OAUTH CLIENTS API Show an OAuth Client GET /oauth-clients/:id Create an OAuth Client POST /organizations/:organization_name/oauth-clients Update an OAuth Client PATCH /oauth-clients/:id Destroy an OAuth Client DELETE /oauth-clients/:id OAUTH TOKENS List OAuth Tokens GET /oauth-clients/:oauth_client_id/oauth-tokens Show an OAuth Token GET /oauth-tokens/:id Update an OAuth Token PATCH /oauth-tokens/:id Destroy an OAuth Token DELETE /oauth-tokens/:id #> function Get-TFOAuthToken { <# .SYNOPSIS Returns OAuth Token from VCS OAuth Client. An OAuth Client represents the connection between an organization and a VCS provider. The oauth-token object represents a VCS configuration which includes the OAuth connection and the associated OAuth token. This object is used when creating a workspace to identify which VCS connection to use. .DESCRIPTION List OAuth Clients GET /organizations/:organization_name/oauth-clients List OAuth Clients GET /organizations/:organization_name/oauth-clients #> [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory,ValueFromPipeline,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [ValidateSet('Bitbucket','GitHub')] [string]$VCS, [string]$Server = $Terraform.Server, [string]$APIToken = $Terraform.Token, [string]$Org = $Terraform.Org ) PROCESS { if (!$Server -or !$APIToken) {Write-Warning "Missing Server and APIToken, use Set-Terraform"; Continue} $Uri = "https://$Server/api/v2" $Headers = @{ Authorization = "Bearer $APIToken" 'Content-Type' = 'application/vnd.api+json' } try{ $OAuthClients = (Invoke-RestMethod "$Uri/organizations/$Org/oauth-clients" -Headers $Headers -Method Get).data $OAuthClient = ($OAuthClients | Where-Object {$_.attributes -match $VCS}).id Write-Verbose "VCS $VCS : OAuthClient $OAuthClient" (Invoke-RestMethod "$Uri/oauth-clients/$OAuthClient/oauth-tokens" -Headers $Headers -Method Get) } catch{ Write-Warning "Unable to get OAuth Token : $($_.Exception.Message) : Line $($_.InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber)" Continue } } } |