
    Send a trace message
    Send a trace message
    The text to send
.PARAMETER SeverityLevel
    The severity of the trace message
    Auto-generated, used to select the proper configuration in case you have different modules
    Send-THTrace -Message "Oh god! It burns!"
    Sends the message "Oh god! It burns!" with severity Information (default) to ApplicationInsights
    Send-THTrace -Message "Oh god! It burns!" -SeverityLevel Critical
    Sends the message "Oh god! It burns!" with severity Critical to ApplicationInsights

function Send-THTrace
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)]

        [ValidateSet('Critical', 'Error', 'Warning', 'Information', 'Verbose')]
        $SeverityLevel = 'Information',

        $ModuleName = (Get-CallingModule)


        $telemetryInstance = Get-THTelemetryConfiguration -ModuleName $ModuleName

            $telemetryInstance.SendTrace($Message, $SeverityLevel)
            Stop-PSFFunction -Message "Unable to send trace '$Message' to ApplicationInsights" -Exception $_.Exception

            Stop-PSFFunction -Message "Unable to flush telemetry client. Messages may be delayed." -Exception $_.Exception