function ConvertTo-DateTime { param( [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline)] [string] $InputString ) process { try { Write-Output ([DateTime]::Parse($InputString)) } catch { Write-Output $null } } } function ConvertTo-ErrorRecord { param( [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline)] [object] $InputObject, [Parameter()] [System.Management.Automation.ErrorCategory] $ErrorCategory = [System.Management.Automation.ErrorCategory]::NotSpecified ) Process { $category = $ErrorCategory $message = $InputObject.ToString() $errorId = 'TeamViewerError' if ($InputObject.PSObject.TypeNames -contains 'TeamViewerPS.RestError') { $category = switch ($InputObject.ErrorCategory) { 'invalid_request' { [System.Management.Automation.ErrorCategory]::InvalidArgument } 'invalid_token' { [System.Management.Automation.ErrorCategory]::AuthenticationError } 'internal_error' { [System.Management.Automation.ErrorCategory]::NotSpecified } 'rate_limit_reached' { [System.Management.Automation.ErrorCategory]::LimitsExceeded } 'token_expired' { [System.Management.Automation.ErrorCategory]::AuthenticationError } 'wrong_credentials' { [System.Management.Automation.ErrorCategory]::AuthenticationError } 'invalid_client' { [System.Management.Automation.ErrorCategory]::InvalidArgument } 'not_found' { [System.Management.Automation.ErrorCategory]::ObjectNotFound } 'too_many_retries' { [System.Management.Automation.ErrorCategory]::LimitsExceeded } 'invalid_permission' { [System.Management.Automation.ErrorCategory]::PermissionDenied } default { [System.Management.Automation.ErrorCategory]::NotSpecified } } $errorId = 'TeamViewerRestError' } $exception = [System.Management.Automation.RuntimeException]($message) $errorRecord = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord $exception, $errorId, $category, $null $errorRecord.ErrorDetails = $message return $errorRecord } } function ConvertTo-TeamViewerAccount { param( [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline)] [PSObject] $InputObject ) process { $properties = @{ Name = $ Email = $ UserId = $InputObject.userid CompanyName = $InputObject.company_name IsEmailValidated = $InputObject.email_validated EmailLanguage = $InputObject.email_language } if ($InputObject.email_language -And $InputObject.email_language -Ne 'auto') { $properties["EmailLanguage"] = [System.Globalization.CultureInfo]($InputObject.email_language) } $result = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $properties $result.PSObject.TypeNames.Insert(0, 'TeamViewerPS.Account') $result | Add-Member -MemberType ScriptMethod -Name "ToString" -Force -Value { Write-Output "$($this.Name) <$($this.Email)>" } Write-Output $result } } function ConvertTo-TeamViewerAuditEvent { param( [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline)] [PSObject] $InputObject ) process { $properties = @{ Name = $InputObject.EventName Type = $InputObject.EventType Timestamp = $InputObject.Timestamp | ConvertTo-DateTime Author = $InputObject.Author AffectedItem = $InputObject.AffectedItem EventDetails = $InputObject.EventDetails } $result = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $properties $result.PSObject.TypeNames.Insert(0, 'TeamViewerPS.AuditEvent') $result | Add-Member -MemberType ScriptMethod -Name "ToString" -Force -Value { Write-Output "[$($this.Timestamp)] $($this.Name) ($($this.Type))" } Write-Output $result } } function ConvertTo-TeamViewerContact { param( [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline)] [PSObject] $InputObject ) process { $properties = @{ Id = $InputObject.contact_id UserId = $InputObject.user_id GroupId = $InputObject.groupid Name = $ Description = $InputObject.description OnlineState = $InputObject.online_state ProfilePictureUrl = $InputObject.profilepicture_url SupportedFeatures = $InputObject.supported_features } $result = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $properties $result.PSObject.TypeNames.Insert(0, 'TeamViewerPS.Contact') $result | Add-Member -MemberType ScriptMethod -Name "ToString" -Force -Value { Write-Output "$($this.Name)" } Write-Output $result } } function ConvertTo-TeamViewerDevice { param( [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline)] [PSObject] $InputObject ) process { $remoteControlId = $InputObject.remotecontrol_id | ` Select-String -Pattern 'r(\d+)' | ` ForEach-Object { $_.Matches.Groups[1].Value } $properties = @{ Id = $InputObject.device_id TeamViewerId = $remoteControlId GroupId = $InputObject.groupid Name = $InputObject.alias Description = $InputObject.description OnlineState = $InputObject.online_state IsAssignedToCurrentAccount = $InputObject.assigned_to SupportedFeatures = $InputObject.supported_features } if ($InputObject.policy_id) { $properties['PolicyId'] = $InputObject.policy_id } if ($InputObject.last_seen) { $properties['LastSeenAt'] = [datetime]($InputObject.last_seen) } $result = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $properties $result.PSObject.TypeNames.Insert(0, 'TeamViewerPS.Device') $result | Add-Member -MemberType ScriptMethod -Name "ToString" -Force -Value { Write-Output "$($this.Name)" } Write-Output $result } } function ConvertTo-TeamViewerGroup { param( [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline)] [PSObject] $InputObject ) process { $properties = @{ Id = $ Name = $ Permissions = $InputObject.permissions SharedWith = @($InputObject.shared_with | ConvertTo-TeamViewerGroupShare) } if ($InputObject.owner) { $properties.Owner = [pscustomobject]@{ UserId = $InputObject.owner.userid Name = $ } } $result = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $properties $result.PSObject.TypeNames.Insert(0, 'TeamViewerPS.Group') Write-Output $result } } function ConvertTo-TeamViewerGroupShare { param( [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline)] [PSObject] $InputObject ) process { $properties = @{ UserId = $InputObject.userid Name = $ Permissions = $InputObject.permissions } $result = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $properties $result.PSObject.TypeNames.Insert(0, 'TeamViewerPS.GroupShare') $result | Add-Member -MemberType ScriptMethod -Name "ToString" -Force -Value { Write-Output "$($this.UserId)" } Write-Output $result } } function ConvertTo-TeamViewerManagedDevice { param( [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline)] [PSObject] $InputObject ) process { $properties = @{ Id = [guid]$ Name = $ TeamViewerId = $InputObject.TeamViewerId IsOnline = $InputObject.isOnline } if ($InputObject.pendingOperation) { $properties["PendingOperation"] = $InputObject.pendingOperation } if ($InputObject.teamviewerPolicyId) { $properties["PolicyId"] = [guid]$InputObject.teamviewerPolicyId } $result = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $properties $result.PSObject.TypeNames.Insert(0, 'TeamViewerPS.ManagedDevice') Write-Output $result } } function ConvertTo-TeamViewerManagedGroup { param( [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline)] [PSObject] $InputObject ) process { $properties = @{ Id = [guid]$ Name = $ } if ($InputObject.policy_id) { $properties["PolicyId"] = $InputObject.policy_id } $result = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $properties $result.PSObject.TypeNames.Insert(0, 'TeamViewerPS.ManagedGroup') Write-Output $result } } function ConvertTo-TeamViewerManager { param( [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline)] [PSObject] $InputObject, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = "GroupManager")] [guid] $GroupId, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = "DeviceManager")] [guid] $DeviceId ) process { $properties = @{ Id = [guid]$ ManagerType = $InputObject.type Name = $ Permissions = $InputObject.permissions } switch ($InputObject.type) { 'account' { $properties.AccountId = $InputObject.accountId } 'company' { $properties.CompanyId = $InputObject.companyId } } switch ($PsCmdlet.ParameterSetName) { 'GroupManager' { $properties.GroupId = $GroupId } 'DeviceManager' { $properties.DeviceId = $DeviceId } } $result = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $properties $result.PSObject.TypeNames.Insert(0, 'TeamViewerPS.Manager') Write-Output $result } } function ConvertTo-TeamViewerPolicy { param( [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline)] [PSObject] $InputObject ) process { $properties = @{ Id = $InputObject.policy_id Name = $ Settings = @( $InputObject.settings | ForEach-Object { @{ Key = $_.key Value = $_.value Enforce = $_.enforce } } ) } $result = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $properties $result.PSObject.TypeNames.Insert(0, 'TeamViewerPS.Policy') Write-Output $result } } function ConvertTo-TeamViewerRestError { param( [parameter(ValueFromPipeline)] $InputError ) Process { try { $errorObject = ($InputError | Out-String | ConvertFrom-Json) $result = [PSCustomObject]@{ Message = $errorObject.error_description ErrorCategory = $errorObject.error ErrorCode = $errorObject.error_code ErrorSignature = $errorObject.error_signature } $result | Add-Member -MemberType ScriptMethod -Name 'ToString' -Force -Value { Write-Output "$($this.Message) ($($this.ErrorCategory))" } $result.PSObject.TypeNames.Insert(0, 'TeamViewerPS.RestError') return $result } catch { return $InputError } } } function ConvertTo-TeamViewerSsoDomain { param( [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline)] [PSObject] $InputObject ) process { $properties = @{ Id = $InputObject.DomainId Name = $InputObject.DomainName } $result = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $properties $result.PSObject.TypeNames.Insert(0, 'TeamViewerPS.SsoDomain') $result | Add-Member -MemberType ScriptMethod -Name "ToString" -Force -Value { Write-Output "$($this.Name)" } Write-Output $result } } function ConvertTo-TeamViewerUser { param( [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline)] [PSObject] $InputObject, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('All', 'Minimal')] $PropertiesToLoad = 'All' ) process { $properties = @{ Id = $ Name = $ Email = $ } if ($PropertiesToLoad -Eq 'All') { $properties += @{ Permissions = $InputObject.permissions -split ',' Active = $ LastAccessDate = $InputObject.last_access_date | ConvertTo-DateTime } if ($InputObject.activated_license_id) { $properties += @{ ActivatedLicenseId = [guid]$InputObject.activated_license_id ActivatedLicenseName = $InputObject.activated_license_name ActivatedSubLicenseName = $InputObject.activated_subLicense_name } } if ($InputObject.activated_meeting_license_key) { $properties += @{ ActivatedMeetingLicenseId = [guid]$InputObject.activated_meeting_license_key } } } $result = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $properties $result.PSObject.TypeNames.Insert(0, 'TeamViewerPS.User') $result | Add-Member -MemberType ScriptMethod -Name "ToString" -Force -Value { Write-Output "$($this.Name) <$($this.Email)>" } Write-Output $result } } function ConvertTo-TeamViewerUserGroup { param( [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline)] [PSObject] $InputObject ) process { $properties = @{ Id = [UInt64]$ Name = $ } $result = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $properties $result.PSObject.TypeNames.Insert(0, 'TeamViewerPS.UserGroup') Write-Output $result } } function ConvertTo-TeamViewerUserGroupMember { param( [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline)] [PSObject] $InputObject ) process { $properties = @{ AccountId = [int]$InputObject.accountId Name = $ } $result = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $properties $result.PSObject.TypeNames.Insert(0, 'TeamViewerPS.UserGroupMember') Write-Output $result } } function Get-OperatingSystem { if ($IsLinux) { return 'Linux' } if ($IsMacOS) { return 'MacOS' } if ($IsWindows -Or $env:OS -match '^Windows') { return 'Windows' } } function Get-TeamViewerApiUri { Write-Output '' } function Get-TeamViewerLinuxGlobalConfig { param( [Parameter()] [string] $Path = '/opt/teamviewer/config/global.conf', [Parameter()] [string] $Name ) $config = Get-Content $Path | ForEach-Object { if ($_ -Match '\[(?<EntryType>\w+)\s*\]\s+(?