function Format-TerminalIcons { <# .SYNOPSIS Prepend a custom icon (with color) to the provided file or folder object when displayed. .DESCRIPTION Take the provided file or folder object and look up the appropriate icon and color to display. .PARAMETER FileInfo The file or folder to display .EXAMPLE Get-ChildItem List a directory. Terminal-Icons will be invoked automatically for display. .EXAMPLE Get-Item ./ | Format-TerminalIcons Get a file object and pass directly to Format-TerminalIcons. .INPUTS System.IO.FileSystemInfo You can pipe an objects that derive from System.IO.FileSystemInfo (System.IO.DIrectoryInfo and System.IO.FileInfo) to 'Format-TerminalIcons'. .OUTPUTS System.String Outputs a colorized string with an icon prepended. #> [OutputType([string])] [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)] [IO.FileSystemInfo]$FileInfo ) process { $escape = [char]27 $colorReset = "${escape}[0m" $displayInfo = Resolve-Icon $FileInfo "$($displayInfo.Color)$($displayInfo.Icon) $($FileInfo.Name)$colorReset" } } |