Powershell Commandlets for TwinCAT ADS Communication and TwinCAT Ads Management tasks.
Prerequisites: TwinCAT 2 or 3 (XAR Runtime or Full) .NET Framework 4.0 Powershell 4 Features: - Read/Write Values to Local or Remote Systems via ADS (Symbolic, Raw ProcessImage Data) - Start-Stop logical ADS Devices (PLC, SystemService) and setting Config Mode locally and remote - Collection Remote Target System Information (TwinCAT Version) - Broadcast Search (Browsing ADS Network infrastucture) - Adding / Removing ADS Routes - Session Management (ADS Sessions and connections) - Browsing symbolic information from TwinCAT Targets First Steps: Getting global information ```powershell PS> get-help about_TcXaeMgmt ``` Getting List of commands ```powershell PS> get-command -module TcXaeMgmt ``` Getting Command Help: ```powershell PS> get-help Read-TcValue -full ``` Documentation and further learning [Documentation TcXaeMgmt Module] [About the TcXaeMgmt Module] Links [Beckhoff Homepage] |