using namespace PoshCode.Pansies #Region '.\Private\Get-VtResponse.ps1' 0 function Get-VtResponse { <# .SYNOPSIS Write a VT ANSI escape sequence to the host and capture the response .EXAMPLE $Row, $Col = (Get-VtResponse "`e[6n") -split ';' -replace "[`e\[R]" Gets the current cursor position into $Row and $Col #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] $Sequence ) [console]::write($sequence) @(while ([console]::KeyAvailable) { [console]::ReadKey($true).KeyChar }) -join "" } #EndRegion '.\Private\Get-VtResponse.ps1' 20 #Region '.\Public\Convert-ColorScheme.ps1' 0 #using namespace PoshCode.Pansies function Convert-ColorScheme { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = "Dark")] param( [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)] [PSTypeName("Terminal.ColorScheme")] [Alias("ColorScheme")] $InputObject, # If set, change the dark colors (use negative values to make them darker) [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = "Dark", Position = 0)] [int]$DarkShift, # If set, change the bright colors (use positive values to make them brighter) [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = "Bright")] [int]$BrightShift ) begin { $comparer = [PoshCode.Pansies.ColorSpaces.Comparisons.CieDe2000Comparison]::new() } end { # brightBlack, brightRed, brightGreen, brightYellow, brightBlue, brightPurple, brightCyan, brightWhite, $background = @{ color = ([RgbColor]$InputObject.Background).ToHunterLab() distance = 360 closest = $null bright = $false } $foreground = @{ color = ([RgbColor]$InputObject.Foreground).ToHunterLab() distance = 360 closest = $null bright = $false } foreach ($color in "black", "red", "green", "yellow", "blue", "purple", "cyan", "white") { $brightColor = "bright$color" $Dark = ([RgbColor]$InputObject.$color).ToHunterLab() $Light = ([RgbColor]$InputObject.$brightColor).ToHunterLab() if (($distance = $background.color.Compare($Dark, $comparer)) -lt $background.distance) { $background.distance = $distance $background.closest = $Dark $background.bright = $false } if (($distance = $background.color.Compare($Light, $comparer)) -lt $background.distance) { $background.distance = $distance $background.closest = $Light $background.bright = $true } if (($distance = $foreground.color.Compare($Dark, $comparer)) -lt $foreground.distance) { $foreground.distance = $distance $foreground.closest = $Dark $foreground.bright = $false } if (($distance = $foreground.color.Compare($Light, $comparer)) -lt $foreground.distance) { $foreground.distance = $distance $foreground.closest = $Light $foreground.bright = $true } if ($BrightShift) { if (100 -ge ($Light.L + $BrightShift)) { $Light.L += $BrightShift } else { $Light.L = 100 } } if ($DarkShift) { if (0 -le ($Dark.L - $DarkShift)) { $Dark.L -= $DarkShift } else { $Dark.L = 0 } } $InputObject.$color = [RgbColor]$Dark.ToRgb() $InputObject.$brightColor = [RgbColor]$Light.ToRgb() } if ($BrightShift) { if ($background.bright) { $background.Color.L += $BrightShift $InputObject.Background = [RgbColor]$background.Color.ToRgb() } if ($foreground.bright) { $foreground.Color.L += $BrightShift $InputObject.Foreground = [RgbColor]$foreground.Color.ToRgb() } } if ($DarkShift) { if (!