function Get-TerminalIconsTheme { <# .SYNOPSIS Get the currently applied color and icon theme. .DESCRIPTION Get the currently applied color and icon theme. .EXAMPLE PS> Get-TerminalIconsTheme Get the currently applied Terminal-Icons color and icon theme. .INPUTS None. .OUTPUTS System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject An object representing the currently applied color and icon theme. .LINK Get-TerminalIconsColorTheme .LINK Get-TerminalIconsIconTheme #> [cmdletbinding()] param( #[switch]$ListAvailable ) [pscustomobject]@{ PSTypeName = 'TerminalIconsTheme' Color = [pscustomobject]$themeData.Themes.Color[$themeData.CurrentColorTheme] Icon = [pscustomobject]$themeData.Themes.Icon[$themeData.CurrentIconTheme] } # if ($ListAvailable.IsPresent) { # foreach ($colorTheme in $themeData.Themes.Color.GetEnumerator()) { # [pscustomobject]@{ # PSTypeName = 'TerminalIconsColorTheme' # Name = $colorTheme.Name # Colors = $colorTheme.Value # } # } # foreach ($iconTheme in $themeData.Themes.Icon.GetEnumerator()) { # [pscustomobject]@{ # PSTypeName = 'TerminalIconsIconTheme' # Name = $iconTheme.Name # Icons = $iconTheme.Value # } # } # } else { # [pscustomobject]@{ # PSTypeName = 'TerminalIconsTheme' # Color = [pscustomobject]$themeData.Themes.Color[$themeData.CurrentColorTheme] # Icon = [pscustomobject]$themeData.Themes.Icon[$themeData.CurrentIconTheme] # } # } } |