function Close-LegacyTeams { <# .Synopsis Archives Teams from previous year. .Description Removes all team members (not owners) based on regex pattern. Default pattern matches all groups starting with digits 2, 5 to 9 and 10. So a 5e - English will be archived where as a 1f5 course will not be. A 2f5 course however will be archived. .Parameter pattern Regex pattern override. Default ^([2,5-9]|10).*$ .Parameter Prefix String that should be appended infornt of archived teams. A taling whitespace will be added by default! .Example # Archives teams Close-LegacyTeams -Prefix "[ARCHIVE 19/20]" #> param ( $pattern, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] $Prefix ) if($null -eq $pattern) { $pattern = "^([2,5-9]|10).*$" } else { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red '[ATTENTION] BE EXTRA SURE OF WHAT YOU ARE DOING' Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red 'The following groups match your regex pattern:' Get-AzureADGroup -All $true | Where-Object {$_.DisplayName -match $pattern} $rhost = Read-Host -Prompt 'Are you sure you want to archive these groups? | [y]es, [n]o' if($rhost -ne 'y') { return } } $groups = Get-AzureADGroup -All $true | Where-Object {$_.DisplayName -match $pattern} foreach ($g in $groups) { $members = Get-AzureADGroupMember -ObjectId $g.ObjectId -All $true foreach ($m in $members) { Remove-AzureADGroupMember -ObjectId $g.ObjectId -MemberId $m.ObjectId } Set-AzureADGroup -ObjectId $g.ObjectId } } function Remove-LegacyUsers { <# .Synopsis Removes legacy users from the previous year. .Description Removes all users from AAD that are no longer present in ASV .Parameter data Object returned from Get-DataFromAsvXml .Parameter Force Boolean value, if set will delete users without prompt .Parameter Format UPN Format "{0}.{1}.{2}.schueler@domain.tld" {0} = Firstname {1} = Lastname {2} = Birthday .Parameter NoDelete HashTable with users to exclude from deletion .Parameter WhatIf Does not delete users in production system. Only prints users to console. .Example # Archives teams Remove-LegacyUsers -data $data -Format "{0}.{1}.{2}.schueler@schule.tld" -NoDelte @{'marina.mueller.2222.schueler@schule.tld'='';} -WhatIf $true -Force $true #> param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)]$data, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)]$Format, [bool]$Force=$false, [HashTable]$NoDelte = @{}, $WhatIf = $false ) $aadusers = Get-AzureADUser -All $true $asvusers = @{} foreach($k in $data.Klassen) { foreach($kg in $k.KlassenGruppen) { foreach($kl in $kg.Klassenliste) { $upn = Get-Upn -vorname ($kl.Vorname) -nachname ($kl.Familienname) -gebdat ($kl.GebDatum) -format $Format if(!$asvusers.ContainsKey($upn)) { $asvusers.Add($upn,$null) } } } } $noasvhit = @{} foreach ($aad in $aadusers) { if( (!$asvusers.ContainsKey($aad.UserPrincipalName)) -and (!$NoDelte.Contains($aad.UserPrincipalname)) -and ($aad.UserPrincipalName -match "schueler") ) { $noasvhit.Add($aad.UserPrincipalName, $aad) } } Write-Host ("{0} Users to be deleted" -f ($noasvhit.Count)) $noasvhit.GetEnumerator() | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Value | ft if($Force) { $optn = 'Y' } else { Write-Host "Do you want to delete those users? [Y/n]" if($WhatIf){Write-Host "WhatIf enabled, users will not be deleted"} $optn = Read-Host } if($optn -eq 'Y') { $noasvhit.GetEnumerator() | % { if(!$WhatIf){Remove-AzureADUser -ObjectId $_.Value.ObjectId}; Write-Host "DELETE: $($_.Value.UserPrincipalName)"} Write-Host "Users deleted." } else { Write-Host "Users not deleted. You may exclude users in a HashTable and pass to parameter -NoDelte" } } |