$background.bright) { $background.Color.L -= $DarkShift $InputObject.Background = [RgbColor]$background.Color.ToRgb() } if (!$foreground.bright) { $foreground.Color.L -= $DarkShift $InputObject.Foreground = [RgbColor]$foreground.Color.ToRgb() } } $InputObject } } #EndRegion '.\Public\Convert-ColorScheme.ps1' 108 #Region '.\Public\Get-iTerm2ColorScheme.ps1' 0 function Get-iTerm2ColorScheme { <# .Synopsis Fetch a colorscheme from #> [CmdletBinding()] param( # The name of an iTerm2 color scheme # See for visuals [Parameter(Mandatory)] [ValidateSet( "3024 Day", "3024 Night", "Adventure", "AdventureTime", "Afterglow", "AlienBlood", "Andromeda", "Argonaut", "Arthur", "AtelierSulphurpool", "Atom", "AtomOneLight", "Banana Blueberry", "Batman", "Belafonte Day", "Belafonte Night", "BirdsOfParadise", "Blazer", "Blue Matrix", "BlueBerryPie", "BlulocoDark", "BlulocoLight", "Borland", "Breeze", "Bright Lights", "Broadcast", "Brogrammer", "Builtin Dark", "Builtin Light", "Builtin Pastel Dark", "Builtin Solarized Dark", "Builtin Solarized Light", "Builtin Tango Dark", "Builtin Tango Light", "C64", "CLRS", "Calamity", "Chalk", "Chalkboard", "ChallengerDeep", "Chester", "Ciapre", "Cobalt Neon", "Cobalt2", "CrayonPonyFish", "Cyberdyne", "Dark Pastel", "Dark+", "Darkside", "Desert", "DimmedMonokai", "Django", "DjangoRebornAgain", "DjangoSmooth", "DoomOne", "DotGov", "Dracula+", "Dracula", "Duotone Dark", "ENCOM", "Earthsong", "Elemental", "Elementary", "Espresso Libre", "Espresso", "Fahrenheit", "Fideloper", "FirefoxDev", "Firewatch", "FishTank", "Flat", "Flatland", "Floraverse", "ForestBlue", "Framer", "FrontEndDelight", "FunForrest", "Galaxy", "Github", "Glacier", "Grape", "Grass", "Gruvbox Dark", "Gruvbox Light", "Hacktober", "Hardcore", "Harper", "Highway", "Hipster Green", "Hivacruz", "Homebrew", "Hopscotch.256", "Hopscotch", "Hurtado", "Hybrid", "IC_Green_PPL", "IC_Orange_PPL", "IR_Black", "Jackie Brown", "Japanesque", "Jellybeans", "JetBrains Darcula", "Kibble", "Kolorit", "Konsolas", "Lab Fox", "Laser", "Later This Evening", "Lavandula", "LiquidCarbon", "LiquidCarbonTransparent", "LiquidCarbonTransparentInverse", "Man Page", "Material", "MaterialDark", "MaterialDarker", "MaterialOcean", "Mathias", "Medallion", "Mirage", "Misterioso", "Molokai", "MonaLisa", "Monokai Remastered", "Monokai Soda", "Monokai Vivid", "N0tch2k", "Neopolitan", "Neutron", "Night Owlish Light", "NightLion v1", "NightLion v2", "Nocturnal Winter", "Novel", "Obsidian", "Ocean", "OceanicMaterial", "Ollie", "OneHalfDark", "OneHalfLight", "Operator Mono Dark", "Overnight Slumber", "Pandora", "Paraiso Dark", "Parasio Dark", "PaulMillr", "PencilDark", "PencilLight", "Piatto Light", "Pnevma", "Popping and Locking", "Pro Light", "Pro", "Purple Rain", "Rapture", "Red Alert", "Red Planet", "Red Sands", "Relaxed", "Rippedcasts", "Rouge 2", "Royal", "Ryuuko", "Sakura", "Scarlet Protocol", "SeaShells", "Seafoam Pastel", "Seti", "Shaman", "Slate", "SleepyHollow", "Smyck", "Snazzy", "SoftServer", "Solarized Darcula", "Solarized Dark - Patched", "Solarized Dark Higher Contrast", "SpaceGray Eighties Dull", "SpaceGray Eighties", "SpaceGray", "Spacedust", "Spiderman", "Spring", "Square", "Subliminal", "Sundried", "Symfonic", "Tango