<EntryName>[\w\\]+)\s+=\s*(?<EntryValue>.*)$') { $Matches.Remove(0) $entry = [pscustomobject]$Matches switch ($entry.EntryType) { 'strng' { $entry.EntryValue = $entry.EntryValue | ` Select-String -Pattern '"([^\"]*)"' -AllMatches | ` Select-Object -ExpandProperty Matches | ` ForEach-Object { $_.Groups[1].Value } } 'int32' { $entry.EntryValue = [int32]($entry.EntryValue) } 'int64' { $entry.EntryValue = [int64]($entry.EntryValue) } } $entry } } if ($Name) { ($config | Where-Object { $_.EntryName -eq $Name }).EntryValue } else { $config } } function Get-TeamViewerRegKeyPath { param ( [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('WOW6432', 'Auto')] [string] $Variant = 'Auto' ) if (($Variant -eq 'WOW6432') -Or (Test-TeamViewer32on64)) { Write-Output 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\TeamViewer' } else { Write-Output 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\TeamViewer' } } function Get-TeamViewerServiceName { Write-Output 'TeamViewer' } function Invoke-ExternalCommand { param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0)] [string] $Command, [Parameter(ValueFromRemainingArguments = $true)] [object[]] $CommandArgs ) & $Command @CommandArgs } function Invoke-TeamViewerRestMethod { param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [securestring] $ApiToken, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [uri] $Uri, [Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WebRequestMethod] $Method, [System.Collections.IDictionary] $Headers, [System.Object] $Body, [string] $ContentType, [System.Management.Automation.PSCmdlet] $WriteErrorTo ) if (-Not $Headers) { $Headers = @{ } $PSBoundParameters.Add("Headers", $Headers) | Out-Null } $bstr = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($ApiToken) $Headers["Authorization"] = "Bearer $([System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringBSTR($bstr))" [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::ZeroFreeBSTR($bstr) | Out-Null $PSBoundParameters.Remove("ApiToken") | Out-Null $PSBoundParameters.Remove("WriteErrorTo") | Out-Null $currentTlsSettings = [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12 $currentProgressPreference = $ProgressPreference $ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue' # Using `Invoke-WebRequest` instead of `Invoke-RestMethod`: # There is a known issue for PUT and DELETE operations to hang on Windows Server 2012. try { return ((Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing @PSBoundParameters).Content | ConvertFrom-Json) } catch { $msg = $null if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -ge 6) { $msg = $_.ErrorDetails.Message } elseif ($_.Exception.Response) { $stream = $_.Exception.Response.GetResponseStream() $reader = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader($stream) $reader.BaseStream.Position = 0 $msg = $reader.ReadToEnd() } $err = ($msg | ConvertTo-TeamViewerRestError) if ($WriteErrorTo) { $WriteErrorTo.WriteError(($err | ConvertTo-ErrorRecord)) } else { throw $err } } finally { [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = $currentTlsSettings $ProgressPreference = $currentProgressPreference } } function Resolve-TeamViewerContactId { param( [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true, Mandatory = $true)] [object] $Contact ) Process { if ($Contact.PSObject.TypeNames -contains 'TeamViewerPS.Contact') { return $Contact.Id } elseif ($Contact -is [string]) { if ($Contact -notmatch 'c[0-9]+') { throw "Invalid contact identifier '$Contact'. String must be a contact ID in the form 'c123456789'." } return $Contact } else { throw "Invalid contact identifier '$Contact'. Must be either a [TeamViewerPS.Contact] or [string]." } } } function Resolve-TeamViewerDeviceId { param( [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true, Mandatory = $true)] [object] $Device ) Process { if ($Device.PSObject.TypeNames -contains 'TeamViewerPS.Device') { return $Device.Id } elseif ($Device -is [string]) { if ($Device -notmatch 'd[0-9]+') { throw "Invalid device identifier '$Device'. String must be a device ID in the form 'd123456789'." } return $Device } else { throw "Invalid device identifier '$Device'. Must be either a [TeamViewerPS.Device] or [string]." } } } function Resolve-TeamViewerGroupId { param( [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true, Mandatory = $true)] [object] $Group ) Process { if ($Group.PSObject.TypeNames -contains 'TeamViewerPS.Group') { return $Group.Id } elseif ($Group -is [string]) { if ($Group -notmatch 'g[0-9]+') { throw "Invalid group identifier '$Group'. String must be a group ID in the form 'g123456789'." } return $Group } else { throw "Invalid group identifier '$Group'. Must be either a [TeamViewerPS.Group] or [string]." } } } function Resolve-TeamViewerLanguage { param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [object] $InputObject ) Process { $supportedLanguages = @( 'bg', 'cs', 'da', 'de', 'el', 'en', 'es', 'fi', 'fr', 'hr', 'hu', 'id', 'it', 'ja', 'ko', 'lt', 'nl', 'no', 'pl', 'pt', 'ro', 'ru', 'sk', 'sr', 'sv', 'th', 'tr', 'uk', 'vi', 'zh_CN', 'zh_TW', 'auto') $language = $InputObject if ($InputObject -is [cultureinfo]) { $language = switch ($InputObject.Name) { 'zh-CN' { 'zh_CN' } 'zh-TW' { 'zh_TW' } default { $InputObject.TwoLetterISOLanguageName } } } if ($supportedLanguages -notcontains $language) { throw "Invalid culture '$language'. Supported languages are: $supportedLanguages" } return $language } } function Resolve-TeamViewerManagedDeviceId { param( [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true, Mandatory = $true)] [object] $ManagedDevice ) Process { if ($ManagedDevice.PSObject.TypeNames -contains 'TeamViewerPS.ManagedDevice') { return [guid]$ManagedDevice.Id } elseif ($ManagedDevice -is [string]) { return [guid]$ManagedDevice } elseif ($ManagedDevice -is [guid]) { return $ManagedDevice } else { throw "Invalid managed device identifier '$ManagedDevice'. Must be either a [TeamViewerPS.ManagedDevice], [guid] or [string]." } } } function Resolve-TeamViewerManagedGroupId { param( [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true, Mandatory = $true)] [object] $ManagedGroup ) Process { if ($ManagedGroup.PSObject.TypeNames -contains 'TeamViewerPS.ManagedGroup') { return [guid]$ManagedGroup.Id } elseif ($ManagedGroup -is [string]) { return [guid]$ManagedGroup } elseif ($ManagedGroup -is [guid]) { return $ManagedGroup } else { throw "Invalid managed group identifier '$ManagedGroup'. Must be either a [TeamViewerPS.ManagedGroup], [guid] or [string]." } } } function Resolve-TeamViewerManagerId { param( [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true, Mandatory = $true)] [object] $Manager ) Process { if ($Manager.PSObject.TypeNames -contains 'TeamViewerPS.Manager') { return [guid]$Manager.Id } elseif ($Manager -is [string]) { return [guid]$Manager } elseif ($Manager -is [guid]) { return $Manager } else { throw "Invalid manager identifier '$Manager'. Must be either a [TeamViewerPS.Manager], [guid] or [string]." } } } function Resolve-TeamViewerPolicyId { param( [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true, Mandatory = $true)] [object] $Policy, [Parameter()] [switch] $AllowNone, [Parameter()] [switch] $AllowInherit ) Process { if ($Policy.PSObject.TypeNames -contains 'TeamViewerPS.Policy') { return [guid]$Policy.Id } elseif ($Policy -is [string]) { if ($Policy -eq 'none' -And $AllowNone) { return 'none' } elseif ($Policy -eq 'inherit' -And $AllowInherit) { return 'inherit' } else { return [guid]$Policy } } elseif ($Policy -is [guid]) { return $Policy } else { throw "Invalid policy identifier '$Policy'. Must be either a [TeamViewerPS.Policy], [guid] or [string]." } } } function Resolve-TeamViewerSsoDomainId { param( [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true, Mandatory = $true)] [object] $Domain ) Process { if ($Domain.PSObject.TypeNames -contains 'TeamViewerPS.SsoDomain') { return [guid]$Domain.Id } elseif ($Domain -is [string]) { return [guid]$Domain } elseif ($Domain -is [guid]) { return $Domain } else { throw "Invalid SSO domain identifier '$Domain'. Must be either a [TeamViewerPS.SsoDomain], [guid] or [string]." } } } function Resolve-TeamViewerUserEmail { param( [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [object] $User ) Process { if (!$User) { return $null } elseif ($User.PSObject.TypeNames -contains 'TeamViewerPS.User') { return $User.Email } elseif ($User -is [string]) { return $User } else { throw "Invalid user email '$User'. Must be either a [TeamViewerPS.User] or [string]." } } } function Resolve-TeamViewerUserGroupId { param( [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true, Mandatory = $true)] [object] $UserGroup ) Process { if ($UserGroup.PSObject.TypeNames -contains 'TeamViewerPS.UserGroup') { return [UInt64]$UserGroup.Id } elseif ($UserGroup -is [string]) { return [UInt64]$UserGroup } elseif ($UserGroup -is [UInt64] -or $UserGroup -is [Int64] -or $UserGroup -is [int]) { return [UInt64]$UserGroup } else { throw "Invalid user group identifier '$UserGroup'. Must be either a [TeamViewerPS.UserGroup], [UInt64], [Int64] or [string]." } } } function Resolve-TeamViewerUserGroupMemberMemberId { param( [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true, Mandatory = $true)] [object] $UserGroupMember ) Process { if ($UserGroupMember.PSObject.TypeNames -contains 'TeamViewerPS.UserGroupMember') { return $UserGroupMember.AccountId } elseif ($UserGroupMember -is [string]) { return [int]$UserGroupMember } elseif ($UserGroupMember -is [int]) { return $UserGroupMember } else { throw "Invalid user group identifier '$UserGroupMember'. Must be either a [TeamViewerPS.UserGroupMember], [int] or [string]." } } } function Resolve-TeamViewerUserId { param( [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true, Mandatory = $true)] [object] $User ) Process { if ($User.PSObject.TypeNames -contains 'TeamViewerPS.User') { return $User.Id } elseif ($User -is [string]) { if ($User -notmatch 'u[0-9]+') { throw "Invalid user identifier '$User'. String must be a user ID in the form 'u123456789'." } return $User } else { throw "Invalid user identifier '$User'. Must be either a [TeamViewerPS.User] or [string]." } } } $hasTestNetConnection = [bool](Get-Command Test-NetConnection -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) $hasTestConnection = [bool](Get-Command Test-Connection -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Where-Object { $_.Version -ge 5.1 }) function Test-TcpConnection { param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $Hostname, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [int] $Port ) if (-Not $hasTestNetConnection -And -Not $hasTestConnection) { throw "No suitable cmdlet found for testing the TeamViewer network connectivity." } $oldProgressPreference = $global:ProgressPreference $global:ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue' if ($hasTestNetConnection) { Test-NetConnection -ComputerName $Hostname -Port $Port -InformationLevel Quiet -WarningAction SilentlyContinue } elseif ($hasTestConnection) { Test-Connection -TargetName $Hostname -TcpPort $Port -Quiet -WarningAction SilentlyContinue } else { $false } $global:ProgressPreference = $oldProgressPreference } function Test-TeamViewer32on64 { if (![Environment]::Is64BitOperatingSystem) { return $false } $registryKey = Get-TeamViewerRegKeyPath -Variant WOW6432 if (!