.SYNOPSIS Provides CIDR Block information for provided CIDR Address block. Provides Start/End IP for address list generation via Get-PowerIPRange. .DESCRIPTION Function utilized by Test-PowerPing to process CIDR Address block input. .NOTES Author: Hunter Hirsch #> function Get-PowerIPCIDR { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([System.Collections.ArrayList])] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory,ValueFromPipeline)] [string[]] $Range, [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline)] [switch] $AssignO, [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline)] [switch] $Calculator, [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline)] [string[]] $Filter ) Begin { ##CIDR calculation table, '#s' = startip and '#' = endip. Table calls on lines 106/107 below.## ##Still getting familiar with bit operations, researching cleaner method for calculations.## $cidrl = @{ '0' = {''} '0s' = {''} '1' = {if ([int]$_.split('.')[0] -lt 128){$a = '127'}Else{$a = '255'}; [string]$a + '.255.255.255'} '1s' = {if ([int]$_.split('.')[0] -lt 128){''}Else{''}} '2' = {if ($_.split('.')[0] -ne '0'){$x = $_.split('.')[0]/64; if($x.gettype().name -eq 'Double'){$a = 64*([math]::Ceiling($_.split('.')[0]/64))-1}else {$a = 64*([math]::Ceiling(([int]$_.split('.')[0]+1)/64))-1}}else{$a = '63'};[string]$a + '255.255.255'} '2s' = {$a = 64*([math]::floor($_.split('.')[0]/64));[string]$a +'.0.0.0'} '3' = {if ($_.split('.')[0] -ne '0'){$x = $_.split('.')[0]/32; if($x.gettype().name -eq 'Double'){$a = 32*([math]::Ceiling($_.split('.')[0]/32))-1}else {$a = 32*([math]::Ceiling(([int]$_.split('.')[0]+1)/32))-1}}else{$a = '31'};[string]$a +'.255.255.255'} '3s' = {$a = 32*([math]::floor($_.split('.')[0]/32));[string]$a +'.0.0.0'} '4' = {if ($_.split('.')[0] -ne '0'){$x = $_.split('.')[0]/16; if($x.gettype().name -eq 'Double'){$a = 16*([math]::Ceiling($_.split('.')[0]/16))-1}else {$a = 16*([math]::Ceiling(([int]$_.split('.')[0]+1)/16))-1}}else{$a = '15'};[string]$a +'.255.255.255'} '4s' = {$a = 16*([math]::floor($_.split('.')[0]/16));[string]$a +'.0.0.0'} '5' = {if ($_.split('.')[0] -ne '0'){$x = $_.split('.')[0]/8; if($x.gettype().name -eq 'Double'){$a = 8*([math]::Ceiling($_.split('.')[0]/8))-1}else {$a = 8*([math]::Ceiling(([int]$_.split('.')[0]+1)/8))-1}}else{$a = '7'};[string]$a +'.255.255.255'} '5s' = {$a = 8*([math]::floor($_.split('.')[0]/8));[string]$a +'.0.0.0'} '6' = {if ($_.split('.')[0] -ne '0'){$x = $_.split('.')[0]/4; if($x.gettype().name -eq 'Double'){$a = 4*([math]::Ceiling($_.split('.')[0]/4))-1}else {$a = 4*([math]::Ceiling(([int]$_.split('.')[0]+1)/4))-1}}else{$a = '3'};[string]$a +'.255.255.255'} '6s' = {$a = 4*([math]::floor($_.split('.')