
Function _FindQueryFolder($folder, $parent)
    Write-Verbose "_FindQueryFolder: Searching for $folder under $($parent.Path)"

    if ($folder -is [Microsoft.TeamFoundation.WorkItemTracking.Client.QueryFolder])
        Write-Verbose "_FindQueryFolder: Returning folder immediately, since it's a QueryFolder object"
        return $folder

    $folders = $parent | ? {$_ -Is [Microsoft.TeamFoundation.WorkItemTracking.Client.QueryFolder]}

    foreach($f in $folders)
        if (($f.Path -like $folder) -or ($f.Name -like $folder))
            Write-Verbose "_FindQueryFolder: Found folder `"$($f.Path)`" matching `"$folder`""
            return @{$f.Name = $f}

    foreach($f in $folders)
        Write-Verbose "_FindQueryFolder: Starting recursive search"

        $result = _FindQueryFolder $folder $f

        if ($result)
            return $result

Function _FindQuery($path, $parent)
    Write-Verbose "_FindQuery: Searching for $path under $($parent.Path)"

    foreach($item in $parent)
        if (($item -Is [Microsoft.TeamFoundation.WorkItemTracking.Client.QueryDefinition]) -and (($item.Path -like $path) -or ($item.Name -like $path)))
            # Search immediate children

            Write-Verbose "_FindQuery: Found local query `"$($item.Path)`" matching `"$path`""
        elseif ($item -Is [Microsoft.TeamFoundation.WorkItemTracking.Client.QueryFolder])
            # Search descendants recursively

            Write-Verbose "_FindQuery: Starting recursive search"
            _FindQuery $path $item
            Write-Verbose "_FindQuery: Skipped `"$($item.Path)`" since it doesn't match $path"

Function _NormalizeQueryPath($Path, $ProjectName)
        return [string]::Empty

    $newPath = [System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex]::Replace($Path, '//{2,}', '/')

    if ($newPath.StartsWith("/"))
        $newPath = $newPath.Substring(1)

    if ($newPath.EndsWith('/'))
        $newPath = $newPath.Substring(0, $newPath.Length-1)

    if ($newPath -notlike "$ProjectName*")
        $newPath = "$ProjectName/$newPath"

    return $newPath
    Exports a saved work item query to XML.
.PARAMETER Collection
    Specifies either a URL/name of the Team Project Collection to connect to, or a previously initialized TfsTeamProjectCollection object.

When using a URL, it must be fully qualified. The format of this string is as follows:


Valid values for the Transport segment of the URI are HTTP and HTTPS. If you specify a connection URI with a Transport segment, but do not specify a port, the session is created with standards ports: 80 for HTTP and 443 for HTTPS.

To connect to a Team Project Collection by using its name, a TfsConfigurationServer object must be supplied either via -Server argument or via a previous call to the Connect-TfsConfigurationServer cmdlet.

For more details, see the Get-TfsTeamProjectCollection cmdlet.

Function Export-TfsWorkItemQuery
        $Query = "*",

        $Encoding = "UTF-8",


        if ($Destination -and (-not (Test-Path $Destination -PathType Container)))
            throw "Invalid destination path $Destination"

        $queries = Get-TfsWorkItemQuery -Query $Query -Folder $Folder -Project $Project -Collection $Collection
        if (-not $queries)
            throw "Query path `"$Query`" is invalid or missing."

        foreach($q in $queries)
            $xml = [xml] @"
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="$Encoding"?>
<!-- Original Query Path: $($q.Path) -->
<WorkItemQuery Version="1">

            if (-not $Destination)
                $queryPath = $q.Path.Substring($q.Path.IndexOf('/')+1)
                $fileName = Join-Path $Destination "$queryPath.wiql" 
                $filePath = Split-Path $fileName -Parent

                if (-not (Test-Path $filePath -PathType Container))
                    md $filePath -Force | Out-Null

    Gets the definition of one or more work item saved queries.
    Specifies the path of a saved query. Wildcards are supported.
    Specifies either the name of the Team Project or a previously initialized Microsoft.TeamFoundation.WorkItemTracking.Client.Project object to connect to. If omitted, it defaults to the connection opened by Connect-TfsTeamProject (if any).

For more details, see the Get-TfsTeamProject cmdlet.
.PARAMETER Collection
    Specifies either a URL/name of the Team Project Collection to connect to, or a previously initialized TfsTeamProjectCollection object.