(Test-Path $registryKey)) { return $false } try { $installationDirectory = (Get-Item $registryKey).GetValue('InstallationDirectory') $binaryPath = Join-Path $installationDirectory 'TeamViewer.exe' return Test-Path $binaryPath } catch { return $false } } function Add-TeamViewerManagedDevice { [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true)] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [securestring] $ApiToken, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateScript( { $_ | Resolve-TeamViewerManagedDeviceId } )] [Alias("DeviceId")] [object] $Device, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateScript( { $_ | Resolve-TeamViewerManagedGroupId } )] [Alias("GroupId")] [object] $Group ) $deviceId = $Device | Resolve-TeamViewerManagedDeviceId $groupId = $Group | Resolve-TeamViewerManagedGroupId $resourceUri = "$(Get-TeamViewerApiUri)/managed/groups/$groupId/devices" $body = @{ id = $deviceId } if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($deviceId, "Add device to managed group")) { Invoke-TeamViewerRestMethod ` -ApiToken $ApiToken ` -Uri $resourceUri ` -Method Post ` -ContentType "application/json; charset=utf-8" ` -Body ([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes(($body | ConvertTo-Json))) ` -WriteErrorTo $PSCmdlet | ` Out-Null } } function Add-TeamViewerManager { [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true, DefaultParameterSetName = 'Device_ByAccountId')] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [securestring] $ApiToken, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Device_ByAccountId')] [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Group_ByAccountId')] [string] $AccountId, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Device_ByManagerId')] [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Group_ByManagerId')] [ValidateScript( { $_ | Resolve-TeamViewerManagerId } )] [Alias("ManagerId")] [object] $Manager, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Device_ByUserObject')] [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Group_ByUserObject')] [ValidateScript( { $_ | Resolve-TeamViewerUserId } )] [object] $User, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Group_ByAccountId')] [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Group_ByManagerId')] [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Group_ByUserObject')] [ValidateScript( { $_ | Resolve-TeamViewerManagedGroupId } )] [Alias("GroupId")] [object] $Group, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Device_ByAccountId')] [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Device_ByManagerId')] [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Device_ByUserObject')] [ValidateScript( { $_ | Resolve-TeamViewerManagedDeviceId } )] [Alias("DeviceId")] [object] $Device, [Parameter()] [AllowEmptyCollection()] [string[]] $Permissions ) $resourceUri = $null switch -Wildcard ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) { 'Device*' { $deviceId = $Device | Resolve-TeamViewerManagedDeviceId $resourceUri = "$(Get-TeamViewerApiUri)/managed/devices/$deviceId/managers" $processMessage = "Add manager to managed device" } 'Group*' { $groupId = $Group | Resolve-TeamViewerManagedGroupId $resourceUri = "$(Get-TeamViewerApiUri)/managed/groups/$groupId/managers" $processMessage = "Add manager to managed group" } } $body = @{} switch -Wildcard ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) { '*ByAccountId' { $body["accountId"] = $AccountId.TrimStart('u') } '*ByManagerId' { $body["id"] = $Manager | Resolve-TeamViewerManagerId } '*ByUserObject' { $body["accountId"] = $User.Id.TrimStart('u') } } if ($Permissions) { $body["permissions"] = @($Permissions) } else { $body["permissions"] = @() } if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($managerId, $processMessage)) { Invoke-TeamViewerRestMethod ` -ApiToken $ApiToken ` -Uri $resourceUri ` -Method Post ` -ContentType "application/json; charset=utf-8" ` -Body ([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes((ConvertTo-Json -InputObject @($body)))) ` -WriteErrorTo $PSCmdlet | ` Out-Null } } function Add-TeamViewerSsoExclusion { [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true)] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [securestring] $ApiToken, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateScript( { $_ | Resolve-TeamViewerSsoDomainId } )] [Alias("Domain")] [object] $DomainId, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [string[]] ) Begin { $id = $DomainId | Resolve-TeamViewerSsoDomainId $resourceUri = "$(Get-TeamViewerApiUri)/ssoDomain/$id/exclusion" $emailsToAdd = @() $null = $ApiToken # function Invoke-RequestInternal { $body = @{ emails = @($emailsToAdd) } Invoke-TeamViewerRestMethod ` -ApiToken $ApiToken ` -Uri $resourceUri ` -Method Post ` -ContentType "application/json; charset=utf-8" ` -Body ([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes(($body | ConvertTo-Json))) ` -WriteErrorTo $PSCmdlet ` -ErrorAction Stop | ` Out-Null } } Process { if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Email, "Add SSO exclusion")) { $emailsToAdd += $Email } if ($emailsToAdd.Length -eq 100) { Invoke-RequestInternal $emailsToAdd = @() } } End { if ($emailsToAdd.Length -gt 0) { Invoke-RequestInternal } } } function Add-TeamViewerUserGroupMember { [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true)] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [securestring] $ApiToken, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateScript( { $_ | Resolve-TeamViewerUserGroupId } )] [Alias("UserGroupId")] [Alias("Id")] [object] $UserGroup, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [int[]] $Member ) Begin { $id = $UserGroup | Resolve-TeamViewerUserGroupId $resourceUri = "$(Get-TeamViewerApiUri)/usergroups/$id/members" $membersToAdd = @() $null = $ApiToken # function Invoke-TeamViewerRestMethodInternal { $result = Invoke-TeamViewerRestMethod ` -ApiToken $ApiToken ` -Uri $resourceUri ` -Method Post ` -ContentType "application/json; charset=utf-8" ` -Body ([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes(($membersToAdd | ConvertTo-Json))) ` -WriteErrorTo $PSCmdlet ` -ErrorAction Stop Write-Output ($result | ConvertTo-TeamViewerUserGroupMember) } } Process { # when members are provided as pipline input, each meber is provided as separate statment, # thus the members should be combined to one array, otherwise we will send several request if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Member, "Add user groups member")) { $membersToAdd += $Member } # WebAPI accepts max 100 accounts. Thus we send a request, and reset the `membersToAdd` # in order to accept more mebers if ($membersToAdd.Length -eq 100) { Invoke-TeamViewerRestMethodInternal $membersToAdd = @() } } End { # A request needs to be send if there were less than 100 members if ($membersToAdd.Length -gt 0) { Invoke-TeamViewerRestMethodInternal } } } function Connect-TeamViewerApi { param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [securestring] $ApiToken ) if (Invoke-TeamViewerPing -ApiToken $ApiToken) { $global:PSDefaultParameterValues["*-Teamviewer*:ApiToken"] = $ApiToken } } function Disconnect-TeamViewerApi { $global:PSDefaultParameterValues.Remove("*-Teamviewer*:ApiToken") } function Get-TeamViewerAccount { param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [securestring] $ApiToken ) $resourceUri = "$(Get-TeamViewerApiUri)/account" $response = Invoke-TeamViewerRestMethod ` -ApiToken $ApiToken ` -Uri $resourceUri ` -Method Get ` -WriteErrorTo $PSCmdlet ` -ErrorAction Stop Write-Output ($response | ConvertTo-TeamViewerAccount) } function Get-TeamViewerContact { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = "FilteredList")] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [securestring] $ApiToken, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "ByContactId")] [ValidateScript( { $_ | Resolve-TeamViewerContactId } )] [Alias("ContactId")] [string] $Id, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "FilteredList")] [Alias("PartialName")] [string] $Name, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "FilteredList")] [ValidateSet('Online', 'Busy', 'Away', 'Offline')] [string] $FilterOnlineState, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "FilteredList")] [ValidateScript( { $_ | Resolve-TeamViewerGroupId } )] [Alias("GroupId")] [object] $Group ) $resourceUri = "$(Get-TeamViewerApiUri)/contacts"; $parameters = @{ } switch ($PsCmdlet.ParameterSetName) { 'ByContactId' { $resourceUri += "/$Id" $parameters = $null } 'FilteredList' { if ($Name) { $parameters['name'] = $Name } if ($FilterOnlineState) { $parameters['online_state'] = $FilterOnlineState.ToLower() } if ($Group) { $groupId = $Group | Resolve-TeamViewerGroupId $parameters['groupid'] = $groupId } } } $response = Invoke-TeamViewerRestMethod ` -ApiToken $ApiToken ` -Uri $resourceUri ` -Method Get ` -Body $parameters ` -WriteErrorTo $PSCmdlet ` -ErrorAction Stop Write-Output ($response.contacts | ConvertTo-TeamViewerContact) } function Get-TeamViewerDevice { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = "FilteredList")] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [securestring] $ApiToken, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "ByDeviceId")] [ValidateScript( { $_ | Resolve-TeamViewerDeviceId } )] [Alias("DeviceId")] [string] $Id, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "FilteredList")] [int] $TeamViewerId, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "FilteredList")] [ValidateSet('Online', 'Busy', 'Away', 'Offline')] [string] $FilterOnlineState, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "FilteredList")] [ValidateScript( { $_ | Resolve-TeamViewerGroupId } )] [Alias("GroupId")] [object] $Group ) $resourceUri = "$(Get-TeamViewerApiUri)/devices"; $parameters = @{ } switch ($PsCmdlet.ParameterSetName) { 'ByDeviceId' { $resourceUri += "/$Id" $parameters = $null } 'FilteredList' { if ($TeamViewerId) { $parameters['remotecontrol_id'] = "r$TeamViewerId" } if ($FilterOnlineState) { $parameters['online_state'] = $FilterOnlineState.ToLower() } if ($Group) { $groupId = $Group | Resolve-TeamViewerGroupId $parameters['groupid'] = $groupId } } } $response = Invoke-TeamViewerRestMethod ` -ApiToken $ApiToken ` -Uri $resourceUri ` -Method Get ` -Body $parameters ` -WriteErrorTo $PSCmdlet ` -ErrorAction Stop Write-Output ($response.devices | ConvertTo-TeamViewerDevice) } function Get-TeamViewerEventLog { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = "RelativeDates")] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [securestring] $ApiToken, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = "AbsoluteDates")] [DateTime] $StartDate, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = "AbsoluteDates")] [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = "RelativeDates")] [DateTime] $EndDate = (Get-Date), [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = "RelativeDates")] [ValidateRange(0, 12)] [int] $Months, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = "RelativeDates")] [ValidateRange(0, 31)] [int] $Days, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = "RelativeDates")] [ValidateRange(0, 24)] [int] $Hours, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = "RelativeDates")] [ValidateRange(0, 60)] [int] $Minutes, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [int] $Limit, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ArgumentCompleter( { param($commandName, $parameterName, $wordToComplete, $commandAst, $fakeBoundParameters) $null = @($commandName, $parameterName, $wordToComplete, $commandAst, $fakeBoundParameters) @( 'AddRemoteWorkerDevice', 'ChangedDisabledRemoteInput', 'ChangedShowBlackScreen', 'CompanyAddressBookDisabled', 'CompanyAddressBookEnabled', 'CompanyAddressBookMembersHid', 'CompanyAddressBookMembersUnhid' 'ConditionalAccessBlockMeetingStateChanged', 'ConditionalAccessDirectoryGroupAdded', 'ConditionalAccessDirectoryGroupDeleted', 'ConditionalAccessDirectoryGroupMembersAdded', 'ConditionalAccessDirectoryGroupMembersDeleted', 'ConditionalAccessRuleAdded', 'ConditionalAccessRuleDeleted', 'ConditionalAccessRuleModified', 'ConditionalAccessRuleVerificationStateChanged', 'CreateCustomHost', 'DeleteCustomHost', 'EditOwnProfile', 'EditTFAUsage', 'EditUserPermissions', 'EditUserProperties', 'EmailConfirmed', 'EndedRecording', 'EndedSession', 'GroupAdded', 'GroupDeleted', 'GroupShared', 'GroupUpdated', 'IncomingSession', 'JoinCompany', 'JoinedSession', 'LeftSession', 'ParticipantJoinedSession', 'ParticipantLeftSession', 'PausedRecording', 'PolicyAdded', 'PolicyDeleted', 'PolicyUpdated', 'ReceivedDisabledLocalInput', 'ReceivedFile', 'ReceivedShowBlackScreen', 'RemoveRemoteWorkerDevice', 'ResumedRecording', 'ScriptTokenAdded', 'ScriptTokenDeleted', 'ScriptTokenUpdated', 'SentFile', 'StartedRecording', 'StartedSession', 'SwitchedSides', 'UpdateCustomHost', 'UserCreated', 'UserDeleted', 'UserGroupCreated', 'UserGroupDeleted', 'UserGroupMembersAdded', 'UserGroupMembersRemoved', 'UserGroupUpdated', 'UserRemovedFromCompany' ) | Where-Object { $_ -like "$wordToComplete*" } } )] [string[]] $EventNames, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ArgumentCompleter( { param($commandName, $parameterName, $wordToComplete, $commandAst, $fakeBoundParameters) $null = @($commandName, $parameterName, $wordToComplete, $commandAst, $fakeBoundParameters) @( "CompanyAddressBook", "CompanyAdministration", "ConditionalAccess", "CustomModules", "GroupManagement", "LicenseManagement", "Policy", "Session", "UserGroups", "UserProfile" ) | Where-Object { $_ -like "$wordToComplete*" } })] [string[]] $EventTypes, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateScript( { $_ | Resolve-TeamViewerUserEmail } )] [Alias("Users")] [object[]] $AccountEmails, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string] $AffectedItem, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [Alias("RemoteControlSession")] [guid] $RemoteControlSessionId ) $resourceUri = "$(Get-TeamViewerApiUri)/EventLogging"; $Limit = if ($Limit -lt 0) { $null } else { $Limit } if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -Eq 'RelativeDates') { $Hours = if (!