<# .SYNOPSIS Internal function to determine the module name .DESCRIPTION Internal function to determine the module name of the calling cmdlet .EXAMPLE Get-CallingModule Returns either null or the module name #> function Get-CallingModule { [OutputType([string])] [CmdletBinding()] param ( ) $moduleName = foreach ($stackEntry in (Get-PSCallStack)) { if ($stackEntry.InvocationInfo.MyCommand.ModuleName -eq 'TelemetryHelper') { continue } if ($null -ne $stackEntry.InvocationInfo.MyCommand.ModuleName) { $stackEntry.InvocationInfo.MyCommand.ModuleName break } } if ($moduleName) { Write-PSFMessage -Message "Determined module name $moduleName" return $moduleName } Stop-PSFFunction -Message "Unable to determine module name. Telemetry collection will not work properly." } |