$publish_ps1 = $PSScriptRoot | Split-path -Parent | split-path -Parent | Join-Path -ChildPath 'publish.ps1' $manifestPath = $PSScriptRoot | Split-Path -Parent | Split-Path -Parent | Join-Path -ChildPath 'TestingHelper.psd1' $SCRITPBLOCK_WITHNOEXCEPTION = { function Invoke-PublishModule { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string]$Name, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string]$NuGetApiKey, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][switch]$Force ) "Invoke-PublishModule called with Name: $Name, NuGetApiKey: $NuGetApiKey, Force: $Force" | Write-Information return 0 } } $EXCEPTION_MESSAGE = 'Some throw exception comming from Publish-Module Injection' $SCRITPBLOCK_WITHEXCEPTION = { function Invoke-PublishModule { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string]$Name, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string]$NuGetApiKey, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][switch]$Force ) "Invoke-PublishModule called With THROW with Name: $Name, NuGetApiKey: $NuGetApiKey, Force: $Force" | Write-Information throw $EXCEPTION_MESSAGE } } $PUBLISH_CALL_PARAMS = @{ ErrorAction = 'SilentlyContinue' ErrorVar = 'errorVar' InformationAction = 'SilentlyContinue' InformationVar = 'infoVar' DependencyInjection = $SCRITPBLOCK_WITHNOEXCEPTION } $PUBLISH_CALL_PARAMS_WITHEXCEPTION = @{ ErrorAction = 'SilentlyContinue' ErrorVar = 'errorVar' InformationAction = 'SilentlyContinue' InformationVar = 'infoVar' DependencyInjection = $SCRITPBLOCK_WITHEXCEPTION } function TestingHelperTest_Publish_NoTag_NoKey{ # Fails due to lack of key as parameter of environment # Clear key env variable $env:NUGETAPIKEY = $null & $publish_ps1 @PUBLISH_CALL_PARAMS # Assert for error Assert-IsFalse $? -Comment "Publish command should fail with Exit <> 0" Assert-AreEqual -Expected 1 -Presented $LASTEXITCODE Assert-Count -Expected 1 -Presented $errorVar Assert-IsTrue -Condition ($errorVar[0].exception.Message.Contains('$Env:NUGETAPIKEY is not set.') ) } Export-ModuleMember -Function TestingHelperTest_Publish_NoTag_NoKey function TestingHelperTest_Publish_WithKey{ & $publish_ps1 -NuGetApiKey "something" @PUBLISH_CALL_PARAMS Assert-IsTrue $? -Comment "Publish command should success with Exit <> 0" Assert-Publish_PS1_Invoke-PublishModule -Presented $infoVar } Export-ModuleMember -Function TestingHelperTest_Publish_WithKey function TestingHelperTest_Publish_WithKey_WhatIf{ & $publish_ps1 -NuGetApiKey "something" -WhatIf @PUBLISH_CALL_PARAMS Assert-IsTrue $? -Comment "Publish command should success with Exit <> 0" # Invoke-PublishModule should not be called Assert-ContainsNotPattern -Expected "Publishing *" -Presented $infoVar.MessageData } Export-ModuleMember -Function TestingHelperTest_Publish_WithKey_WhatIf function TestingHelperTest_Publish_WithWrongKey_Injected{ $hasThrow = $false try { & $publish_ps1 -NuGetApiKey "something" @PUBLISH_CALL_PARAMS_WITHEXCEPTION } catch { # Assert-IsTrue $? -Comment "Publish command should success with Exit <> 0" Assert-AreEqual -Expected $EXCEPTION_MESSAGE -Presented $_.exception.Message $hasThrow = $true } Assert-IsTrue -Condition $hasThrow -Comment "Publish command should fail with Exit <> 0" Assert-Publish_PS1_Invoke-PublishModule -Presented $infoVar } Export-ModuleMember -Function TestingHelperTest_Publish_WithWrongKey_Injected function TestingHelperTest_Publish_Key_InEnvironment{ $Env:NUGETAPIKEY = "something" & $publish_ps1 -NuGetApiKey "something" @PUBLISH_CALL_PARAMS Assert-IsTrue $? -Comment "Publish command should success with Exit <> 0" Assert-Publish_PS1_Invoke-PublishModule -Presented $infoVar } Export-ModuleMember -Function TestingHelperTest_Publish_Key_InEnvironment function TestingHelperTest_Publish_With_VersionTag{ # Confirm that we extract from the tag the paramers Reset-Manifest $Env:NUGETAPIKEY = "something" $versionTag = '1.0.0-alpha' & $publish_ps1 -VersionTag $versionTag @PUBLISH_CALL_PARAMS Assert-Manifest -Version "1.0.0" -Prerelease "alpha" -Comment "Valid version tag [$versionTag]" Reset-Manifest } Export-ModuleMember -Function TestingHelperTest_Publish_With_VersionTag function TestingHelperTest_Publish_With_VersionTag_FormatVersion_Valid{ $Env:NUGETAPIKEY = "something" # Valid format $valid = @( "1.0", "1.0.0", "", "1.0.0-alpha", "1.0.0-kk2", "0.1", "0.0.1", "v1.0.0", "r1.0", "r1.0.0", "Release1.0.0", "Release_1.0.0", "Version1.0.0", "Version_1.0.0" ) $valid | ForEach-Object { $versionTag = $_ $ExpectedVersion = $versionTag.Split('-')[0] -replace '[a-zA-Z_]' $ExpectedPrerelease = $versionTag.Split('-')[1] ??