig, so copy them:
    $existing = $
    $UserConfig.schemes += @($DefaultConfig.schemes).where{$ -notin $existing}

    # Finally, copy over everything else
    Update-Object -InputObject ($DefaultConfig | Select-Object *) -UpdateObject $UserConfig
#EndRegion '.\Private\GetLayeredConfig.ps1' 103
#Region '.\Private\GetSimpleConfig.ps1' 0
function GetSimpleConfig {

    # Hypothetically the file is in the first location, but if you're using a dev copy instead, it might be elsewhere:
    if (!$script:UserConfigFile) {
        $script:UserConfigFile = Get-ChildItem @(
            "$Env:AppData/Microsoft/Windows Terminal/settings.json"
            "$Env:AppData/Microsoft/Windows Terminal/profile.json"
            ) -ErrorAction Ignore | Select-Object -First 1

    if (!$UserConfigFile) {
        Write-Warning "Unable to locate Windows Terminal's settings.json"
    } else {
        Write-Verbose $UserConfigFile
        $UserConfig = ConvertFrom-Json (Get-Content $UserConfigFile -Raw)

    # The profiles exist two different ways, so we have to normalize that first ...
    # The only way to normalize it is to add the `default`:
    if (!(Get-Member Defaults -Input $UserConfig.Profiles)) {
        $UserConfig.profiles = [PSCustomObject]@{
            defaults = [PSCustomObject]@{ }
            list     = $UserConfig.profiles

#EndRegion '.\Private\GetSimpleConfig.ps1' 35
#Region '.\Public\Copy-WindowsTerminalProfile.ps1' 0
function Copy-WindowsTerminalProfile {
            Creates a new WindowsTerminalProfile based on another

        # The name of the profile to copy. By default, copies the current profile

        # The name of the new profile. If it already exists, it will be overwritten
        [Parameter(Mandatory, Position = 0)]

        # A command-line to override the one in the source profle
        [Parameter(Position = 1)]

        # If set, creates a new tab immediately from the profile

        # If set, creates a new tab and immediately removes the profile

        # If set, this text is written to the bottom right corner of the background image
        [Parameter(Position = 2, ParameterSetName = "WithText")]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "WithText")]

        # Number of pixels of padding for the text on the left. By default, 20 pixels.
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "WithText")]
        [int]$LeftPadding = 20,

        # Number of pixels of padding for the text on the top. By default, 20 pixels.
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "WithText")]
        [int]$TopPadding = 20,

        # Number of pixels of padding for the text on the right. By default, 20 pixels.
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "WithText")]
        [int]$RightPadding = 20,

        # Number of pixels of padding for the text on the bottom. By default, 20 pixels.
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "WithText")]
        [int]$BottomPadding = 20,

        # The font name (defaults to "Cascadia Code")
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "WithText")]
        [string]$FontName = "Cascadia Code",

        # The font size (defaults to 28)
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "WithText")]
        [int]$FontSize = 28,

        # The font style defaults to bold
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "WithText")]
        [System.Drawing.FontStyle]$FontStyle = "Bold",

        # The alignment relative to the background + bounds.
        # In a left-to-right layout, the far position is bottom, and the near position is top.
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "WithText")]
        [System.Drawing.StringAlignment]$VerticalAlignment = "Far",

        # The alignment relative to the background + bounds.
        # In a left-to-right layout, the far position is right, and the near position is left.
        # However, in a right-to-left layout, the far position is left.
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "WithText")]
        [System.Drawing.StringAlignment]$HorizontalAlignment = "Far",

        # The stroke color defaults to [System.Drawing.Brushes]::Black
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "WithText")]
        [System.Drawing.Brush]$StrokeBrush = [System.Drawing.Brushes]::Black,

