$DataFile = Import-PowerShellDataFile .\$($env:repoName).psd1 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $TestModule = Test-ModuleManifest .\$($env:repoName).psd1 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue Describe "$($env:APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER)-Manifest" { Context Validation { It "[Manifest] - $($env:repoName).psd1 exists" { Test-Path "$($env:repoName).psd1" | Should Be True } It "[Test-Path] - $($env:repoName).psm1 exists" { Test-Path "$($env:repoName).psm1" | Should Be True } It "[Manifest Property] - $($env:repoName).psm1 exists" { $DataFile.RootModule | Should Be "$($env:repoName).psm1" } It "[Import-PowerShellDataFile] - $($env:repoName).psd1 is a valid PowerShell Data File" { $DataFile | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty } It "[Test-ModuleManifest] - $($env:repoName).psd1 should pass the basic test" { $TestModule | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty } 'icmp.psm1', 'internal.psm1', 'ndk.psm1', 'tcp.psm1' | ForEach-Object { $thisModule = $_ It "[Test-Path] - helpers\$thisModule exists" { Test-Path ".\helpers\$thisModule" | Should Be True } Import-Module .\helpers\$thisModule -Force $Module = Get-Module $thisModule.Split('.')[0] It "[Import-Module] - helpers\$thisModule is a valid PowerShell Module" { $Module | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty } Switch ($Module.Name) { 'icmp' { 'Invoke-ICMPPMTUD' | ForEach-Object { It "Should have an available command: $_" { $module.ExportedCommands.ContainsKey($_) | Should be $true } } } 'internal' { 'Get-ConnectivityMapping', 'Get-TestableNetworksFromMapping', 'Get-DisqualifiedNetworksFromMapping', 'Get-RunspaceGroups', 'Get-Jitter', 'Get-Latency', 'Get-Failures', 'Write-LogFile', 'Convert-CIDRToMask', 'Convert-MaskToCIDR', 'Convert-IPv4ToInt', 'Convert-IntToIPv4' | ForEach-Object { It "Should have an available command: $_" { $module.ExportedCommands.ContainsKey($_) | Should be $true } } <# This currently does not properly import classes so we won't test this at this time $Analyzer = [Analyzer]::New() It "Should have a class named $thisClass" { $Analyzer | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty } 'MTU', 'Reliability', 'TCPPerf', 'NDKPerf' | ForEach-Object { $thisClass = $_ It "Analyzer should define the class named $thisClass" { $Analyzer.$thisClass | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty } Switch ($thisClass) { 'Reliability' { It "Should require ICMPReliability to be -ge 90" { $Analyzer.$thisClass.ICMPReliability | Should BeGreaterOrEqual 90 } It "Should require ICMPPacketLoss to be -ge 95" { $Analyzer.$thisClass.ICMPReliability | Should BeGreaterOrEqual 95 } } 'TCPPerf' { It "Should require TCP TPUT to be -ge 90" { $Analyzer.$thisClass.TPUT | Should BeGreaterOrEqual 90 } } 'NDKPerf' { It "Should require NDK TPUT to be -ge 90" { $Analyzer.$thisClass.TPUT | Should BeGreaterOrEqual 90 } } } } #> } 'ndk' { 'Invoke-NDKPing', 'Invoke-NDKPerf1to1', 'Invoke-NDKPerfNto1', 'Invoke-NDKPerfNtoN' | ForEach-Object { It "Should have an available command: $_" { $module.ExportedCommands.ContainsKey($_) | Should be $true } } } 'tcp' { 'Invoke-TCP' | ForEach-Object { It "Should have an available command: $_" { $module.ExportedCommands.ContainsKey($_) | Should be $true } } } } } <# 'Test-NICAdvancedProperties', 'Test-SwitchCapability' | ForEach-Object { It "Should have an available command: $_" { $module.ExportedCommands.ContainsKey($_) | Should be $true } } It "Should have an available alias: Test-NICProperties" { $module.ExportedAliases.ContainsKey('Test-NICProperties') | Should be $true } It "Should have an reference command: Test-NICAdvancedProperties" { $module.ExportedAliases.'Test-NICProperties'.ReferencedCommand.Name | Should be 'Test-NICAdvancedProperties' } It "Should have an required module of: DataCenterBridging" { $module.RequiredModules | Should be 'DataCenterBridging' } #> } } |