When using a URL, it must be fully qualified. The format of this string is as follows:


Valid values for the Transport segment of the URI are HTTP and HTTPS. If you specify a connection URI with a Transport segment, but do not specify a port, the session is created with standards ports: 80 for HTTP and 443 for HTTPS.

To connect to a Team Project Collection by using its name, a TfsConfigurationServer object must be supplied either via -Server argument or via a previous call to the Connect-TfsConfigurationServer cmdlet.

For more details, see the Get-TfsTeamProjectCollection cmdlet.

Function Get-TfsWorkItemQuery
        $Query = '*',




        if($Query -is [Microsoft.TeamFoundation.WorkItemTracking.Client.QueryDefinition])
            return $Query

        $tp = Get-TfsTeamProject -Project $Project -Collection $Collection
        $tpc = $tp.Store.TeamProjectCollection

        if ($Folder)
            if (($Folder -is [string]) -and ($Folder -notlike "$($tp.Name)/*"))
                $Folder = _NormalizeQueryPath $Folder $tp.Name
            Write-Verbose "Get-TfsWorkItemQuery: Limiting search to folder $Folder"
            $folders = (_FindQueryFolder $Folder $tp.QueryHierarchy)

            if (-not $folders)
                throw "Query folder $Folder is invalid or missing. Be sure you provided the full path (e.g. 'Shared Queries/Current Iteration') instead of just the folder name ('Current Iteration')"

            $root = $folders.Values[0]
            Write-Verbose "Get-TfsWorkItemQuery: -Folder argument missing. Searching entire team project"
            $root = $tp.QueryHierarchy

        return _FindQuery $Query $root
    Create a new work items query in the given Team Project.
    Specifies the path of the new work item query.
    When supplying a path, use a slash ("/") between the path segments. Leading and trailing backslashes are optional. The last segment in the path will be the area name.
    Specifies either the name of the Team Project or a previously initialized Microsoft.TeamFoundation.WorkItemTracking.Client.Project object to connect to. If omitted, it defaults to the connection opened by Connect-TfsTeamProject (if any).

For more details, see the Get-TfsTeamProject cmdlet.
.PARAMETER Collection
    Specifies either a URL/name of the Team Project Collection to connect to, or a previously initialized TfsTeamProjectCollection object.

When using a URL, it must be fully qualified. The format of this string is as follows:


Valid values for the Transport segment of the URI are HTTP and HTTPS. If you specify a connection URI with a Transport segment, but do not specify a port, the session is created with standards ports: 80 for HTTP and 443 for HTTPS.

To connect to a Team Project Collection by using its name, a TfsConfigurationServer object must be supplied either via -Server argument or via a previous call to the Connect-TfsConfigurationServer cmdlet.

For more details, see the Get-TfsTeamProjectCollection cmdlet.

Function New-TfsWorkItemQuery
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=0, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]





        $tp = Get-TfsTeamProject -Project $Project -Collection $Collection
        $tpc = $tp.Store.TeamProjectCollection
        $store = $tp.Store

        $Query = _NormalizeQueryPath "$Folder/$Query" $tp.Name
        $folderPath = (Split-Path $Query -Parent) -replace ('\\', '/')
        $queryName = (Split-Path $Query -Leaf)

        Write-Verbose "New-TfsWorkItemQuery: Creating query '$queryName' in folder '$folderPath'"

        $folder = (_FindQueryFolder $folderPath $tp.QueryHierarchy $true)

        if (-not $folder)
            throw "Invalid or non-existent work item query folder $folderPath."

        if ($Definition -match "select \*")
            Write-Warning "Queries containing 'SELECT *' may not work in Visual Studio. Consider replacing * with a list of fields."

        $q = New-Object 'Microsoft.TeamFoundation.WorkItemTracking.Client.QueryDefinition' -ArgumentList $queryName, $Definition


        return $q
    Deletes one or more work item queries from the specified Team Project..
    Specifies the path of a saved query. Wildcards are supported.
    Specifies either the name of the Team Project or a previously initialized Microsoft.TeamFoundation.WorkItemTracking.Client.Project object to connect to. If omitted, it defaults to the connection opened by Connect-TfsTeamProject (if any).

For more details, see the Get-TfsTeamProject cmdlet.
.PARAMETER Collection
    Specifies either a URL/name of the Team Project Collection to connect to, or a previously initialized TfsTeamProjectCollection object.

