# # Module Manifest for Module 'TeamsEdu.psd1 # # This manifest file is a PowerShell hashtable with all technical requirements for this module # This module was autogenerated by ISESteroids ( # # Generated: 2020-05-01 # @{ # Module Loader File RootModule = 'loader.psm1' # Version Number ModuleVersion = '0.9.2' # Unique Module ID GUID = '6d939bc7-10d8-4fba-9ffe-d24c88e892c1' # Module Author Author = 'Markus Hupfauer' # Company CompanyName = 'XITASO GmbH' # Copyright Copyright = '(c) 2020 XITASO GmbH. All rights reserved.' # Module Description Description = 'Migriert ASV Daten des Bundeslands Bayern zu Office 365. Es wird für jede Klasse (z.B. 5a) und jedes Fach das Schüler dieser Klasse besuchen ein Team angelegt. Die jeweilig zugeordnete Lehrkraft wird als Eigentümer des Teams gesichert. Folgende Daten werden durch dieses Script an Microsoft übertragen: - Vor- / Zunamen von Schülern & Lehrern - Klassenzusammensetzungen & -bezeichnungen Genauere Informationen können unter eingesehen werden. ' # Required Modules (will load before this module loads) RequiredModules = @('AzureADPreview','MicrosoftTeams','MSOnline') # List of exportable functions FunctionsToExport = @('Start-MigrationEnv', 'Start-ClassMigration', 'Start-StudentMigration', 'Start-TeacherMigration','Get-DataFromAsvXml') # Private data to pass to the module specified in RootModule/ModuleToProcess. This may also contain a PSData hashtable with additional module metadata used by PowerShell. PrivateData = @{ PSData = @{ # Tags applied to this module. These help with module discovery in online galleries. Tags = 'Teams','Education','Deutschland','Bayern','ASV','Schulverwaltung','Gymnasium','Oberstufe','Realschule','Mittelschule','Corona','Homeschooling' # A URL to the license for this module. LicenseUri = '' # A URL to the main website for this project. ProjectUri = '' # A URL to an icon representing this module. # IconUri = '' # ReleaseNotes of this module ReleaseNotes = '* 0.9.1 => Added functionality to retire teams from the previous school year. * 0.9.2 => Added functionality to retire users from the previous school year. Stability improvements. * Initial release.' # Prerelease string of this module Prerelease = '-PREVIEW' # Flag to indicate whether the module requires explicit user acceptance for install/update RequireLicenseAcceptance = $true } # End of PSData hashtable } # End of PrivateData hashtable } |