#Requires -Modules Pester, testing Import-ModuleFromPath -Parent . "${PSScriptRoot}\TestHelper.ps1" $mut = 'Templates' $sut = 'New-ModuleFromTemplate' Describe "'$sut' tests with mandatory parameters only" { $destination = "${TestDrive}\mymodule" $moduleName = "mymodule" $description = 'My description' & $sut -DestinationPath $destination -ModuleName $moduleName -Description $description -NoPrompt $itemsWhichShouldExist = @( @{ path = "${destination}\$moduleName" } @{ path = "${destination}\${moduleName}\${moduleName}.psd1" } @{ path = "${destination}\${moduleName}\${moduleName}.psm1" } @{ path = "${destination}\${moduleName}\src" } @{ path = "${destination}\${moduleName}\tests" } ) $itemsWhichShouldNotExist = @( @{ path = "${destination}\.gitignore" } @{ path = "${destination}\appveyor.yml" } @{ path = "${destination}\LICENSE" } @{ path = "${destination}\README.md" } ) It "should create item '<path>'" -TestCases $itemsWhichShouldExist { Param ($path) $path | Should exist } It "should not create item '<path>'" -TestCases $itemsWhichShouldNotExist { Param ($path) $path | Should not exist } } Describe "'$sut' tests with mandatory parameters only and GitHub parameter specified" { $destination = "${TestDrive}\mymodule" $moduleName = "mymodule" $description = 'My description' & $sut -DestinationPath $destination -ModuleName $moduleName -Description $description -NoPrompt -GitHub $itemsWhichShouldExist = @( @{ path = "${destination}\.gitignore" } @{ path = "${destination}\appveyor.yml" } @{ path = "${destination}\LICENSE" } @{ path = "${destination}\README.md" } @{ path = "${destination}\$moduleName" } @{ path = "${destination}\${moduleName}\${moduleName}.psd1" } @{ path = "${destination}\${moduleName}\${moduleName}.psm1" } @{ path = "${destination}\${moduleName}\src" } @{ path = "${destination}\${moduleName}\tests" } ) It "should create item '<path>'" -TestCases $itemsWhichShouldExist { Param ($path) $path | Should exist } } Describe "'$sut' tests with invalid parameters" { $destination = "${TestDrive}\mymodule" $moduleName = "mymodule" $description = "My description" $errorThrowingArguments = @( @{ arguments = @{ DestinationPath='' } + (Get-ValidModuleName) expectedErrorContent = 'DestinationPath' }, @{ arguments = @{ DestinationPath=$null } + (Get-ValidModuleName) expectedErrorContent = 'DestinationPath' }, @{ arguments = (Get-ValidDestination) + @{ ModuleName='' } expectedErrorContent = 'ModuleName' }, @{ arguments = (Get-ValidDescription) + @{ ModuleName=$null } expectedErrorContent = 'ModuleName' }, @{ arguments = (Get-ValidMandatoryArgs) + @{ Author="" } expectedErrorContent = 'Author' }, @{ arguments = (Get-ValidMandatoryArgs) + @{ Author=$null } expectedErrorContent = 'Author' } ) It "should throw an error because of <expectedErrorContent>." -TestCases $errorThrowingArguments { Param($arguments, $expectedErrorContent) { & $sut @arguments } | Should throw $expectedErrorContent } } Describe "'$sut' without NoPrompt parameter" { Mock -CommandName 'Invoke-Plaster' -ModuleName $mut -MockWith { } It "should not auto fill non mandatory parameters" { $args = Get-ValidMandatoryArgs & $sut @args # The Invoke-Plaster cmdlet should not contain any values for the non mandatory parameters # because they should be prompted to input. Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Invoke-Plaster' -ModuleName $mut -ParameterFilter { !$PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Author") -and !$PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Version") -and !$PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Company") -and !$PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("PowerShellVersion") } } It "should use default values for parameters when passing NoPrompt switch" { $args = Get-ValidMandatoryArgs & $sut @args -NoPrompt Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Invoke-Plaster' -ModuleName $mut -ParameterFilter { $Author -eq 'Unknown' -and $Version -eq '0.1.0' -and $Company -eq 'Unknown' -and $PowerShellVersion -eq 'None' } } } |