        # The fill color defaults to [System.Drawing.Brushes]::White
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "WithText")]
        [System.Drawing.Brush]$FillBrush = [System.Drawing.Brushes]::White
    process {
        $LayeredConfig = GetLayeredConfig -FlattenDefaultProfile
        $Config = GetSimpleConfig

        if ($SourceProfileName) {
            $SourceProfile = @($LayeredConfig.profiles.list).Where({ $_.Name -eq $SourceProfileName }, "First", 1)[0] | Select-Object *
        if (!$SourceProfile) {
            $SourceProfile = FindProfile $LayeredConfig.profiles.list

        if (!($ActualProfile = @($Config.profiles.list).Where({ $_.Name -eq $SourceProfile.Name }, "First", 1)[0] | Select-Object * -ExcludeProperty "source", "hidden")) {
            $ActualProfile = $SourceProfile | Select-Object * -ExcludeProperty "source", "hidden"

        $ActualProfile | Add-Member -NotePropertyName name $NewProfileName -force
        $ActualProfile | Add-Member -NotePropertyName guid ([guid]::NewGuid().ToString("b")) -force
        $ActualProfile | Add-Member -NotePropertyName commandline $CommandLine -force

        if ($TextForBackground) {
            # Make a copy of the PSBoundParameters that only has parameters from Write-TextOnImage
            $TextParameters = @{} + $PSBoundParameters
            $ParameterNames = (Get-Command Write-TextOnImage).Parameters.Keys
                Where({ $_ -notin $ParameterNames })).
                ForEach({ $TextParameters.Remove($_) })

            try {
                $TerminalTempState = Join-Path $Env:LocalAppData "packages/Microsoft.WindowsTerminal_8wekyb3d8bbwe/TempState"
                if ($SourceProfile.backgroundImage) {
                    $TerminalRoamingState = Join-Path $Env:LocalAppData "packages/Microsoft.WindowsTerminal_8wekyb3d8bbwe/RoamingState/"
                    $TerminalLocalState = Join-Path $Env:LocalAppData "packages/Microsoft.WindowsTerminal_8wekyb3d8bbwe/LocalState/"
                    $Path = $SourceProfile.backgroundImage -replace "ms-appdata:///roaming/", $TerminalRoamingState -replace "ms-appdata:///local/", $TerminalLocalState
                    Write-Verbose "Existing Background Image: $Path"
                    $BackgroundFile = Write-TextOnImage -Path $Path -Text $TextForBackground @TextParameters
                    $ActualProfile | Add-Member -NotePropertyName backgroundImage $BackgroundFile.FullName -Force
                } else {
                    $Path = Join-Path $TerminalTempState (Get-Date -f "\g")
                    $BackgroundFile = Write-TextOnImage -NewPath $Path -ImageSize ([System.Drawing.Size]::new(256,256)) -Text $TextForBackground @TextParameters
                    $ActualProfile | Add-Member -NotePropertyName backgroundImage $BackgroundFile.FullName -Force
            } catch {
                Write-Error "Couldn't update the background image. You may need to use a full file path or ms-appdata:/// path." -ErrorAction Continue

        $Config.profiles.list += $ActualProfile

        Set-Content $UserConfigFile ($Config | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10)

        if ($CreateTab -or $AutoDelete) {
            $DefaultProfile = $Config.defaultProfile
            $DefaultKeyBindings = $Config.keybindings

            $Config.defaultProfile = $ActualProfile.guid

            # Force the newTab hotkey to something
            $NewTab = @($LayeredConfig.keybindings).where({ $_.command -eq "newTab" }, "First", 1)[0]
            $NewTab.keys = @( "ctrl+t" )
            $Config.keybindings = @($NewTab)
            Set-Content $UserConfigFile ($Config | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10)
            Start-Sleep 1 # you have to wait for the terminal to _notice_ the config change

