.VERSION 1.0 .GUID b46be54d-9f7e-42db-bace-18557fa1a91e .AUTHOR Lee Holmes #> <# .DESCRIPTION Tests for the existence of items in a data set, based on the output of New-BloomFilter. If this function returns 'False' (or emits the item in -PassThru mode), you can be 100% certain that the item was not part of the original training data set. The efficiency of this encoding comes with a very slight false positive rate. That is, one in a billion times, this function will return 'True' (or not emit an item in -PassThru mode) for an item that was not in the original data set. .EXAMPLE ## Create the data set based on strings of name, last write time, and length PS > $system32files = dir c:\windows\system32 | % { "{0},{1},{2}" -f $_.Name,$_.LastWriteTime,$_.Length } PS > $filterData = $system32files | New-BloomFilter -ExpectedItemCount $system32files.Length ## Tamper with one item in the data set, and then test PS > $system32files[337] = "KBDDIV1.DLL,12/7/2021 1:08:55 AM,7685" PS > $system32files | Test-BloomFilter.ps1 -FilterData $filterData -PassThru KBDDIV1.DLL,12/7/2021 1:08:55 AM,7685 This example creates a data set of all files in System32 (Name, Last Write Time, and Length), and outputs any that change. .EXAMPLE ## Create the data set based out the string output of Get-Filehash PS > $system32hashes = dir c:\windows\system32 -File | Get-FileHash | Out-String -Stream -Width 999 PS > $filterData = $system32hashes | New-BloomFilter -ExpectedItemCount $system32hashes.Length ## Tamper with one item in the data set, and then test PS > $system32hashes[337] = $system32hashes[337] -replace '0','1' PS > $system32hashes | Test-BloomFilter.ps1 -FilterData $filterData -PassThru SHA256 9A47888C8118A34111475E92663C1A4D9E3E1E26289B6B16558886631F6FD89B C:\Windows\System32\BrowserSettingSync.dll This example creates a data set of all files in System32 based on the output of Get-FileHash, and uses the Out-String -Stream cmdlet to capture this output as strings. It then outputs any that change. #> param( ## The item to be examined to determine whether it was in the original data set. ## This must be a String. [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)] [Object] $InputObject, ## The Base64 data set output from New-BloomFilter that encodes the training data [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $FilterData, ## An optional data set key. If you think an attacker might know you use ## these bloom filters to detect them, they might intentionally modify their ## data to make it turn into a false positive. Similar to salting a password, ## this data set key will prevent that. [Parameter()] [string] $DatasetKey, ## Specify this flag if you want Test-BloomFilter to emit items that were not present ## in the original data set. Otherwise, returns $True / $False depending on whether ## the input object was in the original data set. [Parameter()] [Switch] $PassThru ) begin { ## Optimize the data set size for one in a billion false positive rate. ## Using 30 hash functions for this false positive rate and most data ## set sizes creates an optimal data set size. $falsePositiveRate = 1 / 1000000000 $hashFunctionCount = 30 [uint32] $bitsetCount = 0 ## Retrieve the bitset and bitset size from the encoded FilterData representation [byte[]] $filterDataBytes = [Convert]::FromBase64String($FilterData) $bitsetCount = $filterDataBytes.Count * 8 $bitset = [Collections.BitArray]::New($filterDataBytes) ## Use a SHA256 hash for the bytes of the multiple hash indexes. $hasher = [System.Security.Cryptography.SHA256Managed]::Create() } process { if($InputObject -isnot [String]) { throw "Input objects must be supplied as strings. To use the formatted output you " + "see in PowerShell, use 'Out-String -Stream -Width 999' as shown in the help examples." } ## Iterate on the hash 30 times to generate the bitset indexes, and determine if the resulting bit ## is set in the bitset for($currentHashIndex = 0; $currentHashIndex -lt $hashFunctionCount; $currentHashIndex++) { ## Hash the content, and use those hash bytes to test entries in the data set / bitset. $itemBytes = [System.Text.Encoding]::Unicode.GetBytes($DatasetKey + $currentHashIndex + $InputObject) $hashBytes = $hasher.ComputeHash($itemBytes) $currentHashOffset = [BitConverter]::ToUInt32($hashBytes, 0) % $bitsetCount ## If the bitset does not have an entry set at this position, we can know for certain that ## the item was not part of the training data. if(-not $bitset[$currentHashoffset]) { ## Emit the object if($PassThru.IsPresent) { return $InputObject } else { ## Or just return that the item was not in the training data. return $false } } } ## If all the bits were set, this very probably was part of the training data. ## Only emit $true / $false if they didn't specify -PassThru if(-not $PassThru.IsPresent) { return $true } } |