function Start-Tune { <# .SYNOPSIS Starts a Tune .DESCRIPTION Starts a Tune. If the Tune contains escape sequences, will attempt to play the tune at the terminal. .EXAMPLE # You can start any tune by title Start-Tune -Title "Ms PacMan Theme" # You can also use the emoji for notes surrounding any title (minus whitespace) 🎶MsPacmanTheme🎶 #> [Alias('Play-Tune')] param( # The title of a tune. Can include wildcards. [vbn()] [ArgumentCompleter({ param ( $commandName,$parameterName,$wordToComplete,$commandAst,$fakeBoundParameters ) $tuneList = @(if ($wordToComplete) { $toComplete = $wordToComplete -replace "^['`"]" -replace "['`"]$" Get-Tune -Title "$toComplete*" } else { Get-Tune }) @(foreach ($tune in $tunelist) { if ($tune.Title) { $tune.Title } }) -replace '^', "'" -replace '$',"'" })] [string] $Title ) dynamicParam { # If we were called with an alias if ($MyInvocation.InvocationName -like '🎶*🎶') { # Find the real long title $title = $script:TuneShortTitleToLongTitle[$MyInvocation.InvocationName -replace '🎶'] # and get the tune $tuneList = Get-Tune -Title $Title # If there were no tunes, there are no dynamic parameters. if (-not $tuneList) { return } # If there was not a generator, there are no dynamic parameters. if (-not $tuneList.IsGenerator) { return } # Return dynamic parameters for every parameter in the generator. $DynamicParameters = [Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary]::new() :nextInputParameter foreach ($in in ([Management.Automation.CommandMetaData]$tuneList).Parameters.Keys) { $DynamicParameters.Add($in, [Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter]::new( $tuneList.Parameters[$in].Name, $tuneList.Parameters[$in].ParameterType, $tuneList.Parameters[$in].Attributes )) } $DynamicParameters } } process { # Check to see that a title was provided or inferred if (-not $title) { if ($MyInvocation.InvocationName -like '🎶*🎶') { $title = $script:TuneShortTitleToLongTitle[$MyInvocation.InvocationName -replace '🎶'] } # If it was neither, if (-not $title) { # error out. Write-Error "Must provide -Title or use an alias, for example 🎶MsPacMan🎶" return } } elseif ($script:TuneShortTitleToLongTitle[$title]) { $Title = $script:TuneShortTitleToLongTitle[$title] } # Get a list of tunes with that title. $tuneList = Get-Tune -Title $Title # If there were none, return if (-not $tuneList) { return } # Walk over each tune in the list foreach ($tune in $tuneList) { # If it was a generator if ($tune.IsGenerator) { $isSafe = $tune.IsSafe() $paramCopy = @{} + $PSBoundParameters $paramCopy.Remove('Title') $tune.Play($paramCopy) # play the tune with the parameters provided. } else { # otherwise, just Play the tune. $tune.Play() } } } } |