            # Create a new tab and then set the old default back
            Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms

            $Config.defaultProfile = $DefaultProfile
            $Config.keybindings = $DefaultKeyBindings
            if ($AutoDelete) {
                $Config.profiles.list = @($Config.profiles.list).Where{ $_.guid -ne $ActualProfile.guid }
            Set-Content $UserConfigFile ($Config | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10)
#EndRegion '.\Public\Copy-WindowsTerminalProfile.ps1' 157
#Region '.\Public\Get-WindowsTerminalTheme.ps1' 0
#using namespace PoshCode.Pansies

function Get-WindowsTerminalTheme {
            Returns an object representing the color scheme from the Windows Terminal settings
            The expectation is that you call Get-WindowsTerminalTheme, modify the result,
            then pipe the modified value into Set-WindowsTerminalTheme.
            By default (without parameters), this function detects the current profile via Env:WT_PROFILE_ID
            and returns the color scheme associated with that profile.

        # If specified, returns the named color scheme instead of the one associated with the current profile
    process {
        $Config = GetLayeredConfig -FlattenDefaultProfile

        if (!$ColorScheme) {
            $ActiveProfile = FindProfile $Config.profiles.list
            $ColorScheme = $ActiveProfile.ColorScheme

        if ($ColorScheme) {
            $Result = @($Config.schemes).Where({ $ -eq $colorScheme })[0]
            $Result.PSTypeNames.Insert(0, "Terminal.ColorScheme")
            if ($ActiveProfile) {
                # Update with overrides from the active profile
                if ($ActiveProfile.foreground) { # -and -not $Result.foreground
                    Add-Member -InputObject $Result -NotePropertyMembers @{ foreground = $ActiveProfile.foreground } -Force
                if ($ActiveProfile.background) { # -and -not $Result.background
                    Add-Member -InputObject $Result -NotePropertyMembers @{ background = $ActiveProfile.background } -Force
                if ($ActiveProfile.cursorColor) { # -and -not $Result.cursorColor
                    Add-Member -InputObject $Result -NotePropertyMembers @{ cursorColor = $ActiveProfile.cursorColor } -Force
                if (!$Result.cursorColor) {
                    Add-Member -InputObject $Result -NotePropertyMembers @{ cursorColor = $Result.foreground } -Force

            # Since all the properties are colors, we cast them to RgbColor for display purposes
            foreach ($property in @(Get-Member -Input $Result -Type Properties).Where({$_.Name -ne "name"}).name) {
                $Result.$property = [RgbColor]$Result.$property
#EndRegion '.\Public\Get-WindowsTerminalTheme.ps1' 57
#Region '.\Public\Set-WindowsTerminalTheme.ps1' 0
#using namespace PoshCode.Pansies

function Set-WindowsTerminalTheme {
            Set the theme for Windows Terminal
            Has parameters for each color, including foreground, background, and cursorColor
            The expectation is that you call Get-WindowsTerminalTheme and modify the result,
            then pipe the modified value into Set-WindowsTerminalTheme

        [string]$Name           = "EzTheme",

        [RgbColor]$background   = "#0C0C0C",
        [RgbColor]$foreground   = "#CCCCCC",
        [RgbColor]$cursorColor  = "#FFFFFF",

        [RgbColor]$black        = "#0C0C0C",
        [RgbColor]$red          = "#C50F1F",
        [RgbColor]$green        = "#13A10E",
        [RgbColor]$yellow       = "#C19C00",
        [RgbColor]$blue         = "#0037DA",
        [RgbColor]$purple       = "#881798",
        [RgbColor]$cyan         = "#3A96DD",
        [RgbColor]$white        = "#CCCCCC",
        [RgbColor]$brightBlack  = "#767676",
        [RgbColor]$brightRed    = "#E74856",
        [RgbColor]$brightGreen  = "#16C60C",
        [RgbColor]$brightYellow = "#F9F1A5",
        [RgbColor]$brightBlue   = "#3B78FF",
        [RgbColor]$brightPurple = "#B4009E",
        [RgbColor]$brightCyan   = "#61D6D6",
        [RgbColor]$brightWhite  = "#F2F2F2"

    begin {
        $Config = GetLayeredConfig -FlattenDefaultProfile
        $CurrentProfile = FindProfile $Config.profiles.list
    process {
        $UserConfig = ConvertFrom-Json (Get-Content $UserConfigFile -Raw)
        $SchemeIndex = $$name)

