.VERSION 1.0.1 .GUID cf43c4ef-a648-4f67-854f-017b7394ec3c .AUTHOR Simon Jones .COMPANYNAME SACOMS .COPYRIGHT (c) 2024 Simon Jones. All rights reserved. .TAGS .LICENSEURI .PROJECTURI .ICONURI .EXTERNALMODULEDEPENDENCIES .REQUIREDSCRIPTS .EXTERNALSCRIPTDEPENDENCIES .RELEASENOTES .PRIVATEDATA #> <# .DESCRIPTION Microsoft Teams Phone Software Updater #> Param() ################################# # # # DO NOT EDIT BELOW THIS LINE # # # ################################# #region - STARTUP # This will set the session windows title bar with the name of the script $host.ui.RawUI.WindowTitle = "Teams Phone Software Updater v1.0" # screen wash Clear-Host # set the path variable $path = "$PSScriptRoot" # create folder structure if ((Test-Path -Path "$path\arc") -eq $false) { New-Item -Path "$path\" -Name "arc" -ItemType "directory" } if ((Test-Path -Path "$path\data") -eq $false) { New-Item -Path "$path\" -Name "data" -ItemType "directory" } if ((Test-Path -Path "$path\logs") -eq $false) { New-Item -Path "$path\" -Name "logs" -ItemType "directory" } if ((Test-Path -Path "$path\tmp") -eq $false) { New-Item -Path "$path\" -Name "tmp" -ItemType "directory" } # start the transcript Start-Transcript -Path "$path\logs\transcript.txt" # Connect the Microsoft.Graph PowerShell module Function Auth { try { Connect-MgGraph -ContextScope Process -Scopes TeamworkDevice.ReadWrite.All -ErrorAction Stop } catch { Exit ('Error - {0}' -f $_.Exception.Message) | Out-File "$path\logs\debug.txt" -append } } # This will call the Auth function when this script is run Auth #endregion #region - FUNCTIONS # This will prompt the user to select a text file which contains one or more TeamworkDeviceIds function Select-txtFile { param([string]$Title="Please select the batch file",[string]$Directory=$("$path\data\"),[string]$Filter='Text Files (*.txt)|*.txt') [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("PresentationFramework") | Out-Null $objForm = New-Object Microsoft.Win32.OpenFileDialog $objForm.InitialDirectory = $Directory $objForm.Filter = $Filter $objForm.Title = $Title $show = $objForm.ShowDialog() if ($show -eq $true) { [String]$txtFile = $objForm.FileName Write-Warning "The following file was selected: $($txtFile.Split("\")[$_.Length-2])" $continue = Read-Host "Press [C] to continue" $check = Get-Content $txtFile if (($continue.ToLower() -eq "c") -and (-not[String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($check))) { Return $txtFile }else { Write-Error 'No data in selected text file.' } } Return 0 } # Archives the session files and stores them in the '$path\arc\' directory function Archive { try { Stop-Transcript Get-ChildItem -Path "$path\tmp\*", "$path\logs\*" | Compress-Archive -DestinationPath "$path\arc\$($customer)-$($site)-$((Get-Date).ToString('dd-MM-yyyy')).zip" -Force -ErrorAction Stop Start-Transcript -Path "$path\logs\transcript.txt" } catch { ('Error: Archive Reports - {0}' -f $_.Exception.Message) | Out-File "$path\logs\debug.txt" -Append } } # Prompt the user to input a site name or code for reference function Batch_File { $confirm = Read-Host "Are you sure you want to load a new file? [Y] Yes [N] No" if ($confirm -eq 'Y') { do { Clear-Host $site = Read-Host "Enter a site name or code" $displaysite = '(' + $site + ')' } while ($site -like '') $batchfile = Select-txtFile if ($batchfile -ne '0' -and $null -ne $batchfile) { $filename = ($($batchfile.Split("\")[$_.Length-2])) $displayfilename = '(' + $filename + ')' # if a new file is selected