#Modules function New-ModuleV1 { <# .Synopsis Created a Powershell module with BiT21 format. #> [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([System.IO.FileInfo])] Param ( # Param1 help description [Parameter(Mandatory)][string]$Name, [Parameter(Mandatory)][string]$Description, [Parameter()][string]$Path, [Parameter()][switch]$AvoidModuleFile, [Parameter()][switch]$AvoidTestFile, [Parameter()][String]$AppendToModuleFile ) $AUTHOR = 'rulasg' $ModuleName = $Name if (!$Path) { $Path = '.' } $modulePath = Join-Path -Path $Path -ChildPath $Name if(Test-Path($modulePath)){ throw "Folder already exists" } else { $null = New-Item -ItemType Directory -Name $modulePath } # Manifest $filename = "$ModuleName.psd1" New-ModuleManifest ` -Path (Join-Path -Path $modulePath -ChildPath $filename) ` -RootModule "$ModuleName.psm1" ` -Author $AUTHOR ` -ModuleVersion '0.1' ` -Description $Description ` #-CompanyName "rulasg" ` #-Copyright "(c) 2021 rulasg. All rights reserved." ` # -RequiredModules 'BaseSDK' ` # -DefaultCommandPrefix $ModuleName # Module File if (-Not $AvoidModuleFile) { NewModulefile -Path $modulePath -ModuleName $ModuleName -Author $AUTHOR -Description $Description -Append $AppendToModuleFile } # Testing module if (-Not $AvoidTestFile) { New-TestingModule -Path $modulePath -ModuleName $ModuleName New-TestingVsCodeLaunchJson -Path $modulePath -ModuleName $ModuleName } return $modulePath } Export-ModuleMember -Function New-ModuleV1 -Alias New-ModuleV1 function NewModulefile($Path, $ModuleName, $Author, $Description, $Append){ $myString = @' <# .Synopsis _XMODULE_ .Description _DESCRIPTION_ .Notes NAME : _XMODULE_.psm1* AUTHOR: _AUTHOR_ CREATED: _CREATED_TIME_ #> Write-Host "Loading _XMODULE_ ..." -ForegroundColor DarkCyan '@ $myString = $myString.Replace('_XMODULE_',$ModuleName) $myString = $myString.Replace('_DESCRIPTION_',$Description) $myString = $myString.Replace('_AUTHOR_',$AUTHOR) $myString = $myString.Replace('_CREATED_TIME_',(Get-Date).ToShortDateString()); if ($Append) { $myString+=$Append } $myString | Out-File -FilePath (Join-Path -Path $Path -ChildPath "$ModuleName.psm1") } function New-TestingModule($Path, $ModuleName){ $testingModuleName = $ModuleName + "Test" $testScript = @' [CmdletBinding()] param () $ModuleName = "_XMODULE_" Import-Module -Name TestingHelper -Force Test-Module -Name $ModuleName '@ $testingModulePs1 = "$TestingModuleName.ps1" $testScript = $testScript.Replace('_XMODULE_',$ModuleName) $testScript = $testScript.Replace('_CREATED_TIME_',(Get-Date).ToShortDateString()); $testScript | Out-File -FilePath (Join-Path -Path $Path -ChildPath $testingModulePs1) $toAppend = @' function _MODULE_TESTING__Sample(){ Assert-IsTrue -Condition $true } Export-ModuleMember -Function _MODULE_TESTING__* '@ $toAppend = $toAppend.Replace('_MODULE_TESTING_',$testingModuleName) $null = New-ModuleV1 -Path $Path -Name $testingModuleName -Description "Testing module for $ModuleName" -AvoidTestFile -AppendToModuleFile $toAppend } Export-ModuleMember -Function New-TestingModule function New-TestingVsCodeLaunchJson($Path, $ModuleName){ $testScript = @' { // Use IntelliSense to learn about possible attributes. // Hover to view descriptions of existing attributes. // For more information, visit: "version": "0.2.0", "configurations": [ { "name": "PowerShell: _XMODULE_.ps1", "type": "PowerShell", "request": "launch", "script": "${workspaceFolder}/_XMODULE_Test.ps1", "cwd": "${workspaceFolder}" } ] } '@ $testScript = $testScript.Replace('_XMODULE_',$ModuleName) New-Item ` -ItemType File ` -Path (Join-Path -Path $Path -ChildPath '.vscode' -AdditionalChildPath 'launch.json') ` -Value $testScript ` -Force ` | Out-Null } Export-ModuleMember -Function New-TestingVsCodeLaunchJson |