[0]/4));[string]$a +'.0.0.0'} '7' = {if ($_.split('.')[0] -ne '0'){$x = $_.split('.')[0]/2; if($x.gettype().name -eq 'Double'){$a = 2*([math]::Ceiling($_.split('.')[0]/2))-1}else {$a = 2*([math]::Ceiling(([int]$_.split('.')[0]+1)/2))-1}}else{$a = '1'};[string]$a +'.255.255.255'} '7s' = {$a = 2*([math]::floor($_.split('.')[0]/2));[string]$a +'.0.0.0'} '8' = {$_.split('.')[0] + '.255.255.255'} '8s' = {$_.split('.')[0] + '.0.0.0'} '9' = {if ([int]$_.split('.')[1] -lt 128){$b = '127'}Else{$b = '255'}; $_.split('.')[0] + '.' + $b + '.255.255'} '9s' = {if ([int]$_.split('.')[1] -lt 128){$_.split('.')[0] + '.0.0.0'}Else{$_.split('.')[0] + '.128.0.0'}} '10' = {if ($_.split('.')[1] -ne '0'){$x = $_.split('.')[1]/64; if($x.gettype().name -eq 'Double'){$b = 64*([math]::Ceiling($_.split('.')[1]/64))-1}else {$b = 64*([math]::Ceiling(([int]$_.split('.')[1]+1)/64))-1}}else{$b = '63'};$_.split('.')[0]+".$b.255.255"} '10s' = {$b = 64*([math]::floor($_.split('.')[1]/64));$_.split('.')[0]+".$b.0.0"} '11' = {if ($_.split('.')[1] -ne '0'){$x = $_.split('.')[1]/32; if($x.gettype().name -eq 'Double'){$b = 32*([math]::Ceiling($_.split('.')[1]/32))-1}else {$b = 32*([math]::Ceiling(([int]$_.split('.')[1]+1)/32))-1}}else{$b = '31'};$_.split('.')[0]+".$b.255.255"} '11s' = {$b = 32*([math]::floor($_.split('.')[1]/32));$_.split('.')[0]+".$b.0.0"} '12' = {if ($_.split('.')[1] -ne '0'){$x = $_.split('.')[1]/16; if($x.gettype().name -eq 'Double'){$b = 16*([math]::Ceiling($_.split('.')[1]/16))-1}else {$b = 16*([math]::Ceiling(([int]$_.split('.')[1]+1)/16))-1}}else{$b = '15'};$_.split('.')[0]+".$b.255.255"} '12s'= {$b = 16*([math]::floor($_.split('.')[1]/16));$_.split('.')[0]+".$b.0.0"} '13' = {if ($_.split('.')[1] -ne '0'){$x = $_.split('.')[1]/8; if($x.gettype().name -eq 'Double'){$b = 8*([math]::Ceiling($_.split('.')[1]/8))-1}else {$b = 8*([math]::Ceiling(([int]$_.split('.')[1]+1)/8))-1}}else{$b = '7'};$_.split('.')[0]+".$b.255.255"} '13s' = {$b = 8*([math]::floor($_.split('.')[1]/8));$_.split('.')[0]+".$b.0.0"} '14' = {if ($_.split('.')[1] -ne '0'){$x = $_.split('.')[1]/4; if($x.gettype().name -eq 'Double'){$b = 4*([math]::Ceiling($_.split('.')[1]/4))-1}else {$b = 4*([math]::Ceiling(([int]$_.split('.')[1]+1)/4))-1}}else{$b = '3'};$_.split('.')[0]+".$b.255.255"} '14s' = {$b = 4*([math]::floor($_.split('.')[1]/4));$_.split('.')[0]+".$b.0.0"} '15' = {if ($_.split('.')[1] -ne '0'){$x = $_.split('.')[1]/2; if($x.gettype().name -eq 'Double'){$b = 2*([math]::Ceiling($_.split('.')[1]/2))-1}else {$b = 2*([math]::Ceiling(([int]$_.split('.')[1]+1)/2))-1}}else{$b = '1'};$_.split('.')[0]+".$b.255.255"} '15s' = {$b = 2*([math]::floor($_.split('.')[1]/2));$_.split('.')[0]+".$b.0.0"} '16' = {$_.split('.')