When using a URL, it must be fully qualified. The format of this string is as follows:


Valid values for the Transport segment of the URI are HTTP and HTTPS. If you specify a connection URI with a Transport segment, but do not specify a port, the session is created with standards ports: 80 for HTTP and 443 for HTTPS.

To connect to a Team Project Collection by using its name, a TfsConfigurationServer object must be supplied either via -Server argument or via a previous call to the Connect-TfsConfigurationServer cmdlet.

For more details, see the Get-TfsTeamProjectCollection cmdlet.

Function Remove-TfsWorkItemQuery
    [CmdletBinding(ConfirmImpact='High', SupportsShouldProcess=$true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=0, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]



        $queries = Get-TfsWorkItemQuery -Query $Query -Project $Project -Collection $Collection

        foreach($q in $queries)
            if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($q.Path, "Delete Query"))
    Changes the value of a property of an Area.
    Specifies the name, URI or path of an Area. Wildcards are permitted. If omitted, all Areas in the given Team Project are returned.

To supply a path, use a backslash ('\') between the path segments. Leading and trailing backslashes are optional.

When supplying a URI, use URIs in the form of 'vstfs:///Classification/Node/<GUID>' (where <GUID> is the unique identifier of the given node)
    Specifies the new name of the area. Enter only a name, not a path and name. If you enter a path that is different from the path that is specified in the area parameter, Rename-Tfsarea generates an error. To rename and move an item, use the Move-Tfsarea cmdlet.
    Specifies either the name of the Team Project or a previously initialized Microsoft.TeamFoundation.WorkItemTracking.Client.Project object to connect to. If omitted, it defaults to the connection opened by Connect-TfsTeamProject (if any).

For more details, see the Get-TfsTeamProject cmdlet.
.PARAMETER Collection
    Specifies either a URL/name of the Team Project Collection to connect to, or a previously initialized TfsTeamProjectCollection object.

When using a URL, it must be fully qualified. The format of this string is as follows:


Valid values for the Transport segment of the URI are HTTP and HTTPS. If you specify a connection URI with a Transport segment, but do not specify a port, the session is created with standards ports: 80 for HTTP and 443 for HTTPS.

To connect to a Team Project Collection by using its name, a TfsConfigurationServer object must be supplied either via -Server argument or via a previous call to the Connect-TfsConfigurationServer cmdlet.

For more details, see the Get-TfsTeamProjectCollection cmdlet.

Function Rename-TfsWorkItemQuery
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=0, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]





        Set-TfsWorkItemQuery -Query $Query -NewName $NewName -Project $Project -Collection $Collection
    Changes the value of a property of a work item query.
    Specifies the path of a work item saved query.
    Specifies the new name of the query. Enter only a name, not a path and name. If you enter a path that is different from the path that is specified in the area parameter, Rename-TfsWorkItemQuery generates an error. To rename and move an item, use the Move-TfsWorkItemQuery cmdlet instead.
    Specifies either the name of the Team Project or a previously initialized Microsoft.TeamFoundation.WorkItemTracking.Client.Project object to connect to. If omitted, it defaults to the connection opened by Connect-TfsTeamProject (if any).

For more details, see the Get-TfsTeamProject cmdlet.
.PARAMETER Collection
    Specifies either a URL/name of the Team Project Collection to connect to, or a previously initialized TfsTeamProjectCollection object.

When using a URL, it must be fully qualified. The format of this string is as follows:


Valid values for the Transport segment of the URI are HTTP and HTTPS. If you specify a connection URI with a Transport segment, but do not specify a port, the session is created with standards ports: 80 for HTTP and 443 for HTTPS.

To connect to a Team Project Collection by using its name, a TfsConfigurationServer object must be supplied either via -Server argument or via a previous call to the Connect-TfsConfigurationServer cmdlet.

For more details, see the Get-TfsTeamProjectCollection cmdlet.

Function Set-TfsWorkItemQuery
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=0, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]





        $q = Get-TfsWorkItemQuery -Query $Query -Project $Project -Collection $Collection

        if (-not $q)
            throw "Invalid or non-existent work item query $queries"

        if ($q.Count -ne 1)
            throw "Ambiguous query name '$Query'. $($q.Count) queries were found matching the specified name/pattern:`n`n - " + ($q -join "`n - ")

        if ($NewName)
            $q.Name = $NewName

        if ($Definition)
            $q.QueryText = $Definition


        return $q