[string]::Empty & $publish_ps1 -VersionTag $versionTag @PUBLISH_CALL_PARAMS Assert-Publish_PS1_Invoke-PublishModule -Presented $infoVar Assert-Manifest -Version $ExpectedVersion -Prerelease $ExpectedPrerelease -Comment "Valid version tag [$versionTag]" Reset-Manifest } } Export-ModuleMember -Function TestingHelperTest_Publish_With_VersionTag_FormatVersion_Valid function TestingHelperTest_Publish_With_VersionTag_FormatVersion_NotValid{ $Env:NUGETAPIKEY = "something" $NotValid = @( "", # Error: "Version string portion was too short or too long." "1", # Error: "Version string portion was too short or too long." "1.a.1" # Letters will be removed from version before passing ) $NotValid3Parts = @( # Version '{0}' must have exactly 3 parts for a Prerelease string to be used. "1-kk", "1.0-dev", "", "" ) $NotValid + $NotValid3Parts| ForEach-Object { $versionTag = $_ & $publish_ps1 -VersionTag $versionTag @PUBLISH_CALL_PARAMS Assert-IsFalse -Condition $? -Comment "Publish command should fail with Exit <> 0" # Assert-ContainsPattern -Expected "Cannot process argument transformation on parameter 'ModuleVersion'.*" -Presented $errorVar.exception.Message Assert-ContainsPattern -Expected "Failed to update module manifest with version tag*" -Presented $errorVar.exception.Message Assert-ContainsPattern -Expected "*$versionTag*" -Presented $errorVar.exception.Message Reset-Manifest } } Export-ModuleMember -Function TestingHelperTest_Publish_With_VersionTag_FormatVersion_NotValid function Assert-Publish_PS1_Invoke-PublishModule{ [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory)][object] $Presented ) Assert-ContainsPattern -Expected "Publishing TestingHelper.psm1*" -Presented $Presented.MessageData } function Assert-ContainsPattern{ [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $Expected, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string[]] $Presented, [Parameter()] [string] $Comment ) $found = $false foreach($p in $Presented){ if ($p -like $Expected) { $found = $true break } } Assert-IsTrue -Condition $found -Comment "Not found pattern [$Expected] in $Presented - $Comment " } function Assert-ContainsNotPattern{ [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $Expected, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string[]] $Presented, [Parameter()] [string] $Comment ) $found = $false foreach($p in $Presented){ if ($p -like $Expected) { $found = $true break } } Assert-IsFalse -Condition $found -Comment "Found pattern [$Expected] in $Presented - $Comment" } function Assert-Manifest{ [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory)][string]$Version, [Parameter()][string]$Prerelease, [Parameter()][string]$Comment ) $manifest = Import-PowerShellDataFile -Path $manifestPath Assert-AreEqual -Expected $version -Presented $manifest.ModuleVersion -Comment "Expected[$version] Presented[$($manifest.ModuleVersion)]] - $Comment" # If preRelease is not present in the manifest, then we expect null if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($prerelease)) { Assert-IsNull -Object $manifest.PrivateData.PSData.Prerelease } else { Assert-AreEqual -Expected $prerelease -Presented $manifest.PrivateData.PSData.Prerelease -Comment "Expected[$prerelease] Presented[$($manifest.PrivateData.PSData.Prerelease)]] - $Comment" } } function Reset-Manifest{ [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess)] param() Push-Location . -StackName ResetManifest $manifestPath | Split-Path -Parent | Set-Location # Check git status and see if manifest is dirty $status = git status --porcelain $manifestPath if ($status) { # Manifest is dirty, restore it if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($manifestPath, "git restore")) { git restore $manifestPath } } Pop-Location -StackName ResetManifest } |