function Install-TcLibrary { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)][System.__ComObject]$DteInstace, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]$Path, [string]$TmpPath = "$Env:TEMP\$([Guid]::NewGuid())", [string]$LibRepo = "System", [switch]$Force ) if (!(Test-Path $Path -PathType Leaf)) { throw "Provided library path $Path does not exist" } if (!$DteInstace) { throw "No DTE instance provided, or it is null" } $dummyPrj = New-DummyTwincatSolution -DteInstace $DteInstace -Path $TmpPath try { $systemManager = $DteInstace.Solution.Projects.Item(1).Object } catch { throw "Failed to get the system manager object" } try { $references = $systemManager.LookupTreeItem("$($dummyPrj[0].PathName)^References") } catch { throw "Failed to look up the project references" } Write-Host "Installing library $Path to $LibRepo" if ($Force) { $forceInstall = $true } else { $forceInstall = $false } Write-Host "Forced installation set to ``$forceInstall``" try { $references.InstallLibrary($LibRepo, $Path, $forceInstall) } catch { throw "Failed to install $Path to $LibRepo" } Write-Host "Successfully installed $Path to $LibRepo" trap { Write-Error "$_" Write-Verbose "Cleaning up temporary directory $TmpPath ..." $DteInstace.Solution.Close($false) Remove-Item $TmpPath -Recurse -Force } Write-Verbose "Cleaning up temporary directory $TmpPath ..." $DteInstace.Solution.Close($false) Remove-Item $TmpPath -Recurse -Force } |