        # Make sure we're using simple strings that match the json Windows Terminal needs
        $Scheme = [PSCustomObject]@{
            name         = "$Name"
            background   = "$background"
            foreground   = "$foreground"
            black        = "$black"
            red          = "$red"
            green        = "$green"
            yellow       = "$yellow"
            blue         = "$blue"
            purple       = "$purple"
            cyan         = "$cyan"
            white        = "$white"
            brightBlack  = "$brightBlack"
            brightRed    = "$brightRed"
            brightGreen  = "$brightGreen"
            brightYellow = "$brightYellow"
            brightBlue   = "$brightBlue"
            brightPurple = "$brightPurple"
            brightCyan   = "$brightCyan"
            brightWhite  = "$brightWhite"

        if ($SchemeIndex -lt 0) {
            $UserConfig.schemes += $Scheme
        } else {
            $UserConfig.schemes[$SchemeIndex] = $Scheme

        if(!($CurrentUserProfile = @($UserConfig.profiles).where({$_.guid -eq $CurrentProfile.guid}))) {
            $CurrentUserProfile = @($UserConfig.profiles.list).where({$_.guid -eq $CurrentProfile.guid})

        if ($CurrentUserProfile.colorScheme) {
            $CurrentUserProfile.colorScheme = $
        } elseif($UserConfig.profiles.defaults) {
            $UserConfig.profiles.defaults | Add-Member -NotePropertyName colorScheme -NotePropertyValue $ -Force
        } else {
            $UserConfig.profiles.defaults = [PSCustomObject]@{
                colorScheme = $

        Set-Content $UserConfigFile ($UserConfig | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10)
#EndRegion '.\Public\Set-WindowsTerminalTheme.ps1' 114
#Region '.\Public\Write-TextOnImage.ps1' 0
function Write-TextOnImage {
            Writes text to an image.
            Writes one or more lines of text onto a rectangle on an image.
            By default, it writes the computer name on the bottom right corner, with an outline around so you can read it regardless of the picture.
            Write-OutlineText "$Env:UserName`n$Env:ComputerName`n$Env:UserDnsDomain" -Path "~\Wallpaper.png"

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "OnExistingImageFile", Mandatory, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)]
                if (!(Test-Path "$_")) {
                    throw "The path must point to an existing image. Can't find '$_'"

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "OnExistingImageFile")]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "OnNewImageFile", Mandatory)]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "OnExistingGraphics", ValueFromPipeline, Mandatory)]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "OnNewImageFile")]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "OnExistingGraphics", ValueFromPipeline, Mandatory)]

        # Number of pixels of padding on the left. By default, 20 pixels.
        [int]$LeftPadding = 20,
        # Number of pixels of padding on the top. By default, 20 pixels.
        [int]$TopPadding = 20,
        # Number of pixels of padding on the right. By default, 20 pixels.
        [int]$RightPadding = 20,
        # Number of pixels of padding on the bottom. By default, 60 pixels.
        [int]$BottomPadding = 60,

        [string]$Text = $Env:ComputerName,

        [string]$FontName = "Cascadia Code",

        [int]$FontSize = 38,

        [System.Drawing.FontStyle]$FontStyle = "Bold",

        # The alignment relative to the bounds. Note that in a left-to-right layout, the far position is bottom, and the near position is top.
        [System.Drawing.StringAlignment]$VerticalAlignment = "Far",

        # The alignment relative to the bounds. Note that in a left-to-right layout, the far position is right, and the near position is left. However, in a right-to-left layout, the far position is left.
        [System.Drawing.StringAlignment]$HorizontalAlignment = "Far",

        # The stroke color (defaults to [System.Drawing.Brushes]::Black)
        [System.Drawing.Brush]$StrokeBrush = [System.Drawing.Brushes]::Black,