Adapted", "Tango Half Adapted", "Teerb", "Terminal Basic", "Thayer Bright", "The Hulk", "Tinacious Design (Dark)", "Tinacious Design (Light)", "Tomorrow Night Blue", "Tomorrow Night Bright", "Tomorrow Night Burns", "Tomorrow Night Eighties", "Tomorrow Night", "Tomorrow", "ToyChest", "Treehouse", "Twilight", "Ubuntu", "UltraViolent", "UnderTheSea", "Unikitty", "Urple", "Vaughn", "VibrantInk", "Violet Dark", "Violet Light", "WarmNeon", "Wez", "Whimsy", "WildCherry", "Wombat", "Wryan", "Zenburn", "ayu", "ayu_light", "coffee_theme", "cyberpunk", "deep", "idea", "idleToes", "jubi", "lovelace", "midnight-in-mojave", "nord", "primary", "purplepeter", "rebecca", "shades-of-purple", "synthwave-everything", "synthwave" )] $Name ) process { $FileName = [System.Text.Encodings.Web.UrlEncoder]::Default.Encode($Name) + ".json" $ColorScheme = Invoke-RestMethod "$FileName" $ColorScheme.PSTypeNames.Insert(0, "Terminal.ColorScheme") $ColorScheme } } #EndRegion '.\Public\Get-iTerm2ColorScheme.ps1' 22 #Region '.\Public\Get-TerminalTheme.ps1' 0 #using namespace PoshCode.Pansies function Get-TerminalTheme { <# .SYNOPSIS Returns a hashtable of the _current_ values that can be splatted to Set-Theme #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline)] [string]$ColorScheme ) process { if (!$ColorScheme) { $ColorScheme = (Get-ModuleTheme).Name } # if ($IsWindows) { # Write-Warning "On Windows, reading the current colors is not supported. Please use Theme.WindowsTerminal or Theme.WindowsConsole. See Get-Help et-TerminalTheme" # } else { Write-Warning "Reading the current colors from terminals is not supported yet. Returning the theme from `$Host.PrivateData.Theme['Theme.Terminal']" # } Get-ModuleTheme } } #EndRegion '.\Public\Get-TerminalTheme.ps1' 26 #Region '.\Public\Set-TerminalTheme.ps1' 0 #using namespace PoshCode.Pansies function Set-TerminalTheme { <# .SYNOPSIS Set the theme for Windows Terminal Has parameters for each color, including foreground and background #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [string]$Name = "EzTheme", [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [RgbColor]$background = "#0C0C0C", [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [RgbColor]$foreground = "#CCCCCC", [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [RgbColor]$black = "#0C0C0C", [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [RgbColor]$red = "#C50F1F", [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [RgbColor]$green = "#13A10E", [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [RgbColor]$yellow = "#C19C00", [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [RgbColor]$blue = "#0037DA", [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [RgbColor]$purple = "#881798", [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [RgbColor]$cyan = "#3A96DD", [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [RgbColor]$white = "#CCCCCC", [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [RgbColor]$brightBlack = "#767676", [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [RgbColor]$brightRed = "#E74856", [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [RgbColor]$brightGreen = "#16C60C", [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [RgbColor]$brightYellow = "#F9F1A5", [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [RgbColor]$brightBlue = "#3B78FF", [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [RgbColor]$brightPurple = "#B4009E", [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [RgbColor]$brightCyan = "#61D6D6", [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [RgbColor]$brightWhite = "#F2F2F2" ) process { $e = [char]27 $b = [char]7 # PowerShell is really dumb, and has this setting that ignores the terminal. We need to help it out: $Host.UI.RawUI.ForegroundColor = $foreground.ConsoleColor $Host.UI.RawUI.BackgroundColor = $Host.PrivateData.DebugBackgroundColor = $Host.PrivateData.VerboseBackgroundColor = $Host.PrivateData.WarningBackgroundColor = $Host.PrivateData.ErrorBackgroundColor = $background.ConsoleColor @( "$e]10;rgb:{0:x}/{1:x}/{2:x}$b" -f [int]$foreground.R, [int]$foreground.G, [int]$foreground.B "$e]11;rgb:{0:x}/{1:x}/{2:x}$b" -f [int]$background.R, [int]$background.G, [int]$background.B "$e]4;0;rgb:{0:x}/{1:x}/{2:x}$b" -f [int]$black.R, [int]$black.G, [int]$black.B "$e]4;1;rgb:{0:x}/{1:x}/{2:x}$b" -f [int]$red.R, [int]$red.G, [int]$red.B "$e]4;2;rgb:{0:x}/{1:x}/{2:x}$b" -f [int]$green.R, [int]$green.G, [int]$green.B "$e]4;3;rgb:{0:x}/{1:x}/{2:x}$b" -f [int]$yellow.R, [int]$yellow.G, [int]$yellow.B "$e]4;4;rgb:{0:x}/{1:x}/{2:x}$b" -f [int]$blue.R, [int]$blue.G, [int]$blue.B "$e]4;5;rgb:{0:x}/{1:x}/{2:x}$b" -f [int]$purple.R, [int]$purple.G, [int]$purple.B "$e]4;6;rgb:{0:x}/{1:x}/{2:x}$b" -f [int]$cyan.R, [int]$cyan.G, [int]$cyan.B "$e]4;7;rgb:{0:x}/{1:x}/{2:x}$b" -f [int]$white.R, [int]$white.G, [int]$white.B "$e]4;8;rgb:{0:x}/{1:x}/{2:x}$b" -f [int]$brightBlack.R, [int]$brightBlack.G, [int]$brightBlack.B "$e]4;9;rgb:{0:x}/{1:x}/{2:x}$b" -f [int]$brightRed.R, [int]$brightRed.G, [int]$brightRed.B "$e]4;10;rgb:{0:x}/{1:x}/{2:x}$b" -f [int]$brightGreen.R, [int]$brightGreen.G, [int]$brightGreen.B "$e]4;11;rgb:{0:x}/{1:x}/{2:x}$b" -f [int]$brightYellow.R, [int]$brightYellow.G, [int]$brightYellow.B "$e]4;12;rgb:{0:x}/{1:x}/{2:x}$b" -f [int]$brightBlue.R, [int]$brightBlue.G, [int]$brightBlue.B "$e]4;13;rgb:{0:x}/{1:x}/{2:x}$b" -f [int]$brightPurple.R, [int]$brightPurple.G, [int]$brightPurple.B "$e]4;14;rgb:{0:x}/{1:x}/{2:x}$b" -f [int]$brightCyan.R, [int]$brightCyan.G, [int]$brightCyan.B "$e]4;15;rgb:{0:x}/{1:x}/{2:x}$b" -f [int]$brightWhite.R, [int]$brightWhite.G, [int]$brightWhite.B ) -join "" | Write-Host -NoNewLine if ($Host.PrivateData.Theme) { $Host.PrivateData.Theme.Item("Theme.Terminal") = [PSCustomObject]@{ PSTypeName = "Terminal.ColorScheme" name = $Name background = $background foreground = $foreground black = $black red = $red green = $green yellow = $yellow blue = $blue purple = $purple cyan = $cyan white = $white brightBlack = $brightBlack brightRed = $brightRed brightGreen = $brightGreen brightYellow = $brightYellow brightBlue = $brightBlue brightPurple = $brightPurple brightCyan = $brightCyan brightWhite = $brightWhite } } } } #EndRegion '.\Public\Set-TerminalTheme.ps1' 111 #Region '.\postfix.ps1' 0 if (Get-Module EzTheme -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) { Get-ModuleTheme | Set-TerminalTheme } #EndRegion '.\postfix.ps1' 4 |