[0] + '.' + $_.split('.')[1] + ".255.255"} '16s' = {$_.split('.')[0] + '.' + $_.split('.')[1] + ".0.0"} '17' = {if ([int]$_.split('.')[2] -lt 128){$c = '127'}Else{$c = '255'}; $_.split('.')[0] + '.' + $_.split('.')[1] + '.' + $c +'.255'} '17s' = {if ([int]$_.split('.')[2] -lt 128){$_.split('.')[0] + '.' + $_.split('.')[1] + '.0.0'}Else{$_.split('.')[0] + '.' + $_.split('.')[1] + '.128.0'}} '18' = {if ($_.split('.')[2] -ne '0'){$x = $_.split('.')[2]/64; if($x.gettype().name -eq 'Double'){$c = 64*([math]::Ceiling($_.split('.')[2]/64))-1}else {$c = 64*([math]::Ceiling(([int]$_.split('.')[2]+1)/64))-1}}else{$c = '63'};$_.split('.')[0] + '.' + $_.split('.')[1] + ".$c.255"} '18s' = {$c = 64*([math]::floor($_.split('.')[2]/64));$_.split('.')[0] + '.' + $_.split('.')[1] + ".$c.0"} '19' = {if ($_.split('.')[2] -ne '0'){$x = $_.split('.')[2]/32; if($x.gettype().name -eq 'Double'){$c = 32*([math]::Ceiling($_.split('.')[2]/32))-1}else {$c = 32*([math]::Ceiling(([int]$_.split('.')[2]+1)/32))-1}}else{$c = '31'};$_.split('.')[0] + '.' + $_.split('.')[1] + ".$c.255"} '19s' = {$c = 32*([math]::floor($_.split('.')[2]/32));$_.split('.')[0] + '.' + $_.split('.')[1] + ".$c.0"} '20' = {if ($_.split('.')[2] -ne '0'){$x = $_.split('.')[2]/16; if($x.gettype().name -eq 'Double'){$c = 16*([math]::Ceiling($_.split('.')[2]/16))-1}else {$c = 16*([math]::Ceiling(([int]$_.split('.')[2]+1)/16))-1}}else{$c = '15'};$_.split('.')[0] + '.' + $_.split('.')[1] + ".$c.255"} '20s' = {$c = 16*([math]::floor($_.split('.')[2]/16));$_.split('.')[0] + '.' + $_.split('.')[1] + ".$c.0"} '21' = {if ($_.split('.')[2] -ne '0'){$x = $_.split('.')[2]/8; if($x.gettype().name -eq 'Double'){$c = 8*([math]::Ceiling($_.split('.')[2]/8))-1}else {$c = 8*([math]::Ceiling(([int]$_.split('.')[2]+1)/8))-1}}else{$c = '7'};$_.split('.')[0] + '.' + $_.split('.')[1] + ".$c.255"} '21s' = {$c = 8*([math]::floor($_.split('.')[2]/8));$_.split('.')[0] + '.' + $_.split('.')[1] + ".$c.0"} '22' = {if ($_.split('.')[2] -ne '0'){$x = $_.split('.')[2]/4; if($x.gettype().name -eq 'Double'){$c = 4*([math]::Ceiling($_.split('.')[2]/4))-1}else {$c = 4*([math]::Ceiling(([int]$_.split('.')[2]+1)/4))-1}}else{$c = '3'};$_.split('.')[0] + '.' + $_.split('.')[1] + ".$c.255"} '22s' = {$c = 4*([math]::floor($_.split('.')[2]/4));$_.split('.')[0] + '.' + $_.split('.')[1] + ".$c.0"} '23' = {if ($_.split('.')[2] -ne '0'){$x = $_.split('.')[2]/2; if($x.gettype().name -eq 'Double'){$c = 2*([math]::Ceiling($_.split('.')[2]/2))-1}else {$c = 2*([math]::Ceiling(([int]$_.split('.')[2]+1)/2))-1}}else{$c = '1'};$_.split('.')[0] + '.' + $_.split('.')[1] + ".$c.255"} '23s' = {$c = 2*([math]::floor($_.split('.')[2]/2));$_.split('.')[0] + '.' + $_.split('.')[1] + ".$c.0"} '24' = {$_.split('.')