Import-Module -Force "./Terrafun/Terrafun.psd1" BeforeAll { } Describe 'Invoke-Terrafun' -Tag "Acceptance" { InModuleScope "Terrafun" { BeforeEach { Push-Location Set-Location -Path "TestDrive:\" } AfterEach { Pop-Location } It 'Defaults to the latest version' { $UserProfile = (Get-Item ~).FullName $ConfigPath = Join-Path -path ~ -ChildPath ".terrafun/config.json" Remove-item $ConfigPath -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Force $Output = Invoke-Terrafun version $Output | Should -Not -BeLike "*Your version of Terraform is out of date !*" } It 'Lists the available versions' { $UserProfile = (Get-Item ~).FullName $ConfigPath = Join-Path -path ~ -ChildPath ".terrafun/config.json" Remove-item $ConfigPath -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Force $Output = Invoke-Terrafun version list $Output.count | Should -BeGreaterThan 100 } It 'Sets the correct version inside the current directory' { Invoke-Terrafun version 1.0.0 Invoke-Terrafun version global 1.0.1 $Content = Get-Content ".terraformversion" $Output = Invoke-Terrafun version | Out-String $Content | Should -Be "1.0.0" $Output | Should -BeLike "*Terraform v1.0.0*" } It 'Sets the correct version in the user profile' { Remove-Item ".terraformversion" -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue Invoke-Terrafun version global 1.0.1 $Output = Invoke-Terrafun version | Out-String $Output | Should -BeLike "*Terraform v1.0.1*" } It 'Uses the version set in the current directory when a user profile is present' { Invoke-Terrafun version 1.0.0 Invoke-Terrafun version global 1.0.1 $Content = Get-Content ".terraformversion" $Output = Invoke-Terrafun version | Out-String $Content | Should -Be "1.0.0" $Output | Should -BeLike "*Terraform v1.0.0*" } It 'Executes the "terraform version" command' { Invoke-Terrafun version 1.0.0 $Output = Invoke-Terrafun version | Out-String $Output | Should -BeLike "*Terraform v1.0.0*" } It 'Successfully executes the "terraform init" command' { $Content = @" resource "local_file" "init" { content = "init_result" filename = "init_test" } "@ mkdir "init" Set-Location "init" Set-Content -Path "" -Value $Content $Output = Invoke-Terrafun init -no-color | Out-String $Output | Should -BeLike "*Terraform has been successfully initialized!*" } It 'Successfully executes the "terraform plan" command' { $Content = @" resource "local_file" "plan" { content = "plan_result" filename = "plan_test" } "@ mkdir "plan" Set-Location "plan" Set-Content -Path "" -Value $Content Invoke-Terrafun init $Output = Invoke-Terrafun plan -no-color | Out-String $Output | Should -BeLike "*Plan: 1 to add, 0 to change, 0 to destroy*" } It 'Successfully executes the "terraform apply" command' { $Content = @" resource "local_file" "apply" { content = "apply_result" filename = "apply_test" } "@ mkdir "apply" Set-Location "apply" Set-Content -Path "" -Value $Content Invoke-Terrafun init $Output = Invoke-Terrafun apply --auto-approve -no-color | Out-String $Content = Get-Content -path "apply_test" $Content | Should -Be "apply_result" $Output | Should -BeLike "*Apply complete! Resources: 1 added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed*" } } } |