$Months -And !$Days -And !$Hours -And !$Minutes) { 1 } else { $Hours } $StartDate = $EndDate.AddMonths(-1 * $Months).AddDays(-1 * $Days).AddHours(-1 * $Hours).AddMinutes(-1 * $Minutes) } $parameters = @{ StartDate = $StartDate.ToUniversalTime().ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ") EndDate = $EndDate.ToUniversalTime().ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ") } if ($EventNames) { $parameters.EventNames = $EventNames } if ($EventTypes) { $parameters.EventTypes = $EventTypes } if ($AccountEmails) { $parameters.AccountEmails = @($AccountEmails | Resolve-TeamViewerUserEmail) } if ($AffectedItem) { $parameters.AffectedItem = $AffectedItem } if ($RemoteControlSessionId) { $parameters.RCSessionGuid = $RemoteControlSessionId } $remaining = $Limit do { $response = Invoke-TeamViewerRestMethod ` -ApiToken $ApiToken ` -Uri $resourceUri ` -Method Post ` -ContentType "application/json; charset=utf-8" ` -Body ([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes(($parameters | ConvertTo-Json))) ` -WriteErrorTo $PSCmdlet ` -ErrorAction Stop $results = ($response.AuditEvents | ConvertTo-TeamViewerAuditEvent) if ($Limit) { Write-Output ($results | Select-Object -First $remaining) $remaining = $remaining - @($results).Count } else { Write-Output $results } $parameters.ContinuationToken = $response.ContinuationToken } while ($parameters.ContinuationToken -And (!$Limit -Or $remaining -gt 0)) } function Get-TeamViewerGroup { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = "FilteredList")] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [securestring] $ApiToken, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "ByGroupId")] [Alias("GroupId")] [string] $Id, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "FilteredList")] [Alias("PartialName")] [string] $Name, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "FilteredList")] [ValidateSet('OnlyShared', 'OnlyNotShared')] [string] $FilterShared ) $resourceUri = "$(Get-TeamViewerApiUri)/groups"; $parameters = @{ } switch ($PsCmdlet.ParameterSetName) { 'ByGroupId' { $resourceUri += "/$Id" $parameters = $null } 'FilteredList' { if ($Name) { $parameters['name'] = $Name } switch ($FilterShared) { 'OnlyShared' { $parameters['shared'] = $true } 'OnlyNotShared' { $parameters['shared'] = $false } } } } $response = Invoke-TeamViewerRestMethod ` -ApiToken $ApiToken ` -Uri $resourceUri ` -Method Get ` -Body $parameters ` -WriteErrorTo $PSCmdlet ` -ErrorAction Stop if ($PsCmdlet.ParameterSetName -Eq 'ByGroupId') { Write-Output ($response | ConvertTo-TeamViewerGroup) } else { Write-Output ($response.groups | ConvertTo-TeamViewerGroup) } } function Get-TeamViewerId { if (Test-TeamViewerInstallation) { switch (Get-OperatingSystem) { 'Windows' { Write-Output (Get-ItemPropertyValue -Path (Get-TeamViewerRegKeyPath) -Name 'ClientID') } 'Linux' { Write-Output (Get-TeamViewerLinuxGlobalConfig -Name 'ClientID') } } } } function Get-TeamViewerManagedDevice { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = "List")] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [securestring] $ApiToken, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "ByDeviceId")] [ValidateScript( { $_ | Resolve-TeamViewerManagedDeviceId } )] [Alias("DeviceId")] [Alias("Device")] [guid] $Id, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = "ListGroup")] [ValidateScript( { $_ | Resolve-TeamViewerManagedGroupId } )] [Alias("GroupId")] [object] $Group, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "ListGroup")] [switch] $Pending ) # default is 'List': $resourceUri = "$(Get-TeamViewerApiUri)/managed/devices"; $parameters = @{ } $isListOperation = $true switch ($PsCmdlet.ParameterSetName) { 'ByDeviceId' { $resourceUri += "/$Id" $parameters = $null $isListOperation = $false } 'ListGroup' { $groupId = $Group | Resolve-TeamViewerManagedGroupId $resourceUri = "$(Get-TeamViewerApiUri)/managed/groups/$groupId/$(if ($Pending) { "pending-" })devices" } } do { $response = Invoke-TeamViewerRestMethod ` -ApiToken $ApiToken ` -Uri $resourceUri ` -Method Get ` -Body $parameters ` -WriteErrorTo $PSCmdlet ` -ErrorAction Stop if ($PsCmdlet.ParameterSetName -Eq 'ByDeviceId') { Write-Output ($response | ConvertTo-TeamViewerManagedDevice) } else { $parameters.paginationToken = $response.nextPaginationToken Write-Output ($response.resources | ConvertTo-TeamViewerManagedDevice) } } while ($isListOperation -And $parameters.paginationToken) } function Get-TeamViewerManagedGroup { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = "List")] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [securestring] $ApiToken, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "ByGroupId")] [ValidateScript( { $_ | Resolve-TeamViewerManagedGroupId } ) ] [Alias("GroupId")] [guid] $Id, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "ByDeviceId")] [ValidateScript( { $_ | Resolve-TeamViewerManagedDeviceId } )] [Alias("DeviceId")] [object] $Device ) $resourceUri = "$(Get-TeamViewerApiUri)/managed/groups" $parameters = @{ } switch ($PsCmdlet.ParameterSetName) { 'ByGroupId' { $resourceUri += "/$Id" $parameters = $null } 'ByDeviceId' { $deviceId = $Device | Resolve-TeamViewerManagedDeviceId $resourceUri = "$(Get-TeamViewerApiUri)/managed/devices/$deviceId/groups" } } do { $response = Invoke-TeamViewerRestMethod ` -ApiToken $ApiToken ` -Uri $resourceUri ` -Method Get ` -Body $parameters ` -WriteErrorTo $PSCmdlet ` -ErrorAction Stop if ($PsCmdlet.ParameterSetName -Eq 'ByGroupId') { Write-Output ($response | ConvertTo-TeamViewerManagedGroup) } else { $parameters.paginationToken = $response.nextPaginationToken Write-Output ($response.resources | ConvertTo-TeamViewerManagedGroup) } } while ($PsCmdlet.ParameterSetName -In @('List', 'ByDeviceId') ` -And $parameters.paginationToken) } function Get-TeamViewerManagementId { if (Test-TeamViewerInstallation) { switch (Get-OperatingSystem) { 'Windows' { $regKeyPath = Join-Path (Get-TeamViewerRegKeyPath) 'DeviceManagementV2' $regKey = if (Test-Path -LiteralPath $regKeyPath) { Get-Item -Path $regKeyPath } if ($regKey) { $unmanaged = [bool]($regKey.GetValue('Unmanaged')) $managementId = $regKey.GetValue('ManagementId') } } 'Linux' { $unmanaged = [bool](Get-TeamViewerLinuxGlobalConfig -Name 'DeviceManagementV2\Unmanaged') $managementId = Get-TeamViewerLinuxGlobalConfig -Name 'DeviceManagementV2\ManagementId' } } if (!$unmanaged -And $managementId) { Write-Output ([guid]$managementId) } } } function Get-TeamViewerManager { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = "ByDeviceId")] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [securestring] $ApiToken, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = "ByDeviceId")] [ValidateScript( { $_ | Resolve-TeamViewerManagedDeviceId } )] [Alias("DeviceId")] [object] $Device, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = "ByGroupId")] [ValidateScript( { $_ | Resolve-TeamViewerManagedGroupId } )] [Alias("GroupId")] [object] $Group ) $resourceUri = $null switch ($PsCmdlet.ParameterSetName) { 'ByDeviceId' { $deviceId = $Device | Resolve-TeamViewerManagedDeviceId $resourceUri = "$(Get-TeamViewerApiUri)/managed/devices/$deviceId/managers" } 'ByGroupId' { $groupId = $Group | Resolve-TeamViewerManagedGroupId $resourceUri = "$(Get-TeamViewerApiUri)/managed/groups/$groupId/managers" } } $response = Invoke-TeamViewerRestMethod ` -ApiToken $ApiToken ` -Uri $resourceUri ` -Method Get ` -WriteErrorTo $PSCmdlet ` -ErrorAction Stop switch ($PsCmdlet.ParameterSetName) { 'ByDeviceId' { Write-Output ($response.resources | ConvertTo-TeamViewerManager -DeviceId $deviceId) } 'ByGroupId' { Write-Output ($response.resources | ConvertTo-TeamViewerManager -GroupId $groupId) } } } function Get-TeamViewerPolicy { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = "FilteredList")] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [securestring] $ApiToken, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "ByPolicyId")] [Alias("PolicyId")] [guid] $Id ) $resourceUri = "$(Get-TeamViewerApiUri)/teamviewerpolicies"; $parameters = @{ } switch ($PsCmdlet.ParameterSetName) { 'ByPolicyId' { $resourceUri += "/$Id" $parameters = $null } } $response = Invoke-TeamViewerRestMethod ` -ApiToken $ApiToken ` -Uri $resourceUri ` -Method Get ` -Body $parameters ` -WriteErrorTo $PSCmdlet ` -ErrorAction Stop Write-Output ($response.policies | ConvertTo-TeamViewerPolicy) } function Get-TeamViewerService { switch (Get-OperatingSystem) { 'Windows' { Get-Service -Name (Get-TeamViewerServiceName) } 'Linux' { Invoke-ExternalCommand /opt/teamviewer/tv_bin/script/teamviewer daemon status } } } function Get-TeamViewerSsoDomain { param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [securestring] $ApiToken ) $resourceUri = "$(Get-TeamViewerApiUri)/ssoDomain"; $response = Invoke-TeamViewerRestMethod ` -ApiToken $ApiToken ` -Uri $resourceUri ` -Method Get ` -WriteErrorTo $PSCmdlet ` -ErrorAction Stop Write-Output ($ | ConvertTo-TeamViewerSsoDomain) } function Get-TeamViewerSsoExclusion { param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [securestring] $ApiToken, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateScript( { $_ | Resolve-TeamViewerSsoDomainId } )] [Alias("Domain")] [object] $DomainId ) $id = $DomainId | Resolve-TeamViewerSsoDomainId $resourceUri = "$(Get-TeamViewerApiUri)/ssoDomain/$id/exclusion"; $parameters = @{ } do { $response = Invoke-TeamViewerRestMethod ` -ApiToken $ApiToken ` -Uri $resourceUri ` -Method Get ` -Body $parameters ` -WriteErrorTo $PSCmdlet ` -ErrorAction Stop Write-Output $response.emails $parameters.ct = $response.continuation_token } while ($parameters.ct) } function Get-TeamViewerUser { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = "FilteredList")] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [securestring] $ApiToken, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "ByUserId")] [ValidateScript( { $_ | Resolve-TeamViewerUserId } )] [Alias("UserId")] [string] $Id, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "FilteredList")] [Alias("PartialName")] [string] $Name, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "FilteredList")] [string[]] $Email, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "FilteredList")] [string[]] $Permissions, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet("All", "Minimal")] $PropertiesToLoad = "All" ) $parameters = @{ } switch ($PropertiesToLoad) { "All" { $parameters.full_list = $true } "Minimal" { } } $resourceUri = "$(Get-TeamViewerApiUri)/users" switch ($PsCmdlet.ParameterSetName) { "ByUserId" { $resourceUri += "/$Id" $parameters = $null } "FilteredList" { if ($Name) { $parameters['name'] = $Name } if ($Email) { $parameters['email'] = ($Email -join ',') } if ($Permissions) { $parameters['permissions'] = ($Permissions -join ',') } } } $response = Invoke-TeamViewerRestMethod ` -ApiToken $ApiToken ` -Uri $resourceUri ` -Method Get ` -Body $parameters ` -WriteErrorTo $PSCmdlet ` -ErrorAction Stop if ($PsCmdlet.ParameterSetName -Eq "ByUserId") { Write-Output ($response | ConvertTo-TeamViewerUser -PropertiesToLoad $PropertiesToLoad) } else { Write-Output ($response.users | ConvertTo-TeamViewerUser -PropertiesToLoad $PropertiesToLoad) } } function Get-TeamViewerUserGroup { param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [securestring] $ApiToken, [Parameter()] [ValidateScript( { $_ | Resolve-TeamViewerUserGroupId } )] [Alias("UserGroupId")] [Alias("Id")] [object] $UserGroup ) Begin { $resourceUri = "$(Get-TeamViewerApiUri)/usergroups" $parameters = @{ } $isListOperation = $true if ($UserGroup) { $GroupId = $UserGroup | Resolve-TeamViewerUserGroupId $resourceUri += "/$GroupId" $parameters = $null $isListOperation = $false } } Process { do { $response = Invoke-TeamViewerRestMethod ` -ApiToken $ApiToken ` -Uri $resourceUri ` -Method Get ` -Body $parameters ` -WriteErrorTo $PSCmdlet ` -ErrorAction Stop if ($UserGroup) { Write-Output ($response | ConvertTo-TeamViewerUserGroup) } else { $parameters.paginationToken = $response.nextPaginationToken Write-Output ($response.resources | ConvertTo-TeamViewerUserGroup) } } while ($isListOperation -And $parameters.paginationToken) } } function Get-TeamViewerUserGroupMember { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [securestring] $ApiToken, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateScript( { $_ | Resolve-TeamViewerUserGroupId } )] [Alias("UserGroupId")] [Alias("Id")] [object] $UserGroup ) Begin { $id = $UserGroup | Resolve-TeamViewerUserGroupId $resourceUri = "$(Get-TeamViewerApiUri)/usergroups/$id/members" $parameters = @{ } } Process { do { $response = Invoke-TeamViewerRestMethod ` -ApiToken $ApiToken ` -Uri $resourceUri ` -Method Get ` -Body $parameters ` -WriteErrorTo $PSCmdlet ` -ErrorAction Stop $parameters.paginationToken = $response.nextPaginationToken Write-Output ($response.resources | ConvertTo-TeamViewerUserGroupMember) } while ($parameters.paginationToken) } } function Get-TeamViewerVersion { if (Test-TeamViewerInstallation) { switch (Get-OperatingSystem) { 'Windows' { Write-Output (Get-ItemPropertyValue -Path (Get-TeamViewerRegKeyPath) -Name 'Version') } 'Linux' { Write-Output (Get-TeamViewerLinuxGlobalConfig -Name 'Version') } } } } function Invoke-TeamViewerPackageDownload { Param( [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('Full', 'Host', 'Portable', 'QuickJoin', 'QuickSupport', 'Full64Bit')] [ValidateScript( { if (($_ -ne 'Full') -And ((Get-OperatingSystem) -ne 'Windows')) { $PSCmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError( ("PackageType parameter is only supported on Windows platforms" | ` ConvertTo-ErrorRecord -ErrorCategory InvalidArgument)) } $true })] [string] $PackageType = 'Full', [Parameter()] [ValidateScript( { if ((Get-OperatingSystem) -ne 'Windows') { $PSCmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError( ("MajorVersion parameter is only supported on Windows platforms" | ` ConvertTo-ErrorRecord -ErrorCategory InvalidArgument)) } if ($_ -lt 14) { $PSCmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError( ("Unsupported TeamViewer version $_" | ` ConvertTo-ErrorRecord -ErrorCategory InvalidArgument)) } $true } )] [int] $MajorVersion, [Parameter()] [string] $TargetDirectory = (Get-Location).Path, [Parameter()] [switch] $Force ) $additionalPath = '' switch (Get-OperatingSystem) { 'Windows' { $filename = switch ($PackageType) { 'Full' { 'TeamViewer_Setup.exe' } 'Host' { 'TeamViewer_Host_Setup.exe' } 'Portable' { '' } 'QuickJoin' { 'TeamViewerQJ.exe' } 'QuickSupport' { 'TeamViewerQS.exe' } 'Full64Bit' { 'TeamViewer_Setup_x64.exe' } } if ($MajorVersion) { $additionalPath = "/version_$($MajorVersion)x" } } 'Linux' { $releaseInfo = (Get-Content /etc/*-release) $filename = switch -Regex ($releaseInfo) { 'debian|ubuntu' { $platform = if ([Environment]::Is64BitOperatingSystem) { 'amd64' } else { 'i386' } "teamviewer_$platform.deb" } 'centos|rhel|fedora' { $platform = if ([Environment]::Is64BitOperatingSystem) { 'x86_64' } else { 'i686' } "teamviewer.$platform.rpm" } 'suse|opensuse' { $platform = if ([Environment]::Is64BitOperatingSystem) { 'x86_64' } else { 'i686' } "teamviewer-suse.$platform.rpm" } } $filename = $filename | Select-Object -First 1 $additionalPath = '/linux' } } $downloadUrl = "$additionalPath/$filename" $targetFile = Join-Path $TargetDirectory $filename if ((Test-Path $targetFile) -And -Not $Force -And ` -Not $PSCmdlet.ShouldContinue("File $targetFile already exists. Override?", "Override existing file?")) { return } Write-Verbose "Downloading $downloadUrl to $targetFile" $client = New-Object System.Net.WebClient $client.DownloadFile($downloadUrl, $targetFile) Write-Output $targetFile } function Invoke-TeamViewerPing { param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [securestring] $ApiToken ) $resourceUri = "$(Get-TeamViewerApiUri)/ping" $result = Invoke-TeamViewerRestMethod ` -ApiToken $ApiToken ` -Uri $resourceUri ` -Method Get ` -WriteErrorTo $PSCmdlet ` -ErrorAction Stop Write-Output $result.token_valid } function New-TeamViewerContact { [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true)] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [securestring] $ApiToken, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [Alias('EmailAddress')] [string] $Email, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateScript( { $_ | Resolve-TeamViewerGroupId } )] [Alias("GroupId")] [object] $Group, [Parameter()] [switch] $Invite ) $body = @{ email = $Email groupid = $Group | Resolve-TeamViewerGroupId } if ($Invite) { $body['invite'] = $true } $resourceUri = "$(Get-TeamViewerApiUri)/contacts" if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Email, "Create contact")) { $response = Invoke-TeamViewerRestMethod ` -ApiToken $ApiToken ` -Uri $resourceUri ` -Method Post ` -ContentType "application/json; charset=utf-8" ` -Body ([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes(($body | ConvertTo-Json))) ` -WriteErrorTo $PSCmdlet ` -ErrorAction Stop $result = ($response | ConvertTo-TeamViewerContact) Write-Output $result } } function New-TeamViewerDevice { [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true)] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [securestring] $ApiToken, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [int] $TeamViewerId, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateScript( { $_ | Resolve-TeamViewerGroupId } )] [Alias("GroupId")] [object] $Group, [Parameter()] [Alias("Alias")] [string] $Name, [Parameter()] [string] $Description, [Parameter()] [securestring] $Password ) $body = @{ remotecontrol_id = "r$TeamViewerId" groupid = $Group | Resolve-TeamViewerGroupId } if ($Name) { $body['alias'] = $Name } if ($Description) { $body['description'] = $Description } if ($Password) { $bstr = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($Password) $body['password'] = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringBSTR($bstr) [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::ZeroFreeBSTR($bstr) | Out-Null } $resourceUri = "$(Get-TeamViewerApiUri)/devices" if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($TeamViewerId, "Create device entry")) { $response = Invoke-TeamViewerRestMethod ` -ApiToken $ApiToken ` -Uri $resourceUri ` -Method Post ` -ContentType "application/json; charset=utf-8" ` -Body ([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes(($body | ConvertTo-Json))) ` -WriteErrorTo $PSCmdlet ` -ErrorAction Stop $result = ($response | ConvertTo-TeamViewerDevice) Write-Output $result } } function New-TeamViewerGroup { [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true)] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [securestring] $ApiToken, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $Name, [Parameter()] [ValidateScript( { $_ | Resolve-TeamViewerPolicyId } )] [Alias("PolicyId")] [object] $Policy ) $body = @{ name = $Name } if ($Policy) { $body["policy_id"] = $Policy | Resolve-TeamViewerPolicyId } $resourceUri = "$(Get-TeamViewerApiUri)/groups" if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Name, "Create group")) { $response = Invoke-TeamViewerRestMethod ` -ApiToken $ApiToken ` -Uri $resourceUri ` -Method Post ` -ContentType "application/json; charset=utf-8" ` -Body ([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes(($body | ConvertTo-Json))) ` -WriteErrorTo $PSCmdlet ` -ErrorAction Stop Write-Output ($response | ConvertTo-TeamViewerGroup) } } function New-TeamViewerManagedGroup { [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true)] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [securestring] $ApiToken, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $Name ) $body = @{ name = $Name } $resourceUri = "$(Get-TeamViewerApiUri)/managed/groups" if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Name, "Create managed group")) { $response = Invoke-TeamViewerRestMethod ` -ApiToken $ApiToken ` -Uri $resourceUri ` -Method Post ` -ContentType "application/json; charset=utf-8" ` -Body ([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes(($body | ConvertTo-Json))) ` -WriteErrorTo $PSCmdlet ` -ErrorAction Stop Write-Output ($response | ConvertTo-TeamViewerManagedGroup) } } function New-TeamViewerPolicy { [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true)] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [securestring] $ApiToken, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $Name, [Parameter()] [AllowEmptyCollection()] [object[]] $Settings, [Parameter()] [switch] $DefaultPolicy = $False ) $body = @{ name = $Name default = [boolean]$DefaultPolicy settings = @() } if ($Settings) { $body.settings = @($Settings) } $resourceUri = "$(Get-TeamViewerApiUri)/teamviewerpolicies" if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Name, "Create policy")) { Invoke-TeamViewerRestMethod ` -ApiToken $ApiToken ` -Uri $resourceUri ` -Method Post ` -ContentType "application/json; charset=utf-8" ` -Body ([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes(($body | ConvertTo-Json))) ` -WriteErrorTo $PSCmdlet | ` Out-Null } } function New-TeamViewerUser { [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true, DefaultParameterSetName = "WithPassword")] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [securestring] $ApiToken, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [Alias('EmailAddress')] [string] $Email, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [Alias('DisplayName')] [string] $Name, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = "WithPassword")] [securestring] $Password, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "WithoutPassword")] [Alias('NoPassword')] [switch] $WithoutPassword, [Parameter()] [securestring] $SsoCustomerIdentifier, [Parameter()] [array] $Permissions, [Parameter()] [ValidateScript( { $_ | Resolve-TeamViewerLanguage } )] [cultureinfo] $Culture ) if (-Not $Culture) { try { $Culture = Get-Culture } catch { $Culture = 'en' } } $body = @{ email = $Email name = $Name language = $Culture | Resolve-TeamViewerLanguage permissions = $Permissions -join ',' } if ($Password -And -Not $WithoutPassword) { $bstr = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($Password) $body['password'] = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringBSTR($bstr) [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::ZeroFreeBSTR($bstr) | Out-Null } if ($SsoCustomerIdentifier) { $bstr = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($SsoCustomerIdentifier) $body['sso_customer_id'] = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringBSTR($bstr) [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::ZeroFreeBSTR($bstr) | Out-Null } $resourceUri = "$(Get-TeamViewerApiUri)/users" if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$Name <$Email>", "Create user")) { $response = Invoke-TeamViewerRestMethod ` -ApiToken $ApiToken ` -Uri $resourceUri ` -Method Post ` -ContentType "application/json; charset=utf-8" ` -Body ([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes(($body | ConvertTo-Json))) ` -WriteErrorTo $PSCmdlet ` -ErrorAction Stop $result = ($response | ConvertTo-TeamViewerUser) $result.Email = $Email Write-Output $result } } function New-TeamViewerUserGroup { [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true)] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [securestring] $ApiToken, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $Name ) Begin { $resourceUri = "$(Get-TeamViewerApiUri)/usergroups" $body = @{ name = $Name } } Process { if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Name, "Create user group")) { $response = Invoke-TeamViewerRestMethod ` -ApiToken $ApiToken ` -Uri $resourceUri ` -Method Post ` -ContentType "application/json; charset=utf-8" ` -Body ([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes(($body | ConvertTo-Json))) ` -WriteErrorTo $PSCmdlet ` -ErrorAction Stop Write-Output ($response | ConvertTo-TeamViewerUserGroup) } } } function Publish-TeamViewerGroup { [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true)] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [securestring] $ApiToken, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateScript( { $_ | Resolve-TeamViewerGroupId } )] [Alias("GroupId")] [object] $Group, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateScript( { $_ | Resolve-TeamViewerUserId } )] [Alias("UserId")] [object[]] $User, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet("read", "readwrite")] $Permissions = "read" ) # Warning suppresion doesn't seem to work. # See $null = $Permissions $groupId = $Group | Resolve-TeamViewerGroupId $userIds = $User | Resolve-TeamViewerUserId $resourceUri = "$(Get-TeamViewerApiUri)/groups/$groupId/share_group" $body = @{ users = @($userIds | ForEach-Object { @{ userid = $_ permissions = $Permissions } }) } if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($userids, "Add group share")) { Invoke-TeamViewerRestMethod ` -ApiToken $ApiToken ` -Uri $resourceUri ` -Method Post ` -ContentType "application/json; charset=utf-8" ` -Body ([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes(($body | ConvertTo-Json))) ` -WriteErrorTo $PSCmdlet | ` Out-Null } } function Remove-TeamViewerContact { [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true)] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [securestring] $ApiToken, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [ValidateScript( { $_ | Resolve-TeamViewerContactId } )] [Alias("ContactId")] [Alias("Id")] [object] $Contact ) Process { $contactId = $Contact | Resolve-TeamViewerContactId $resourceUri = "$(Get-TeamViewerApiUri)/contacts/$contactId" if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($contactId, "Remove contact")) { Invoke-TeamViewerRestMethod ` -ApiToken $ApiToken ` -Uri $resourceUri ` -Method Delete ` -WriteErrorTo $PSCmdlet ` -ErrorAction Stop | ` Out-Null } } } function Remove-TeamViewerDevice { [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true)] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [securestring] $ApiToken, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [ValidateScript( { $_ | Resolve-TeamViewerDeviceId } )] [Alias("DeviceId")] [Alias("Id")] [object] $Device ) Process { $deviceId = $Device | Resolve-TeamViewerDeviceId $resourceUri = "$(Get-TeamViewerApiUri)/devices/$deviceId" if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($deviceId, "Remove device entry")) { Invoke-TeamViewerRestMethod ` -ApiToken $ApiToken ` -Uri $resourceUri ` -Method Delete ` -WriteErrorTo $PSCmdlet ` -ErrorAction Stop | ` Out-Null } } } function Remove-TeamViewerGroup { [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true)] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [securestring] $ApiToken, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [ValidateScript( { $_ | Resolve-TeamViewerGroupId } )] [Alias("GroupId")] [Alias("Id")] [object] $Group ) Process { $groupId = $Group | Resolve-TeamViewerGroupId $resourceUri = "$(Get-TeamViewerApiUri)/groups/$groupId" if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($groupId, "Remove group")) { Invoke-TeamViewerRestMethod ` -ApiToken $ApiToken ` -Uri $resourceUri ` -Method Delete ` -WriteErrorTo $PSCmdlet | ` Out-Null } } } function Remove-TeamViewerManagedDevice { [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true)] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [securestring] $ApiToken, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [ValidateScript( { $_ | Resolve-TeamViewerManagedDeviceId } )] [Alias("DeviceId")] [object] $Device, [Parameter()] [ValidateScript( { $_ | Resolve-TeamViewerManagedGroupId } )] [Alias("GroupId")] [object] $Group ) Process { $deviceId = $Device | Resolve-TeamViewerManagedDeviceId $groupId = $Group | Resolve-TeamViewerManagedGroupId $resourceUri = "$(Get-TeamViewerApiUri)/managed/groups/$groupId/devices/$deviceId" if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($deviceId, "Remove device from managed group")) { Invoke-TeamViewerRestMethod ` -ApiToken $ApiToken ` -Uri $resourceUri ` -Method Delete ` -WriteErrorTo $PSCmdlet | ` Out-Null } } } function Remove-TeamViewerManagedGroup { [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true)] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [securestring] $ApiToken, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [ValidateScript( { $_ | Resolve-TeamViewerManagedGroupId } )] [Alias("GroupId")] [Alias("Id")] [object] $Group ) Process { $groupId = $Group | Resolve-TeamViewerManagedGroupId $resourceUri = "$(Get-TeamViewerApiUri)/managed/groups/$groupId" if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($groupId, "Remove managed group")) { Invoke-TeamViewerRestMethod ` -ApiToken $ApiToken ` -Uri $resourceUri ` -Method Delete ` -WriteErrorTo $PSCmdlet | ` Out-Null } } } function Remove-TeamViewerManager { [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true, DefaultParameterSetName = "ByDeviceId")] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [securestring] $ApiToken, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [ValidateScript( { if (($_.PSObject.TypeNames -contains 'TeamViewerPS.Manager') -And -Not $_.GroupId -And -Not $_.DeviceId) { $PSCmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError( ("Invalid manager object. Manager must be a group or device manager." | ` ConvertTo-ErrorRecord -ErrorCategory InvalidArgument)) } $_ | Resolve-TeamViewerManagerId })] [Alias("ManagerId")] [Alias("Id")] [object] $Manager, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ByDeviceId')] [ValidateScript( { $_ | Resolve-TeamViewerManagedDeviceId } )] [Alias("DeviceId")] [object] $Device, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ByGroupId')] [ValidateScript( { $_ | Resolve-TeamViewerManagedGroupId })] [Alias("GroupId")] [object] $Group ) Process { $deviceId = $null $groupId = $null if ($Manager.PSObject.TypeNames -contains 'TeamViewerPS.Manager') { if ($Device -Or $Group) { $PSCmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError( ("Device or Group parameter must not be specified if a [TeamViewerPS.Manager] object is given." | ` ConvertTo-ErrorRecord -ErrorCategory InvalidArgument)) } if ($Manager.DeviceId) { $deviceId = $Manager.DeviceId } elseif ($Manager.GroupId) { $groupId = $Manager.GroupId } } elseif ($Device) { $deviceId = $Device | Resolve-TeamViewerManagedDeviceId } elseif ($Group) { $groupId = $Group | Resolve-TeamViewerManagedGroupId } else { $PSCmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError( ("Device or Group parameter must be specified if no [TeamViewerPS.Manager] object is given." | ` ConvertTo-ErrorRecord -ErrorCategory InvalidArgument)) } $managerId = $Manager | Resolve-TeamViewerManagerId if ($deviceId) { $resourceUri = "$(Get-TeamViewerApiUri)/managed/devices/$deviceId/managers/$managerId" $processMessage = "Remove manager from managed device" } elseif ($groupId) { $resourceUri = "$(Get-TeamViewerApiUri)/managed/groups/$groupId/managers/$managerId" $processMessage = "Remove manager from managed group" } if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($managerId, $processMessage)) { Invoke-TeamViewerRestMethod ` -ApiToken $ApiToken ` -Uri $resourceUri ` -Method Delete ` -WriteErrorTo $PSCmdlet | ` Out-Null } } } function Remove-TeamViewerPolicy { [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true, DefaultParameterSetName = 'ByParameters')] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [securestring] $ApiToken, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [ValidateScript( { $_ | Resolve-TeamViewerPolicyId } )] [Alias('PolicyId')] [object] $Policy ) Process { $policyId = $Policy | Resolve-TeamViewerPolicyId $resourceUri = "$(Get-TeamViewerApiUri)/teamviewerpolicies/$policyId" if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($policyId, "Delete policy")) { Invoke-TeamViewerRestMethod ` -ApiToken $ApiToken ` -Uri $resourceUri ` -Method Delete ` -WriteErrorTo $PSCmdlet | ` Out-Null } } } function Remove-TeamViewerSsoExclusion { [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true)] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [securestring] $ApiToken, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateScript( { $_ | Resolve-TeamViewerSsoDomainId } )] [Alias("Domain")] [object] $DomainId, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [string[]] ) Begin { $id = $DomainId | Resolve-TeamViewerSsoDomainId $resourceUri = "$(Get-TeamViewerApiUri)/ssoDomain/$id/exclusion" $emailsToRemove = @() $null = $ApiToken # function Invoke-RequestInternal { $body = @{ emails = @($emailsToRemove) } Invoke-TeamViewerRestMethod ` -ApiToken $ApiToken ` -Uri $resourceUri ` -Method Delete ` -ContentType "application/json; charset=utf-8" ` -Body ([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes(($body | ConvertTo-Json))) ` -WriteErrorTo $PSCmdlet ` -ErrorAction Stop | ` Out-Null } } Process { if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Email, "Remove SSO exclusion")) { $emailsToRemove += $Email } if ($emailsToRemove.Length -eq 100) { Invoke-RequestInternal $emailsToRemove = @() } } End { if ($emailsToRemove.Length -gt 0) { Invoke-RequestInternal } } } function Remove-TeamViewerUserGroup { [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true)] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [securestring] $ApiToken, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateScript( { $_ | Resolve-TeamViewerUserGroupId } )] [Alias("UserGroupId")] [Alias("Id")] [object] $UserGroup ) Begin { $id = $UserGroup | Resolve-TeamViewerUserGroupId $resourceUri = "$(Get-TeamViewerApiUri)/usergroups/$id" } Process { if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($UserGroup.ToString(), "Remove user group")) { Invoke-TeamViewerRestMethod ` -ApiToken $ApiToken ` -Uri $resourceUri ` -Method Delete ` -WriteErrorTo $PSCmdlet ` -ErrorAction Stop | ` Out-Null } } } function Remove-TeamViewerUserGroupMember { [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true, DefaultParameterSetName="ByUserGroupMemberId")] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [securestring] $ApiToken, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateScript( { $_ | Resolve-TeamViewerUserGroupId } )] [Alias("UserGroupId")] [Alias("Id")] [object] $UserGroup, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = "ByUserId", ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [ValidateScript( { $_ | Resolve-TeamViewerUserId } )] [Alias("UserId")] [object[]] $User, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = "ByUserGroupMemberId", ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [ValidateScript( { $_ | Resolve-TeamViewerUserGroupMemberMemberId } )] [Alias("UserGroupMemberId")] [Alias("MemberId")] [object[]] $UserGroupMember ) Begin { $id = $UserGroup | Resolve-TeamViewerUserGroupId $resourceUri = "$(Get-TeamViewerApiUri)/usergroups/$id/members" $membersToRemove = @() $null = $ApiToken # $null = $User $null = $UserGroupMember function Invoke-TeamViewerRestMethodForMember { Invoke-TeamViewerRestMethod ` -ApiToken $ApiToken ` -Uri $resourceUri ` -Method Delete ` -ContentType "application/json; charset=utf-8" ` -Body ([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes(($membersToRemove | ConvertTo-Json))) ` -WriteErrorTo $PSCmdlet ` -ErrorAction Stop | ` Out-Null } function Get-Target { switch ($PsCmdlet.ParameterSetName) { 'ByUserId' { return $User.ToString() } Default { return $UserGroupMember.ToString() } } } function Get-MemberId { switch ($PsCmdlet.ParameterSetName) { 'ByUserId' { $UserId = $User | Resolve-TeamViewerUserId $UserId.TrimStart('u') } 'ByUserGroupMemberId'{ return $UserGroupMember | Resolve-TeamViewerUserGroupMemberMemberId } } } } Process { # when members are provided as pipline input, each meber is provided as separate statment, # thus the members should be combined to one array, otherwise we will send several request if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess((Get-Target), "Remove user group member")) { $membersToRemove += Get-MemberId } # WebAPI accepts max 100 accounts. Thus we send a request, and reset the `membersToAdd` # in order to accept more mebers if ($membersToRemove.Length -eq 100) { Invoke-TeamViewerRestMethodForMember $membersToRemove = @() } } End { # A request needs to be send if there were less than 100 members if ($membersToRemove.Length -gt 0) { Invoke-TeamViewerRestMethodForMember } } } function Restart-TeamViewerService { [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true)] param() if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("TeamViewer service")) { switch (Get-OperatingSystem) { 'Windows' { Restart-Service -Name (Get-TeamViewerServiceName) } 'Linux' { Invoke-ExternalCommand /opt/teamviewer/tv_bin/script/teamviewer daemon restart } } } } function Set-TeamViewerAccount { [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true, DefaultParameterSetName = 'ByParameters')] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [securestring] $ApiToken, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ByParameters')] [Alias('DisplayName')] [string] $Name, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ByParameters')] [Alias('EmailAddress')] [string] $Email, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ByParameters')] [securestring] $Password, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ByParameters')] [securestring] $OldPassword, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ByParameters')] [ValidateScript( { $_ | Resolve-TeamViewerLanguage } )] [object] $EmailLanguage, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'ByProperties')] [hashtable] $Property ) # Warning suppresion doesn't seem to work. # See $null = $Property $body = @{} switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) { 'ByParameters' { if ($Name) { $body['name'] = $Name } if ($Email) { $body['email'] = $Email } if ($Password) { if (-Not $OldPassword) { $PSCmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError( ("Old password required when attempting to change account password." | ` ConvertTo-ErrorRecord -ErrorCategory InvalidArgument)) } $bstr = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($Password) $body['password'] = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringBSTR($bstr) [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::ZeroFreeBSTR($bstr) | Out-Null $bstr = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($OldPassword) $body['oldpassword'] = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringBSTR($bstr) [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::ZeroFreeBSTR($bstr) | Out-Null } if ($EmailLanguage) { $body['email_language'] = $EmailLanguage | Resolve-TeamViewerLanguage } } 'ByProperties' { @('name', 'email', 'password', 'oldpassword', 'email_language') | ` Where-Object { $Property[$_] } | ` ForEach-Object { $body[$_] = $Property[$_] } } } if ($body.Count -eq 0) { $PSCmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError( ("The given input does not change the account." | ` ConvertTo-ErrorRecord -ErrorCategory InvalidArgument)) } $resourceUri = "$(Get-TeamViewerApiUri)/account" if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("TeamViewer account")) { Invoke-TeamViewerRestMethod ` -ApiToken $ApiToken ` -Uri $resourceUri ` -Method Put ` -ContentType "application/json; charset=utf-8" ` -Body ([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes(($body | ConvertTo-Json))) ` -WriteErrorTo $PSCmdlet | ` Out-Null } } function Set-TeamViewerDevice { [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true, DefaultParameterSetName = "Default")] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [securestring] $ApiToken, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [ValidateScript( { $_ | Resolve-TeamViewerDeviceId } )] [Alias("DeviceId")] [Alias("Id")] [object] $Device, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "ChangeGroup")] [ValidateScript( { $_ | Resolve-TeamViewerGroupId } )] [Alias("GroupId")] [object] $Group, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "ChangePolicy")] [ValidateScript( { $_ | Resolve-TeamViewerPolicyId -AllowInherit -AllowNone } )] [Alias("PolicyId")] [object] $Policy, [Parameter()] [Alias("Alias")] [string] $Name, [Parameter()] [string] $Description, [Parameter()] [securestring] $Password ) Begin { $body = @{} if ($Name) { $body['alias'] = $Name } if ($Description) { $body['description'] = $Description } if ($Password) { $bstr = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($Password) $body['password'] = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringBSTR($bstr) [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::ZeroFreeBSTR($bstr) | Out-Null } if ($Group) { $body['groupid'] = $Group | Resolve-TeamViewerGroupId } if ($Policy) { $body['policy_id'] = $Policy | Resolve-TeamViewerPolicyId -AllowNone -AllowInherit } if ($body.Count -eq 0) { $PSCmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError( ("The given input does not change the device." | ` ConvertTo-ErrorRecord -ErrorCategory InvalidArgument)) } } Process { $deviceId = $Device | Resolve-TeamViewerDeviceId $resourceUri = "$(Get-TeamViewerApiUri)/devices/$deviceId" if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Device.ToString(), "Change device entry")) { Invoke-TeamViewerRestMethod ` -ApiToken $ApiToken ` -Uri $resourceUri ` -Method Put ` -ContentType "application/json; charset=utf-8" ` -Body ([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes(($body | ConvertTo-Json))) ` -WriteErrorTo $PSCmdlet ` -ErrorAction Stop | ` Out-Null } } } function Set-TeamViewerGroup { [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true, DefaultParameterSetName = 'ByParameters')] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [securestring] $ApiToken, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [ValidateScript( { $_ | Resolve-TeamViewerGroupId } )] [Alias("GroupId")] [Alias("Id")] [object] $Group, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ByParameters')] [string] $Name, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ByParameters')] [ValidateScript( { $_ | Resolve-TeamViewerPolicyId } )] [Alias("PolicyId")] [object] $Policy, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'ByProperties')] [hashtable] $Property ) Begin { # Warning suppresion doesn't seem to work. # See $null = $Property $body = @{} switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) { 'ByParameters' { $body['name'] = $Name if ($Policy) { $body['policy_id'] = $Policy | Resolve-TeamViewerPolicyId } } 'ByProperties' { @('name', 'policy_id') | ` Where-Object { $Property[$_] } | ` ForEach-Object { $body[$_] = $Property[$_] } } } if ($body.Count -eq 0) { $PSCmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError( ("The given input does not change the group." | ` ConvertTo-ErrorRecord -ErrorCategory InvalidArgument)) } } Process { $groupId = $Group | Resolve-TeamViewerGroupId $resourceUri = "$(Get-TeamViewerApiUri)/groups/$groupId" if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($groupId, "Update group")) { Invoke-TeamViewerRestMethod ` -ApiToken $ApiToken ` -Uri $resourceUri ` -Method Put ` -ContentType "application/json; charset=utf-8" ` -Body ([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes(($body | ConvertTo-Json))) ` -WriteErrorTo $PSCmdlet | ` Out-Null } } } function Set-TeamViewerManagedDevice { [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true)] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [securestring] $ApiToken, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [ValidateScript( { $_ | Resolve-TeamViewerManagedDeviceId } )] [Alias("DeviceId")] [object] $Device, [Alias("Alias")] [string] $Name, [ValidateScript( { $_ | Resolve-TeamViewerPolicyId } )] [Alias("PolicyId")] [object] $Policy, [switch] $RemovePolicy ) Begin { $body = @{} if ($Name) { $body['name'] = $Name } if ($Policy) { $body['teamviewerPolicyId'] = $Policy | Resolve-TeamViewerPolicyId } elseif ($RemovePolicy) { $body['teamviewerPolicyId'] = "" } if ($Policy -And $RemovePolicy) { $PSCmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError( ("Parameters -Policy and -RemovePolicy cannot be used together." | ` ConvertTo-ErrorRecord -ErrorCategory InvalidArgument)) } if ($body.Count -eq 0) { $PSCmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError( ("The given input does not change the managed device." | ` ConvertTo-ErrorRecord -ErrorCategory InvalidArgument)) } } Process { $deviceId = $Device | Resolve-TeamViewerManagedDeviceId $resourceUri = "$(Get-TeamViewerApiUri)/managed/devices/$deviceId" if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Device.ToString(), "Change managed device entry")) { Invoke-TeamViewerRestMethod ` -ApiToken $ApiToken ` -Uri $resourceUri ` -Method Put ` -ContentType "application/json; charset=utf-8" ` -Body ([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes(($body | ConvertTo-Json))) ` -WriteErrorTo $PSCmdlet ` -ErrorAction Stop | ` Out-Null } } } function Set-TeamViewerManagedGroup { [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true, DefaultParameterSetName = 'ByParameters')] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [securestring] $ApiToken, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [ValidateScript( { $_ | Resolve-TeamViewerManagedGroupId })] [Alias("GroupId")] [Alias("Id")] [object] $Group, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'ByParameters')] [string] $Name, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'ByProperties')] [hashtable] $Property ) Begin { # Warning suppresion doesn't seem to work. # See $null = $Property $body = @{} switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) { 'ByParameters' { $body['name'] = $Name } 'ByProperties' { @('name') | ` Where-Object { $Property[$_] } | ` ForEach-Object { $body[$_] = $Property[$_] } } } if ($body.Count -eq 0) { $PSCmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError( ("The given input does not change the managed group." | ` ConvertTo-ErrorRecord -ErrorCategory InvalidArgument)) } } Process { $groupId = $Group | Resolve-TeamViewerManagedGroupId $resourceUri = "$(Get-TeamViewerApiUri)/managed/groups/$groupId" if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($groupId, "Update managed group")) { Invoke-TeamViewerRestMethod ` -ApiToken $ApiToken ` -Uri $resourceUri ` -Method Put ` -ContentType "application/json; charset=utf-8" ` -Body ([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes(($body | ConvertTo-Json))) ` -WriteErrorTo $PSCmdlet | ` Out-Null } } } function Set-TeamViewerManager { [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true, DefaultParameterSetName = 'Device_ByParameters')] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [securestring] $ApiToken, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [ValidateScript( { if (($_.PSObject.TypeNames -contains 'TeamViewerPS.Manager') -And -Not $_.GroupId -And -Not $_.DeviceId) { $PSCmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError( ("Invalid manager object. Manager must be a group or device manager." | ` ConvertTo-ErrorRecord -ErrorCategory InvalidArgument)) } $_ | Resolve-TeamViewerManagerId })] [Alias("ManagerId")] [Alias("Id")] [object] $Manager, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Device_ByParameters')] [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Device_ByProperties')] [ValidateScript( { $_ | Resolve-TeamViewerManagedDeviceId } )] [Alias("DeviceId")] [object] $Device, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Group_ByParameters')] [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Group_ByProperties')] [ValidateScript( { $_ | Resolve-TeamViewerManagedGroupId })] [Alias("GroupId")] [object] $Group, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Device_ByParameters')] [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Group_ByParameters')] [AllowEmptyCollection()] [string[]] $Permissions, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Device_ByProperties')] [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Group_ByProperties')] [hashtable] $Property ) Begin { # Warning suppresion doesn't seem to work. # See $null = $Property $body = @{} switch -Wildcard ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) { '*ByParameters' { $body['permissions'] = @($Permissions) } '*ByProperties' { @('permissions') | ` Where-Object { $Property[$_] } | ` ForEach-Object { $body[$_] = $Property[$_] } } } if ($body.Count -eq 0) { $PSCmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError( ("The given input does not change the manager." | ` ConvertTo-ErrorRecord -ErrorCategory InvalidArgument)) } } Process { $deviceId = $null $groupId = $null if ($Manager.PSObject.TypeNames -contains 'TeamViewerPS.Manager') { if ($Device -Or $Group) { $PSCmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError( ("Device or Group parameter must not be specified if a [TeamViewerPS.Manager] object is given." | ` ConvertTo-ErrorRecord -ErrorCategory InvalidArgument)) } if ($Manager.DeviceId) { $deviceId = $Manager.DeviceId } elseif ($Manager.GroupId) { $groupId = $Manager.GroupId } } elseif ($Device) { $deviceId = $Device | Resolve-TeamViewerManagedDeviceId } elseif ($Group) { $groupId = $Group | Resolve-TeamViewerManagedGroupId } else { $PSCmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError( ("Device or Group parameter must be specified if no [TeamViewerPS.Manager] object is given." | ` ConvertTo-ErrorRecord -ErrorCategory InvalidArgument)) } $managerId = $Manager | Resolve-TeamViewerManagerId if ($deviceId) { $resourceUri = "$(Get-TeamViewerApiUri)/managed/devices/$deviceId/managers/$managerId" $processMessage = "Update managed device manager" } elseif ($groupId) { $resourceUri = "$(Get-TeamViewerApiUri)/managed/groups/$groupId/managers/$managerId" $processMessage = "Update managed group manager" } if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($managerId, $processMessage)) { Invoke-TeamViewerRestMethod ` -ApiToken $ApiToken ` -Uri $resourceUri ` -Method Put ` -ContentType "application/json; charset=utf-8" ` -Body ([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes(($body | ConvertTo-Json))) ` -WriteErrorTo $PSCmdlet | ` Out-Null } } } function Set-TeamViewerPolicy { [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true, DefaultParameterSetName = 'ByParameters')] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [securestring] $ApiToken, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateScript( { $_ | Resolve-TeamViewerPolicyId } )] [Alias('PolicyId')] [object] $Policy, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ByParameters')] [string] $Name, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ByParameters')] [object[]] $Settings, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'ByProperties')] [hashtable] $Property ) # Warning suppresion doesn't seem to work. # See $null = $Property $body = @{} switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) { 'ByParameters' { if ($Name) { $body['name'] = $Name } if ($Settings) { $body['settings'] = $Settings } } 'ByProperties' { @('name', 'settings') | ` Where-Object { $Property[$_] } | ` ForEach-Object { $body[$_] = $Property[$_] } } } if ($body.Count -eq 0) { $PSCmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError( ("The given input does not change the policy." | ` ConvertTo-ErrorRecord -ErrorCategory InvalidArgument)) } $policyId = $Policy | Resolve-TeamViewerPolicyId $resourceUri = "$(Get-TeamViewerApiUri)/teamviewerpolicies/$policyId" if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($policyId, "Update policy")) { Invoke-TeamViewerRestMethod ` -ApiToken $ApiToken ` -Uri $resourceUri ` -Method Put ` -ContentType "application/json; charset=utf-8" ` -Body ([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes(($body | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 25))) ` -WriteErrorTo $PSCmdlet | ` Out-Null } } function Set-TeamViewerUser { [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true, DefaultParameterSetName = 'ByParameters')] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [securestring] $ApiToken, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateScript( { $_ | Resolve-TeamViewerUserId } )] [Alias("UserId")] [Alias("Id")] [object] $User, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ByParameters')] [boolean] $Active, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ByParameters')] [Alias('EmailAddress')] [string] $Email, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ByParameters')] [Alias('DisplayName')] [string] $Name, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ByParameters')] [securestring] $Password, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ByParameters')] [securestring] $SsoCustomerIdentifier, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ByParameters')] [array] $Permissions, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'ByProperties')] [hashtable] $Property ) $body = @{} switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) { 'ByParameters' { if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Active')) { $body['active'] = $Active } if ($Email) { $body['email'] = $Email } if ($Name) { $body['name'] = $Name } if ($Password) { $bstr = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($Password) $body['password'] = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringBSTR($bstr) [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::ZeroFreeBSTR($bstr) | Out-Null } if ($SsoCustomerIdentifier) { $bstr = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($SsoCustomerIdentifier) $body['sso_customer_id'] = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringBSTR($bstr) [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::ZeroFreeBSTR($bstr) | Out-Null } if ($Permissions) { $body['permissions'] = $Permissions -join ',' } } 'ByProperties' { @('active', 'email', 'name', 'password', 'sso_customer_id', 'permissions') | ` Where-Object { $Property[$_] } | ` ForEach-Object { $body[$_] = $Property[$_] } } } if ($body.Count -eq 0) { $PSCmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError( ("The given input does not change the user." | ` ConvertTo-ErrorRecord -ErrorCategory InvalidArgument)) } $userId = Resolve-TeamViewerUserId -User $User $resourceUri = "$(Get-TeamViewerApiUri)/users/$userId" if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($userId, "Update user profile")) { Invoke-TeamViewerRestMethod ` -ApiToken $ApiToken ` -Uri $resourceUri ` -Method Put ` -ContentType "application/json; charset=utf-8" ` -Body ([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes(($body | ConvertTo-Json))) ` -WriteErrorTo $PSCmdlet | ` Out-Null } } function Set-TeamViewerUserGroup { [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true)] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [securestring] $ApiToken, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateScript( { $_ | Resolve-TeamViewerUserGroupId } )] [Alias("UserGroupId")] [Alias("Id")] [object] $UserGroup, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [Alias("UserGroupName")] [string] $Name ) Begin { $id = $UserGroup | Resolve-TeamViewerUserGroupId $resourceUri = "$(Get-TeamViewerApiUri)/usergroups/$id" $body = @{ name = $Name } } Process { if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($UserGroup.ToString(), "Change user group")) { $response = Invoke-TeamViewerRestMethod ` -ApiToken $ApiToken ` -Uri $resourceUri ` -Method Put ` -ContentType "application/json; charset=utf-8" ` -Body ([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes(($body | ConvertTo-Json))) ` -WriteErrorTo $PSCmdlet ` -ErrorAction Stop Write-Output ($response | ConvertTo-TeamViewerUserGroup) } } } function Start-TeamViewerService { [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true)] param() if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("TeamViewer service")) { switch (Get-OperatingSystem) { 'Windows' { Start-Service -Name (Get-TeamViewerServiceName) } 'Linux' { Invoke-ExternalCommand /opt/teamviewer/tv_bin/script/teamviewer daemon start } } } } function Stop-TeamViewerService { [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true)] param() if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("TeamViewer service")) { switch (Get-OperatingSystem) { 'Windows' { Stop-Service -Name (Get-TeamViewerServiceName) } 'Linux' { Invoke-ExternalCommand /opt/teamviewer/tv_bin/script/teamviewer daemon stop } } } } function Test-TeamViewerConnectivity { param( [Parameter()] [switch] $Quiet ) $endpoints = @( @{ Hostname = ''; TcpPort = 443; } @{ Hostname = ''; TcpPort = 443; } @{ Hostname = ''; TcpPort = 443; } @{ Hostname = ''; TcpPort = 443; } @{ Hostname = ''; TcpPort = 443; } @{ Hostname = ''; TcpPort = 443; } @{ Hostname = ''; TcpPort = 443; } @{ Hostname = ''; TcpPort = 443; } @{ Hostname = ''; TcpPort = 443; } @{ Hostname = ''; TcpPort = 443; } @{ Hostname = ''; TcpPort = 443; } @{ Hostname = ''; TcpPort = 443; } ) 1..16 | ForEach-Object { $endpoints += @{ Hostname = "router$"; TcpPort = (5938, 443, 80) } } $results = $endpoints | ForEach-Object { $endpoint = $_ $portSucceeded = $endpoint.TcpPort | Where-Object { Write-Verbose "Checking endpoint $($endpoint.Hostname) on port $_" Test-TcpConnection -Hostname $endpoint.Hostname -Port $_ } | Select-Object -First 1 $endpoint.Succeeded = [bool]$portSucceeded $endpoint.TcpPort = if ($endpoint.Succeeded) { $portSucceeded } else { $endpoint.TcpPort } return $endpoint } if ($Quiet) {  } else { $results | ` ForEach-Object { New-Object PSObject -Property $_ } | ` Select-Object -Property Hostname, TcpPort, Succeeded | ` Sort-Object Hostname } } function Test-TeamViewerInstallation { switch (Get-OperatingSystem) { 'Windows' { $regKey = Get-TeamViewerRegKeyPath $installationDirectory = if (Test-Path $regKey) { (Get-Item $regKey).GetValue('InstallationDirectory') } Write-Output ( $installationDirectory -And ` (Test-Path "$installationDirectory/TeamViewer.exe") ) } 'Linux' { Write-Output ( (Test-Path '/opt/teamviewer/tv_bin/TeamViewer') ) } default { $false } } } function Unpublish-TeamViewerGroup { [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true)] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [securestring] $ApiToken, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateScript( { $_ | Resolve-TeamViewerGroupId } )] [Alias("GroupId")] [object] $Group, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [Alias("UserId")] [object[]] $User ) $groupId = $Group | Resolve-TeamViewerGroupId $userIds = $User | Resolve-TeamViewerUserId $resourceUri = "$(Get-TeamViewerApiUri)/groups/$groupId/unshare_group" $body = @{users = @($userIds) } if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($userids, "Remove group share")) { Invoke-TeamViewerRestMethod ` -ApiToken $ApiToken ` -Uri $resourceUri ` -Method Post ` -ContentType "application/json; charset=utf-8" ` -Body ([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes(($body | ConvertTo-Json))) ` -WriteErrorTo $PSCmdlet | ` Out-Null } } |