        # The fill color (defaults to [System.Drawing.Brushes]::White)
        [System.Drawing.Brush]$FillBrush = [System.Drawing.Brushes]::White

    process {
        if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "OnExistingImageFile") {
            $Source = [System.Drawing.Image]::FromFile((Convert-Path $Path))
            $Graphics = [System.Drawing.Graphics]::FromImage($Source)
            Write-Verbose "Adding text to existing $($Graphics.VisibleClipBounds.Width) x $($Graphics.VisibleClipBounds.Height) image"
        } elseif($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "OnNewImageFile") {
            $Source = [System.Drawing.Bitmap]::new($ImageSize.Width, $imageSize.Height)
            $Graphics = [System.Drawing.Graphics]::FromImage($Source)
            # $Graphics.Clear($StrokeBrush.Color)
            Write-Verbose "Adding text to blank $($ImageSize.Width) x $($ImageSize.Height) image"
        } else {
            Write-Verbose "Adding text to image from '$Path'"

        # Save as png to avoid asking them, and dealing with image format as a parameter
        if ($Path -and -not $NewPath) {
            $NewPath = "{0}\{1}{2}" -f [IO.Path]::GetDirectoryName($Path),
            ([IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($Path) + '-' + ($Text -replace ("[" + [regex]::escape([io.path]::GetInvalidFileNameChars()) +"]"))),
        } elseif ($Path -and -not (Split-Path $NewPath)) {
            $NewPath = Join-Path ([IO.Path]::GetDirectoryName($Path)) $NewPath
            Write-Verbose "Adding text to image: '$Path'"

        try {
            $Bounds = [System.Drawing.RectangleF]::new(
                        $Graphics.VisibleClipBounds.Location + [System.Drawing.SizeF]::new($LeftPadding, $TopPadding),
                        $Graphics.VisibleClipBounds.Size - [System.Drawing.SizeF]::new($RightPadding + $LeftPadding, $TopPadding + $BottomPadding))
            Write-Verbose "Using Bounds: $($Bounds.Top), $($Bounds.Left), $($Bounds.Bottom, $Bounds.Right)"

            $Font = try {
            } catch {
            Write-Verbose "Using FontFamily $Font"

            $StringFormat = [System.Drawing.StringFormat]::GenericTypographic
            $StringFormat.Alignment = $HorizontalAlignment
            $StringFormat.LineAlignment = $VerticalAlignment

            $GraphicsPath = [System.Drawing.Drawing2D.GraphicsPath]::new()
                ($Graphics.DpiY * $FontSize / 72),

            Write-Verbose "Adding '$Text' to the image in $($FillBrush.Color) on $($StrokeBrush.Color)"
            $Graphics.FillPath($FillBrush, $GraphicsPath);
            $Graphics.DrawPath($StrokeBrush, $GraphicsPath);
        } catch {
            Write-Warning "Unhandled Error: $_"
            Write-Warning "Unhandled Error: $($_.ScriptStackTrace)"
        } finally {
            if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -ne "OnExistingGraphics") {
            try {
                if ($NewPath -and $Source) {
                    $ImageFormat = switch ([IO.Path]::GetExtension($NewPath)) {
                        ".png" { [System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat]::Png }
                        ".bmp" { [System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat]::Bmp }
                        ".jpg" { [System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat]::Jpeg }
                    Write-Verbose "Writing a $([IO.Path]::GetExtension($NewPath)) to $NewPath"
                    $Source.Save($NewPath, $ImageFormat)
                Get-Item $NewPath
            } finally {
                if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -ne "OnExistingGraphics") {
#EndRegion '.\Public\Write-TextOnImage.ps1' 145
#Region '.\postfix.ps1' 0
if (Get-Module EzTheme -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) {
    Get-ModuleTheme | Set-WindowsTerminalTheme
#EndRegion '.\postfix.ps1' 4