clear variables $displaycounter = $null $displaycounter2 = $null $ids = $null $flag = $null $flag2 = $null Remove-Item "$path\tmp\*" }else { # if no file is selected clear variables $batchfile = $null $displaysite = $null $displayfilename = $null $displaycounter = $null $displaycounter2 = $null $ids = $null $flag = $null $flag2 = $null Remove-Item "$path\tmp\*" } Options_Menu_GUI } } # Clear the debug.txt file function Clear_debug { if(Test-Path -Path "$path\logs\debug.txt" -PathType Leaf) { Remove-Item "$path\logs\debug.txt" } } # Verify TeamworkDeviceId's against the batch file and export data to a Csv file so it can be imported for computation and user analysis function Analyze_file { if ($null -ne $batchfile -and (Test-Path -LiteralPath "$path\tmp\did.csv") -eq $false) { $targetid = Get-Content "$batchfile" $userarrayq = $targetid | Measure-Object $file = $userarrayq.count $i = 0 try { foreach ($id in $targetid) { $percentcomplete = ($i / $file) * 100; $i++ Write-Progress -Activity ('Analyzing TeamworkDeviceId: ' + $id) -Status ('file ' + $i + ' of ' + $file) -PercentComplete $percentcomplete $hs = Get-MgBetaTeamworkDevice -TeamworkDeviceId $id -ErrorAction Stop | ForEach-Object {$_.HealthStatus} $id = Get-MgBetaTeamworkDevice -TeamworkDeviceId $id -ErrorAction Stop | ForEach-Object {$_.Id} $dn = Get-MgBetaTeamworkDevice -TeamworkDeviceId $id -ErrorAction Stop | ForEach-Object {$_.CurrentUser.DisplayName} $sw = Get-MgBetaTeamworkDeviceHealth -TeamworkDeviceId $id -ErrorAction Stop $fw = $sw.softwareupdatehealth.FirmwareSoftwareUpdateStatus $cp = $sw.softwareupdatehealth.CompanyPortalSoftwareUpdateStatus $tm = $sw.softwareupdatehealth.TeamsClientSoftwareUpdateStatus # create and add data to did $params = [ordered] @{ "HealthStatus" = $hs | Where-Object {$fw.SoftwareFreshness -ne 'latest'} "Id" = $id "DisplayName" = $dn "SoftwareType" = 'FirmwareUpdate' "Status" = '' "SID" = '' "AvailableVersion" = $fw.AvailableVersion "CurrentVersion" = $fw.CurrentVersion "SoftwareFreshness" = $fw.SoftwareFreshness "Sync" = '' } $newrow = New-Object PSObject -Property $params $importtable += $newrow | Export-Csv "$path\tmp\did.csv" -Append -NoTypeInformation # add data to did $params = [ordered] @{ "HealthStatus" = $hs | Where-Object {$cp.SoftwareFreshness -ne 'latest'} "Id" = $id "DisplayName" = $dn "SoftwareType" = 'CompanyPortalUpdate' "Status" = '' "SID" = '' "AvailableVersion" = $cp.AvailableVersion "CurrentVersion" = $cp.CurrentVersion "SoftwareFreshness" = $cp.SoftwareFreshness "Sync" = '' } $newrow = New-Object PSObject -Property $params $importtable += $newrow | Export-Csv "$path\tmp\did.csv" -Append -NoTypeInformation # add data to did $params = [ordered] @{ "HealthStatus" = $hs | Where-Object {$tm.SoftwareFreshness -ne 'latest'} "Id" = $id "DisplayName" = $dn "SoftwareType" = 'TeamsClientUpdate' "Status" = '' "SID" = '' "AvailableVersion" = $tm.AvailableVersion "CurrentVersion" = $tm.CurrentVersion "SoftwareFreshness" = $tm.SoftwareFreshness "Sync" = '' } $newrow = New-Object PSObject -Property $params $importtable += $newrow | Export-Csv "$path\tmp\did.csv" -Append -NoTypeInformation } } catch {Write-Output ('No Dice: {0}' -f $id) ('Error: Analyze File - {0}' -f $_.Exception.Message) | Out-File "$path\logs\debug.txt" -Append} $num = @() $dev = @() $targetusers = Import-Csv "$path\tmp\did.csv" foreach ($user in $targetusers) { $num += ($user.Id | Select-Object -Unique | Where-Object {$user.HealthStatus -eq 'nonUrgent'}) $dev += ($user.Id | Select-Object -Unique) } $counter = ($num | Select-Object -Unique).Count $displaycounter = '(' + $counter + ')' $devices = ($dev | Select-Object -Unique).Count $ids = '- ' + $devices + ' x device(s)' $flag = $false } Write-Progress -Activity "Sleep" -Completed Options_Menu_GUI } # Update software function Update_software { if ($null -ne $batchfile -and $counter -gt 0 -and (Test-Path -LiteralPath "$path\tmp\did.csv") -eq $true) { $targetid = Import-Csv "$path\tmp\did.csv" $csv = "$path\tmp\did.csv" $ofile = New-Object System.IO.FileInfo $csv try { # check if did.csv file is closed before continuing $ostream = $ofile.Open([System.IO.FileMode]::Open, [System.IO.FileAccess]::ReadWrite, [System.IO.FileShare]::None) if ($ostream) {$ostream.Close()} try { foreach ($user in $targetid | Where-Object {$_.HealthStatus -eq 'nonUrgent'}) { $uid = Get-MgBetaTeamworkDevice -TeamworkDeviceId $user.Id -ErrorAction Stop $sw = Get-MgBetaTeamworkDeviceHealth -TeamworkDeviceId $user.Id -ErrorAction Stop $fw = $sw.softwareupdatehealth.FirmwareSoftwareUpdateStatus $cp = $sw.softwareupdatehealth.CompanyPortalSoftwareUpdateStatus $tm = $sw.softwareupdatehealth.TeamsClientSoftwareUpdateStatus $ops = Get-MgBetaTeamworkDeviceOperation -TeamworkDeviceId $user.Id -ErrorAction Stop | Where-Object {$_.Id -eq $user.SID} # handle with a SID if conditions are met if ($ops.Status -eq 'Queued' -or $ops.Status -eq 'InProgress') { Write-Progress ('Software update ' + $ops.Status + ' on: ' + $user.DisplayName) # add data to did $user.HealthStatus = $uid.HealthStatus $user.Status = $ops.Status $targetid | Export-Csv "$path\tmp\did.csv" -NoTypeInformation }elseif ($ops.Status -eq 'Failed') { # re-attempt firmware update if ($user.SoftwareType -eq 'FirmwareUpdate') { Write-Progress -Activity ('Retrying Software update on: ' + $user.DisplayName) Update-MgBetaTeamworkDeviceSoftware -TeamworkDeviceId $user.Id -SoftwareType "firmware" -SoftwareVersion $user.AvailableVersion -ErrorAction Stop $sid = (Get-MgBetaTeamworkDeviceOperation -TeamworkDeviceId $user.Id -ErrorAction Stop | ForEach-Object {$_.Id} | Select-Object -Index '0') # add data to did $user.SID = $sid $user.Status = 'Queued' $targetid | Export-Csv "$path\tmp\did.csv" -NoTypeInformation } # re-attempt company portal update if ($user.SoftwareType -eq 'CompanyPortalUpdate') { Write-Progress -Activity ('Retrying Software update on: ' + $user.DisplayName) Update-MgBetaTeamworkDeviceSoftware -TeamworkDeviceId $user.Id -SoftwareType "companyPortal" -SoftwareVersion $user.AvailableVersion -ErrorAction Stop $sid = (Get-MgBetaTeamworkDeviceOperation -TeamworkDeviceId $user.Id -ErrorAction Stop | ForEach-Object {$_.Id} | Select-Object -Index '0') # add data to did $user.SID = $sid $user.Status = 'Queued' $targetid | Export-Csv "$path\tmp\did.csv" -NoTypeInformation } # re-attempt teams update if ($user.SoftwareType -eq 'TeamsClientUpdate') { Write-Progress -Activity ('Retrying Software update on: ' + $user.DisplayName) Update-MgBetaTeamworkDeviceSoftware -TeamworkDeviceId $user.Id -SoftwareType "teamsClient" -SoftwareVersion $user.AvailableVersion -ErrorAction Stop $sid = (Get-MgBetaTeamworkDeviceOperation -TeamworkDeviceId $user.Id -ErrorAction Stop | ForEach-Object {$_.Id} | Select-Object -Index '0') # add data to did $user.SID = $sid $user.Status = 'Queued' $targetid | Export-Csv "$path\tmp\did.csv" -NoTypeInformation } }elseif ($ops.Status -eq 'Successful') { Write-Progress -Activity ('Please wait...') # check for step firmware