function Show-TerminalIconsTheme { <# .SYNOPSIS List example directories and files to show the currently applied color and icon themes. .DESCRIPTION List example directories and files to show the currently applied color and icon themes. The directory/file objects show are in memory only, they are not written to the filesystem. .EXAMPLE Show-TerminalIconsTheme List example directories and files to show the currently applied color and icon themes. .INPUTS None. .OUTPUTS System.IO.DirectoryInfo .OUTPUTS System.IO.FileInfo .NOTES Example directory and file objects only exist in memory. They are not written to the filesystem. .LINK Get-TerminalIconsColorTheme .LINK Get-TerminalIconsIconTheme .LINK Get-TerminalIconsTheme #> [cmdletbinding()] param() $directories = @( [IO.DirectoryInfo]::new('ExampleFolder') $themeData.Themes.Icon[$themeData.CurrentIconTheme].Types.Directories.WellKnown.Keys.ForEach({ [IO.DirectoryInfo]::new($_) }) ) $wellKnownFiles = @( [IO.FileInfo]::new('ExampleFile') $themeData.Themes.Icon[$themeData.CurrentIconTheme].Types.Files.WellKnown.Keys.ForEach({ [IO.FileInfo]::new($_) }) ) $extensions = $themeData.Themes.Icon[$themeData.CurrentIconTheme].Types.Files.Keys.Where({$_ -ne 'WellKnown'}).ForEach({ [IO.FileInfo]::new("example$_") }) $directories + $wellKnownFiles + $extensions | Sort-Object } |