$VarA = "Test" $VerB = "Test" Describe 'Basic Pester Tests' { It 'A test that should be true' { $True | Should Be $True } It 'A test that should fail' { $Fail | Should Be $null } } Describe 'Another Basic Pester Tests' { It 'A test that should be true' { $VarA | Should Be $VarB } It 'A test that should fail' { $VarA | Should Be "Test" } } Describe "test" { It "true is never false" { $true | Should -not -Be $false } } Describe "test" { new-item (Join-Path $TestDrive 'File.txt') It "Test if File.txt exist" { (test-path -path (Join-Path $TestDrive 'File.txt') ) | Should -Be $true } } Describe 'should exist test' { It 'Should exist' { 'C:\Dropbox\Scripts\PowerShell.Modules\TestingModule\Tests\BasicPester.Tests.ps1' | Should Exist } } Describe 'should exist with variables test' { $SomeFile = 'C:\Dropbox\Scripts\PowerShell.Modules\TestingModule\Tests\BasicPester.Tests.ps1' It "$SomeFile should exist" { $SomeFile | Should Exist } } Describe 'Grouping using Context' { Context 'Test Group 1 Boolean Tests' { It 'Should be true' { $True | Should Be $True } It 'Should be true' { $True | Should BeTrue } It 'Should be false' { $False | Should Be $False } It 'Should be false' { $False | Should BeFalse } } Context 'Test Group 2 - Negative Assertions' { It 'Should not be true' { $False | Should Not BeTrue } It 'Should be false' { $True | Should Not Be $False } } Context 'Test Group 3 - Calculations' { It '$X Should be 42' { $X = 42 * 1 $X | Should Be 42 } It 'Should be greater than or equal to 33' { $Y = 3 * 11 $Y | Should BeGreaterOrEqual 33 } It 'Should with a calculated value' { $Y = 3 ($Y * 11) | Should BeGreaterThan 30 } } Context 'Test Group 4 - String tests' { $TestValue = 'ArcaneCode' # Test using a Like (not case senstive) It "Testing to see if $TestValue has arcane" { $TestValue | Should BeLike "arcane*" } # Test using cLike (case sensitive) It "Testing to see if $TestValue has Arcane" { $TestValue | Should BeLikeExactly "Arcane*" } } Context 'Test Group 5 - Array Tests' { $MyArray = 'ArcaneCode', 'http://arcanecode.red', 'http://arcanecode.me' It 'Should contain ArcaneCode' { $MyArray | Should Contain 'ArcaneCode' } It 'Should have 3 items' { $MyArray | Should HaveCount 3 } } } |