from previous update if ($user.SoftwareType -eq 'FirmwareUpdate' -and $user.Sync -eq $fw.CurrentVersion) { # prep for step if ($fw.SoftwareFreshness -eq 'updateAvailable') { $user.HealthStatus = $uid.HealthStatus $user.Status = '' $user.SID = '' $user.AvailableVersion = $fw.AvailableVersion $user.CurrentVersion = $fw.CurrentVersion $user.SoftwareFreshness = $fw.SoftwareFreshness $user.Sync = '' $targetid | Export-Csv "$path\tmp\did.csv" -NoTypeInformation # clean up previous update }else { $user.HealthStatus = '' $user.Status = $ops.Status $user.SID = '' $user.AvailableVersion = $fw.AvailableVersion $user.CurrentVersion = $fw.CurrentVersion $user.SoftwareFreshness = $fw.SoftwareFreshness $user.Sync = '' $targetid | Export-Csv "$path\tmp\did.csv" -NoTypeInformation } # wait for sync }elseif ($user.SoftwareType -eq 'FirmwareUpdate' -and $user.Sync -ne $fw.CurrentVersion) { $user.Status = $ops.Status $targetid | Export-Csv "$path\tmp\did.csv" -NoTypeInformation } # check for step company portal from previous update if ($user.SoftwareType -eq 'CompanyPortalUpdate' -and $user.Sync -eq $cp.CurrentVersion) { # prep for step if ($cp.SoftwareFreshness -eq 'updateAvailable') { $user.HealthStatus = $uid.HealthStatus $user.Status = '' $user.SID = '' $user.AvailableVersion = $cp.AvailableVersion $user.CurrentVersion = $cp.CurrentVersion $user.SoftwareFreshness = $cp.SoftwareFreshness $user.Sync = '' $targetid | Export-Csv "$path\tmp\did.csv" -NoTypeInformation # clean up previous update }else { $user.HealthStatus = '' $user.Status = $ops.Status $user.SID = '' $user.AvailableVersion = $cp.AvailableVersion $user.CurrentVersion = $cp.CurrentVersion $user.SoftwareFreshness = $cp.SoftwareFreshness $user.Sync = '' $targetid | Export-Csv "$path\tmp\did.csv" -NoTypeInformation } # wait for sync }elseif ($user.SoftwareType -eq 'CompanyPortalUpdate' -and $user.Sync -ne $cp.CurrentVersion) { $user.Status = $ops.Status $targetid | Export-Csv "$path\tmp\did.csv" -NoTypeInformation } # check for step teams client from previous update if ($user.SoftwareType -eq 'TeamsClientUpdate' -and $user.Sync -eq $tm.CurrentVersion) { if ($tm.SoftwareFreshness -eq 'updateAvailable') { $user.HealthStatus = $uid.HealthStatus $user.Status = '' $user.SID = '' $user.AvailableVersion = $tm.AvailableVersion $user.CurrentVersion = $tm.CurrentVersion $user.SoftwareFreshness = $tm.SoftwareFreshness $user.Sync = '' $targetid | Export-Csv "$path\tmp\did.csv" -NoTypeInformation # clean up previous update }else { $user.HealthStatus = '' $user.Status = $ops.Status $user.SID = '' $user.AvailableVersion = $tm.AvailableVersion $user.CurrentVersion = $tm.CurrentVersion $user.SoftwareFreshness = $tm.SoftwareFreshness $user.Sync = '' $targetid | Export-Csv "$path\tmp\did.csv" -NoTypeInformation } # wait for sync }elseif ($user.SoftwareType -eq 'TeamsClientUpdate' -and $user.Sync -ne $tm.CurrentVersion) { $user.Status = $ops.Status $targetid | Export-Csv "$path\tmp\did.csv" -NoTypeInformation } }else { # check if the firmware requires an update Write-Progress -Activity ('Update software on: ' + $user.DisplayName) if ($null -ne $fw.AvailableVersion -and $fw.AvailableVersion -ne $fw.CurrentVersion | Where-Object {$user.SoftwareType -eq 'FirmwareUpdate'}) { Update-MgBetaTeamworkDeviceSoftware -TeamworkDeviceId $user.Id -SoftwareType "firmware" -SoftwareVersion $fw.AvailableVersion -ErrorAction Stop $sid = (Get-MgBetaTeamworkDeviceOperation -TeamworkDeviceId $user.Id -ErrorAction Stop | ForEach-Object {$_.Id} | Select-Object -Index '0') # add data to did $user.SID = $sid $user.SoftwareType = 'FirmwareUpdate' $user.Status = 'Queued' $user.AvailableVersion = $fw.AvailableVersion $user.CurrentVersion = $fw.CurrentVersion $user.SoftwareFreshness = $fw.SoftwareFreshness $user.Sync = $fw.AvailableVersion $targetid | Export-Csv "$path\tmp\did.csv" -NoTypeInformation } # check if the company portal requires an update if ($null -ne $cp.AvailableVersion -and $cp.AvailableVersion -ne $cp.CurrentVersion | Where-Object {$user.SoftwareType -eq 'CompanyPortalUpdate'}) { Update-MgBetaTeamworkDeviceSoftware -TeamworkDeviceId $user.Id -SoftwareType "companyPortal" -SoftwareVersion $cp.AvailableVersion -ErrorAction Stop $sid = (Get-MgBetaTeamworkDeviceOperation -TeamworkDeviceId $user.Id -ErrorAction Stop | ForEach-Object {$_.Id} | Select-Object -Index '0') # add data to did $user.SID = $sid $user.SoftwareType = 'CompanyPortalUpdate' $user.Status = 'Queued' $user.AvailableVersion = $cp.AvailableVersion $user.CurrentVersion = $cp.CurrentVersion $user.SoftwareFreshness = $cp.SoftwareFreshness $user.Sync = $cp.AvailableVersion $targetid | Export-Csv "$path\tmp\did.csv" -NoTypeInformation } # check if the teams app requires an update if ($null -ne $tm.AvailableVersion -and $tm.AvailableVersion -ne $tm.CurrentVersion | Where-Object {$user.SoftwareType -eq 'TeamsClientUpdate'}) { Update-MgBetaTeamworkDeviceSoftware -TeamworkDeviceId $user.Id -SoftwareType "teamsClient" -SoftwareVersion $tm.AvailableVersion -ErrorAction Stop $sid = (Get-MgBetaTeamworkDeviceOperation -TeamworkDeviceId $user.Id -ErrorAction Stop | ForEach-Object {$_.Id} | Select-Object -Index '0') # add data to did $user.SID = $sid $user.SoftwareType = 'TeamsClientUpdate' $user.Status = 'Queued' $user.AvailableVersion = $tm.AvailableVersion $user.CurrentVersion = $tm.CurrentVersion $user.SoftwareFreshness = $tm.SoftwareFreshness $user.Sync = $tm.AvailableVersion $targetid | Export-Csv "$path\tmp\did.csv" -NoTypeInformation } } } } catch {Write-Output ('No Dice: {0}' -f $user.DisplayName) ('Error: Update software - {0}' -f $_.Exception.Message) | Out-File "$path\logs\debug.txt" -Append} # re-check update software $targetid = Import-Csv "$path\tmp\did.csv" try { foreach ($user in $targetid | Where-Object {$_.HealthStatus -eq '' -and $_.Status -ne 'Successful'}) { Write-Progress -Activity ('Please wait...') $sw = Get-MgBetaTeamworkDeviceHealth -TeamworkDeviceId $user.Id -ErrorAction Stop $fw = $sw.softwareupdatehealth.FirmwareSoftwareUpdateStatus $cp = $sw.softwareupdatehealth.CompanyPortalSoftwareUpdateStatus $tm = $sw.softwareupdatehealth.TeamsClientSoftwareUpdateStatus if($user.SoftwareType -eq 'FirmwareUpdate' | Where-Object {$fw.SoftwareFreshness -ne 'latest'}) { $user.HealthStatus = $uid.HealthStatus $user.AvailableVersion = $fw.AvailableVersion $user.CurrentVersion = $fw.CurrentVersion $user.SoftwareFreshness = $fw.SoftwareFreshness $targetid | Export-Csv "$path\tmp\did.csv" -NoTypeInformation } if($user.SoftwareType -eq 'CompanyPortalUpdate' | Where-Object {$cp.SoftwareFreshness -ne 'latest'}) { $user.HealthStatus = $uid.HealthStatus $user.AvailableVersion = $cp.AvailableVersion $user.CurrentVersion = $cp.CurrentVersion $user.SoftwareFreshness = $cp.SoftwareFreshness $targetid | Export-Csv "$path\tmp\did.csv" -NoTypeInformation } if($user.SoftwareType -eq 'TeamsClientUpdate' | Where-Object {$tm.SoftwareFreshness -ne 'latest'}) { $user.HealthStatus = $uid.HealthStatus $user.AvailableVersion = $tm.AvailableVersion $user.CurrentVersion = $tm.CurrentVersion $user.SoftwareFreshness = $tm.SoftwareFreshness $targetid | Export-Csv "$path\tmp\did.csv" -NoTypeInformation } } } catch {Write-Output ('No Dice: {0}' -f $user.DisplayName) ('Error: Re-check update software - {0}' -f $_.Exception.Message) | Out-File "$path\logs\debug.txt" -Append} $num = @() $targetusers = Import-Csv "$path\tmp\did.csv" foreach ($user in $targetusers) { $num += ($user.Id | Select-Object -Unique | Where-Object {$user.HealthStatus -eq 'nonUrgent'}) } $counter = ($num | Select-Object -Unique).Count $displaycounter = '(' + $counter + ')' $flag = $true } catch {Write-Warning 'Please close the did.csv file and try again.' Pause } } Write-Progress -Activity "Sleep" -Completed Options_Menu_GUI } # Prompt the user to select a text file of one or more devices to be restarted function Restart { if ($null -ne $batchfile -and $null -eq $flag2) { $confirm = Read-Host "Proceed with Teams Phone restart? [Y] Yes [N] No" Clear-Host if ($confirm -eq 'Y') { $targetid = Get-Content "$batchfile" $userarrayq = $targetid | Measure-Object $file = $userarrayq.count $i = 0 try { foreach ($id in $targetid) { $percentcomplete = ($i / $file) * 100; $i++ Write-Progress -Activity ('Restart on TeamworkDeviceId: ' + $id) -Status ('file ' + $i + ' of ' + $file) -PercentComplete $percentcomplete $id = Get-MgBetaTeamworkDevice -TeamworkDeviceId $id -ErrorAction Stop | ForEach-Object {$_.Id} $dn = Get-MgBetaTeamworkDevice -TeamworkDeviceId $id -ErrorAction Stop | ForEach-Object {$_.CurrentUser.DisplayName} Restart-MgBetaTeamworkDevice -TeamworkDeviceId $id -ErrorAction Stop $sid = (Get-MgBetaTeamworkDeviceOperation -TeamworkDeviceId $id -ErrorAction Stop | ForEach-Object {$_.Id} | Select-Object -Index '0') # add data to res $params = [ordered] @{ "Id" = $id "DisplayName" = $dn "Status" = 'Queued' "SID" = $sid } $newrow = New-Object PSObject -Property $params $importtable += $newrow | Export-Csv "$path\tmp\res.csv" -Append -NoTypeInformation } } catch {Write-Output ('No Dice: {0}' -f $id) ('Error: Device restart - {0}' -f $_.Exception.Message) | Out-File "$path\logs\debug.txt" -Append} $counter2 = $file $displaycounter2 = '(' + $counter2 + ')' $flag2 = $true } }elseif ($null -ne $batchfile -and $counter2 -gt 0 -and $null -ne $flag2) { $targetid = Import-Csv "$path\tmp\res.csv" $csv2 = "$path\tmp\res.csv" $ofile2 = New-Object System.IO.FileInfo $csv2 try { # check if did.csv file is closed before continuing $ostream2 = $ofile2.Open([System.IO.FileMode]::Open, [System.IO.FileAccess]::ReadWrite, [System.IO.FileShare]::None) if ($ostream2) {$ostream2.Close()} try { foreach ($user in $targetid) { $ops = Get-MgBetaTeamworkDeviceOperation -TeamworkDeviceId $user.Id -ErrorAction Stop | Where-Object {$_.Id -eq $user.SID} if ($ops.Status -eq 'Queued' -or $ops.Status -eq 'InProgress') { Write-Progress ('Device restart ' + $ops.Status + ' on: ' + $user.DisplayName) # add data to res $user.Status = $ops.Status $targetid | Export-Csv "$path\tmp\res.csv" -NoTypeInformation }elseif ($ops.Status -eq 'Failed') { Write-Progress -Activity ('Retrying Device restart on: ' + $user.DisplayName) Restart-MgBetaTeamworkDevice -TeamworkDeviceId $user.Id -ErrorAction Stop $sid = (Get-MgBetaTeamworkDeviceOperation -TeamworkDeviceId $user.Id -ErrorAction Stop | ForEach-Object {$_.Id} | Select-Object -Index '0') # add data to res $user.SID = $sid $user.Status = 'Queued' $targetid | Export-Csv "$path\tmp\res.csv" -NoTypeInformation }elseif ($ops.Status -eq 'Successful') { Write-Progress -Activity ('Please wait...') # add data to res $user.Status = $ops.Status $user.SID = '' $targetid | Export-Csv "$path\tmp\res.csv" -NoTypeInformation } } } catch {Write-Output ('No Dice: {0}' -f $user.DisplayName) ('Error: Verify restart - {0}' -f $_.Exception.Message) | Out-File "$path\logs\debug.txt" -Append} $num = @() $targetusers = Import-Csv "$path\tmp\res.csv" foreach ($user in $targetusers) { $num += ($user.Id | Select-Object -Unique | Where-Object {$user.Status -ne 'Successful'}) } $counter2 = ($num | Select-Object -Unique).Count $displaycounter2 = '(' + $counter2 + ')' } catch {Write-Warning 'Please close the res.csv file and try again.' Pause } } Write-Progress -Activity "Sleep" -Completed Options_Menu_GUI } # Remove session files on exit function Quit { Stop-Transcript Disconnect-MgGraph Remove-Item "$path\tmp\*", "$path\logs\*" } #endregion #region - SUB-FUNCTIONS # User selects option A on the GUI which calls a function function Option_1 { Clear-Host Archive } # User selects option B on the GUI which calls a function function Option_2 { Clear-Host Clear_debug } # User selects option C on the GUI which calls a function function Option_3 { Clear-Host Batch_file } # User selects option 1 on the GUI which calls a function function Option_4 { Clear-Host Analyze_file } # User selects option 2 on the GUI which calls a function function Option_5 { Clear-Host Update_software } # User selects option R on the GUI which calls a function function Option_6 { Clear-Host Restart } # User selects option Q on the GUI which calls a function function Option_Q { Clear-Host Quit } function Receive_Output_Red { process {Write-Host $_ -ForegroundColor Red} } function Receive_Output_Green { process {Write-Host $_ -ForegroundColor Green} } #endregion #region - MENU GUI function Options_Menu_GUI { $customer = Get-MgOrganization | ForEach-Object DisplayName do { Clear-Host Write-Host '' Write-Host "$customer $displaysite".ToUpper() Write-Host '' Write-Host ' Choose an option' -ForegroundColor Yellow Write-Host '' Write-Host ' 1. Archive' Write-Host '' Write-Host ' 2. Clear debug' Write-Host '' Write-Host " 3. Select file $displayfilename" Write-Host '' Write-Host " 4. Analyze file $ids" Write-Host '' if ($counter -gt 0 -and $flag -eq $false) { Write-Host ' 5. Update software ' -NoNewLine Write-OutPut $displaycounter | Receive_Output_Red }elseif ($counter -gt 0 -and $flag -eq $true) { Write-Host ' 5. Verify software ' -NoNewLine Write-OutPut $displaycounter | Receive_Output_Red }elseif ($counter -eq 0) { Write-Host ' 5. Update software ' -NoNewLine Write-OutPut $displaycounter | Receive_Output_Green }else { Write-Host ' 5. Update software' } Write-Host '' if ($counter2 -gt 0 -and $flag2 -eq $false) { Write-Host ' 6. Device restart ' -NoNewLine Write-OutPut $displaycounter2 | Receive_Output_Red }elseif ($counter2 -gt 0 -and $flag2 -eq $true) { Write-Host ' 6. Verify restart ' -NoNewLine Write-OutPut $displaycounter2 | Receive_Output_Red }elseif ($counter2 -eq 0) { Write-Host ' 6. Device restart ' -NoNewLine Write-OutPut $displaycounter2 | Receive_Output_Green }else { Write-Host ' 6. Device restart' } Write-Host '' Write-Host ' Q. Quit' Write-Host '' $Menu = Read-Host -Prompt ' (1-6 or Q to Quit)' Switch ($Menu) { 1 { Option_1 } 2 { Option_2 } 3 { Option_3 } 4 { Option_4 } 5 { Option_5 } 6 { Option_6 } Q { Option_Q Clear-Host Exit } } } until ($Menu -eq 'q') } Options_Menu_GUI #endregion |