[0] + '.' + $_.split('.')[1] + '.' + $_.split('.')[2] + ".255"} '24s' = {$_.split('.')[0] + '.' + $_.split('.')[1] + '.' + $_.split('.')[2] + ".0"} '25' = {if ([int]$_.split('.')[3] -lt 128){$d = '127'}Else{$d = '255'}; $_.split('.')[0] + '.' + $_.split('.')[1] + '.' + $_.split('.')[2] + ".$d"} '25s' = {if ([int]$_.split('.')[3] -lt 128){$_.split('.')[0] + '.' + $_.split('.')[1] + '.' + $_.split('.')[2] + '.0'}Else{$_.split('.')[0] + '.' + $_.split('.')[1] + '.' + $_.split('.')[2] + '.128'}} '26' = {if ($_.split('.')[3] -ne '0'){$x = $_.split('.')[3]/64; if($x.gettype().name -eq 'Double'){$d = 64*([math]::Ceiling($_.split('.')[3]/64))-1}else {$d = 64*([math]::Ceiling(([int]$_.split('.')[3]+1)/64))-1}}else{$d = '63'};$_.split('.')[0] + '.' + $_.split('.')[1] + '.' + $_.split('.')[2] + ".$d"} '26s' = {$d = 64*([math]::floor($_.split('.')[3]/64));$_.split('.')[0] + '.' + $_.split('.')[1] + '.' + $_.split('.')[2] + ".$d"} '27' = {if ($_.split('.')[3] -ne '0'){$x = $_.split('.')[3]/32; if($x.gettype().name -eq 'Double'){$d = 32*([math]::Ceiling($_.split('.')[3]/32))-1}else {$d = 32*([math]::Ceiling(([int]$_.split('.')[3]+1)/32))-1}}else{$d = '31'};$_.split('.')[0] + '.' + $_.split('.')[1] + '.' + $_.split('.')[2] + ".$d"} '27s' = {$d = 32*([math]::floor($_.split('.')[3]/32));$_.split('.')[0] + '.' + $_.split('.')[1] + '.' + $_.split('.')[2] + ".$d"} '28' = {if ($_.split('.')[3] -ne '0'){$x = $_.split('.')[3]/16; if($x.gettype().name -eq 'Double'){$d = 16*([math]::Ceiling($_.split('.')[3]/16))-1}else {$d = 16*([math]::Ceiling(([int]$_.split('.')[3]+1)/16))-1}}else{$d = '15'};$_.split('.')[0] + '.' + $_.split('.')[1] + '.' + $_.split('.')[2] + ".$d"} '28s' = {$d = 16*([math]::floor($_.split('.')[3]/16));$_.split('.')[0] + '.' + $_.split('.')[1] + '.' + $_.split('.')[2] + ".$d"} '29' = {if ($_.split('.')[3] -ne '0'){$x = $_.split('.')[3]/8; if($x.gettype().name -eq 'Double'){$d = 8*([math]::Ceiling($_.split('.')[3]/8))-1}else {$d = 8*([math]::Ceiling(([int]$_.split('.')[3]+1)/8))-1}}else{$d = '7'};$_.split('.')[0] + '.' + $_.split('.')[1] + '.' + $_.split('.')[2] + ".$d"} '29s' = {$d = 8*([math]::floor($_.split('.')[3]/8));$_.split('.')[0] + '.' + $_.split('.')[1] + '.' + $_.split('.')[2] + ".$d"} '30' = {if ($_.split('.')[3] -ne '0'){$x = $_.split('.')[3]/4; if($x.gettype().name -eq 'Double'){$d = 4*([math]::Ceiling($_.split('.')[3]/4))-1}else {$d = 4*([math]::Ceiling(([int]$_.split('.')[3]+1)/4))-1}}else{$d = '3'};$_.split('.')[0] + '.' + $_.split('.')[1] + '.' + $_.split('.')[2] + ".$d"} '30s' = {$d = 4*([math]::floor($_.split('.')[3]/4));$_.split('.')[0] + '.' + $_.split('.')[1] + '.' + $_.split('.')[2] + ".$d"} '31' = {if ($_.split('.')[3] -ne '0'){$x = $_.split('.')