<# .Synopsis Created a Powershell module with V3 format. .DESCRIPTION Created a Powershell module adding the sections of the module requiested by the user. .Example New-ModuleV3 -Name "MyModule" -Description "Module that will hold my functions" Create a module with the name MyModule and description "Module that will hold my functions" .Example New-ModuleV3 -Name "MyModule" -Description "Module that will hold my functions" -FullModule Create the full version of the module with all the sections. #> function New-ModuleV3 { <# .Synopsis Created a Powershell module with V2 format. #> [CmdletBinding()] Param ( # Name of the module [Parameter()][string]$Name, # Description of the module [Parameter()][string]$Description, # Author of the module [Parameter()][string]$Author, # Version of the module [Parameter()][string]$Version, # Path where the module will be created. Default is current folder [Parameter()][string]$Path, # Add Testing module [Parameter()][switch]$AddTesting, # Add Sample Code to the module and test [Parameter()][switch]$AddSampleCode, # Add devcontainer Json file [Parameter()][switch]$AddDevContainerJson, # Add a MIT Licenses file [Parameter()][switch]$AddLicense, # Add Readme file [Parameter()][switch]$AddReadme, # Add about topic [Parameter()][switch]$AddAbout, # Add deploy script [Parameter()][switch]$AdddeployScript, # Add release script [Parameter()][switch]$AddReleaseScript, # Add sync script [Parameter()][switch]$AddSyncScript, # Add PSScriptAnalyzer workflow [Parameter()][switch]$AddPSScriptAnalyzerWorkflow, # Add testing workflow [Parameter()][switch]$AddTestingWorkflow, # Add deploy workflow [Parameter()][switch]$AdddeployWorkflow ) $retModulePath = $null $modulePath = Get-ModulePath -Name $Name -Path $Path -AppendName $moduleName = Get-ModuleName -Name $Name -ModulePath $modulePath # Create the module if ($moduleName) { # Updatemanifest with the parameters $metadata = @{} if($Description){ $metadata.Description = $Description} if($Author){ $metadata.Author = $Author} if($Version){ $metadata.Version = $Version} $retModulePath = Add-ModuleV3 -Name $moduleName -Path $modulePath -Metadata $metadata -AddSampleCode:$AddSampleCode if(!$retModulePath){ return $null } } if ($AddTesting) { $result = Add-TestingToModuleV3 -Name $Name -Path $modulePath -AddSampleCode:$AddSampleCode # Check if the module was created if(! $result){ return $null } } # Add devcontainer.json file if($AddDevContainerJson){ $destination = $modulePath | Join-Path -ChildPath ".devcontainer" Import-Template -Path $destination -File "devcontainer.json" -Template "template.devcontainer.json" } # Add License file if($AddLicense){ Import-Template -Path $modulePath -File "LICENSE" -Template "template.LICENSE.txt" } # Add Readme file if($AddReadme){ $moduleManifest = Get-ModuleManifest -Path $modulePath Import-Template -Path $modulePath -File "" -Template "" -Replaces @{ "_MODULE_NAME_" = $moduleName "_MODULE_DESCRIPTION_" = ($moduleManifest.Description ?? "A powershell module that will hold Powershell functionality.") } } # Add about if($AddAbout){ $moduleManifest = Get-ModuleManifest -Path $modulePath $destination = $modulePath | Join-Path -ChildPath "en-US" Import-Template -Path $destination -File "about_$" -Template "" -Replaces @{ "_MODULE_NAME_" = ($moduleName ?? "<ModuleName>") "_MODULE_DESCRIPTION_" = ($moduleManifest.Description ?? "<Description>") "_AUTHOR_" = ($moduleManifest.Author ?? "<Author>") "_COPYRIGHT_" = ($moduleManifest.CopyRight ?? "<CopyRight>") } } # Add deploying if($AdddeployScript){ Import-Template -Path $modulePath -File "deploy.ps1" -Template "template.v3.deploy.ps1" Import-Template -Path $modulePath -File "deploy-helper.ps1" -Template "template.v3.deploy-helper.ps1" } # Add Release if($AddReleaseScript){ Import-Template -Path $modulePath -File "release.ps1" -Template "template.v3.release.ps1" } # Add Sync if($AddSyncScript){ Import-Template -Path $modulePath -File "sync.ps1" -Template "template.v3.sync.ps1" Import-Template -Path $modulePath -File "sync-helper.ps1" -Template "template.v3.sync-helper.ps1" } # Add PSScriptAnalyzer if($AddPSScriptAnalyzerWorkflow){ $destination = $modulePath | Join-Path -ChildPath ".github" -AdditionalChildPath "workflows" Import-Template -Path $destination -File "PSScriptAnalyzer.yml" -Template "template.v3.PSScriptAnalyzer.yml" } # Add Testing if($AddTestingWorkflow){ $destination = $modulePath | Join-Path -ChildPath ".github" -AdditionalChildPath "workflows" Import-Template -Path $destination -File "test_with_TestingHelper.yml" -Template "template.v3.test_with_TestingHelper.yml" } # Add deploy Workflow if($AdddeployWorkflow){ $destination = $modulePath | Join-Path -ChildPath ".github" -AdditionalChildPath "workflows" Import-Template -Path $destination -File "deploy_module_on_release.yml" -Template "template.v3.deploy_module_on_release.yml" } return $retModulePath } Export-ModuleMember -Function New-ModuleV3 |