function TestingHelperTest_NewModuleV2{ # New-TT_Modulev2 -Name "ModuleName" -Description "description of the Module" -Version "9.9.9" -WarningAction SilentlyContinue # Supress Obsolete Warning #PSD1 $psdPath = Join-Path -Path . -ChildPath ModuleName -AdditionalChildPath ModuleName.psd1 Assert-ItemExist -Path $psdPath Assert-FileContains -Path $psdPath -Pattern "RootModule = 'ModuleName.psm1'" -Comment "RootModule" Assert-FileContains -Path $psdPath -Pattern "ModuleVersion = '9.9.9'" -Comment "Version" #PSM1 $psmPath = Join-Path -Path . -ChildPath ModuleName -AdditionalChildPath ModuleName.psm1 Assert-ItemExist -Path $psmPath # Test module $testModulePath = Join-Path -Path . -ChildPath ModuleName -AdditionalChildPath ModuleNameTest ## Testing PSD1 $psdPathTest = $testModulePath | Join-Path -ChildPath ModuleNameTest.psd1 Assert-ItemExist -Path $psdPathTest Assert-FileContains -Path $psdPathTest -Pattern "RootModule = 'ModuleNameTest.psm1'" -Comment "RootModule" Assert-FileContains -Path $psdPathTest -Pattern "ModuleVersion = '9.9.9'" ## Testing PSM1 $psmPathTest = $testModulePath | Join-Path -ChildPath ModuleNameTest.psm1 Assert-ItemExist -Path $psmPathTest -Comment "psm1 does not exist" ## Testing Sample $samplePublicPath = $testModulePath | Join-Path -ChildPath "public" -AdditionalChildPath SampleFunctionTests.ps1 Assert-ItemExist -Path $samplePublicPath Assert-FileContains -Path $samplePublicPath -Pattern "ModuleNameTest_GetPrivateString()" -Comment "Function header" Assert-FileContains -Path $samplePublicPath -Pattern "ModuleNameTest_GetPublicString()" -Comment "Function header" Assert-FileContains -Path $samplePublicPath -Pattern "Export-ModuleMember -Function ModuleNameTest_*" -Comment "Export" #vscode/Launch.json $launchFile = Join-Path -Path . -ChildPath ModuleName -AdditionalChildPath ".vscode" , "launch.json" Assert-ItemExist -Path $launchFile -Comment "launch.json exists" $json = Get-Content -Path $launchFile | ConvertFrom-Json Assert-IsTrue -Condition ($json.configurations[0].name -eq 'PowerShell: Run Test') Assert-IsTrue -Condition ($json.configurations[0].type -eq 'PowerShell') Assert-IsTrue -Condition ($json.configurations[0].Request -eq "launch") Assert-IsTrue -Condition ($json.configurations[0].Script -eq '${workspaceFolder}/test.ps1') Assert-IsTrue -Condition ($json.configurations[0].cwd -eq '${workspaceFolder}') Assert-IsTrue -Condition ($json.configurations[1].name -eq 'PowerShell Interactive Session') Assert-IsTrue -Condition ($json.configurations[1].type -eq 'PowerShell') Assert-IsTrue -Condition ($json.configurations[1].Request -eq "launch") Assert-IsTrue -Condition ($json.configurations[1].cwd -eq '') } function TestingHelperTest_NewModuleV2_RunModuleTest_RunFromAnyLocation_AnyName{ # We will be running the test.ps1 uing the testing TestingHlper and not the tested TestingHelper that created the module. $ModuleName = "ModuleName_{0}" -f (New-Guid).ToString().Substring(0,8) New-TT_Modulev2 -Name $ModuleName -Description "description of the Module" -Version "9.9.9" -WarningAction SilentlyContinue # Supress Obsolete Warning $test = $ModuleName | Join-Path -ChildPath "test.ps1" | Resolve-Path # Add prefix to call the script calling commandlet to call the tested version of TestingHelper (Get-Content -Path $test) -replace "Invoke-TestingHelper","Invoke-TT_TestingHelper" | Set-Content -Path $test # mode to a different random folder New-TestingFolder -PassThru | Set-Location # Run the test.ps1 from random folder $testnewPath = Join-Path -Path ".." -ChildPath $ModuleName -AdditionalChildPath "test.ps1" $result = & $testnewPath # Assert-AreEqual -Expected ModuleName -Presented $result.Name Assert-AreEqual -Expected ($ModuleName+"Test") -Presented $result.TestModule Assert-AreEqual -Expected 2 -Presented $result.Pass Assert-AreEqual -Expected 2 -Presented $result.Tests } |