[3]/2; if($x.gettype().name -eq 'Double'){$d = 2*([math]::Ceiling($_.split('.')[3]/2))-1}else {$d = 2*([math]::Ceiling(([int]$_.split('.')[3]+1)/2))-1}}else{$d = '1'};$_.split('.')[0] + '.' + $_.split('.')[1] + '.' + $_.split('.')[2] + ".$d"} '31s' = {$d = 2*([math]::floor($_.split('.')[3]/2));$_.split('.')[0] + '.' + $_.split('.')[1] + '.' + $_.split('.')[2] + ".$d"} } $cidhsh = @{} } Process { ##foreach loop to process each CIDR block provided with provided filters or 'AssignOnly' switch, generates list or provides CIDR calculator output.## ##if bits, '/#', not equal '32' (single address output), process cidr list or cidr calculator for given block.## Try{ [int]$cic = 0 foreach ($cp in $Range){ $cidhsh.Add($cic,([System.Collections.ArrayList]::new())) $Start = $cp.split('/')[0] [string]$cidn = $cp.split('/')[1] if ($cidn -ne '32'){ $End = ($Start | Select-Object -Property $cidrl.$cidn).($cidrl.$cidn) $Start = ($Start | Select-Object -Property $cidrl.($cidn+'s')).($cidrl.($cidn+'s')) if (!$Calculator){ if ($AssignO){ if ($cidn -ne '31'){ $cfir = [int]$start.Split('.')[3]+1 $Start = ($Start.Split('.')[0..2] -join '.') + ".$cfir" $clas = [int]$End.Split('.')[3]-1 $End = ($End.Split('.')[0..2] -join '.') + ".$clas" } } $cparam = @{ Start = $Start End = $End } if ($Filter){ $cparam.Add('Filter',$Filter) } $null = $cidhsh.$cic.AddRange((Get-PowerIPRange @cparam)) } Else{ [double]$cacnt = [math]::Pow(2,(32-[int]$cidn)) if ($cidn -ne '31'){ $cfir = [int]$start.Split('.')[3]+1 $clas = [int]$End.Split('.')[3]-1 $CFad = ($Start.Split('.')[0..2] -join '.') + ".$cfir" $CLad = ($End.Split('.')[0..2] -join '.') + ".$clas" } $null = $cidhsh.$cic.Add([PSCustomObject]@{"CIDR"=$cp;"BaseIP"=$Start;"BroadcastIP"=$End;"AddressCount"=$cacnt;"FirstAssignable"=if ($CFad){$CFad};"LastAssignable"=if ($CLad){$CLad};"AssignableAddresses"=$cacnt-2;"Netmask"=$csnl.$cidn}) } } Else{ if (!$Calculator){ $null = $cidhsh.$cic.Add($Start) } Else{ $null = $cidhsh.$cic.Add([PSCustomObject]@{"CIDR"=$cp;"BaseIP"=$Start;"BroadcastIP"="";"AddressCount"="1";"FirstAssignable"="";"LastAssignable"="";"AssignableAddresses"="0";"Netmask"=$csnl.$cidn}) } } $cfir=$null;$clas=$null;$CFad=$null;$CLad=$null;$Start=$null;$End=$null;$cidn=$null $cic ++ } } Catch{ Throw $_.Exception.errorrecord } } End{ ##Each CIDR address request is added to hashtable '$cidhsh', line 127 above, with queue number. $rng calls queue number for each hash entry to return address values in the order CIDR blocks are provided.## Try{ $rng = 0..($cidhsh.Count -1) $rng | ForEach-Object {$cidhsh.$_} } Catch{ Throw $_.Exception.errorrecord } Finally{ $cidhsh = $null; $cidrl = $null;$Start = $null;$End = $null; $cparam = $null;$csnl = $null } } } |