
If you want to start a powershell process with a different user, open the windows with a different user and then use this command to open a new window
start-process powershell.exe -WorkingDirectory "C:\FastStats\Scripts\CleverReach\tagging"

# Interactive mode -> this one requests your user and password, uses the current user as default
# Define User and password beforehand
$c = Get-Credential
Test-Credential -Credentials $c
$c = Get-Credential
Test-Credential -Credentials $c -NonInteractive
# OR
Get-Credential | Test-Credential

function Test-Credential {
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false,ValueFromPipeLine = $true)] #,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true
        ,[Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][Switch]$NonInteractive = $false

    begin {

        # Some settings
        $waitInterval = 200
        $waitForState = @("Completed","Failed")
        $maxRetries = 3
        $success = $false
        $initialUsername = $env:Username
        $message = "Please enter your credentials to use"

        # The action script to check the credentials
        $scriptBlock = {
            $tmpFile = Join-Path -Path ( $Env:Temp ) -ChildPath "/$( [guid]::NewGuid().toString() ).test"
            Remove-Item -Path $tmpFile

        # Leave script if the non interactive mode is active and no credentials provided
        If ($NonInteractive -eq $true -and $null -eq $Credentials) {
            throw [Exception] "Please make sure to provide -Credentials when in NonInteractive mode"


    process {

        $retries = 0
        Do {

            # At the first try, request the whole string

            If ( $retries -eq 0 -and $null -eq $Credentials ) {
                $cred = Get-Credential -UserName $initialUsername -Message $message
            } elseif ( $retries -eq 0 -and $Credentials -ne $null ) {
                $cred = $Credentials
            } elseIf ( $retries -gt 0 -and $NonInteractive -eq $false ) {
                # After the first try, only request the password
                $cred = Get-Credential -UserName $cred.UserName -Message $message

            # Start the job
            $job = Start-Job -ScriptBlock $scriptBlock -Credential $cred

            # Wait until job is completed or failed
            Do {
                Start-Sleep -Milliseconds $waitInterval -Verbose
                #"Waiting $( $job.State )"
            } Until ( $waitForState -contains $job.State )

            # Set success if job was completed successfully
            If ( $job.State -eq "Completed" ) {
                $success = $true

            # Next try
            $retries += 1

        # Check if we have a success or if we are in noninteractive mode or if the retries are reached
        } Until ( ( $retries -eq $maxRetries -or $NonInteractive -eq $true ) -or $success -eq $true )


    end {

        return $success

