function Save-GitHubFile { [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact = 'High', DefaultParameterSetName = 'Default')] param ( [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'AllMatches')] [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Default')] [Uri] $Uri, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'AllMatches')] [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Default')] [string] $SearchPattern, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'AllMatches')] [switch] $AllMatches = $false, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'AllMatches')] [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Default')] [switch] $ShowProgress, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'AllMatches')] [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Default')] [System.IO.DirectoryInfo] $OutputDirectory = $PWD.Path, [Switch] $Passthru ) begin { try { $CurrentConfig = Get-ModuleConfig $TelmetryArgs = @{ ModuleName = $CurrentConfig.ModuleName ModulePath = $CurrentConfig.ModulePath ModuleVersion = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Module.Version CommandName = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name URI = '' } if ($CurrentConfig.BasicTelemetry -eq 'True') { $TelmetryArgs.Add('Minimal', $true) } Invoke-TelemetryCollection @TelmetryArgs -Stage start -ClearTimer } catch { Write-Verbose "Failed to load telemetry" } try { Write-Verbose "Testing if $($Uri.OriginalString) is valid and pointing to 'GitHub'" $NetTest = $(Test-Uri -Uri $Uri) If ($NetTest -eq $false -or $Uri.ToString().ToLower().Contains("github") -eq $false) { Write-Error "Please enter a valid URI and make sure to use a GitHub URL.." Invoke-TelemetryCollection @TelmetryArgs -Stage End -ClearTimer -Failed $true -Exception $_ break } } catch { Write-Error $_ Invoke-TelemetryCollection @TelmetryArgs -Stage End -ClearTimer -Failed $true -Exception $_ break } # Output Obj $Props = @{ [System.IO.FileInfo]'FilePath' = '' } } process { Invoke-TelemetryCollection @TelmetryArgs -Stage 'In-Progress' switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) { 'Default' { if ($URI.Segments.count -gt 1) { Try { $InitialPage = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $Uri -Method GET -ErrorAction 'Stop' $InitialPageFilter = $InitialPage.links.href | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_ -like $SearchPattern } | Select-Object -First 1 $InitialPageFullUri = $($URI.Host + $InitialPageFilter) if ([system.string]::IsNullOrEmpty($InitialPageFilter) -eq $false) { $FileName = $($URI.Host + $InitialPageFilter).split('/')[-1] $OutputFullPath = $(Join-Path -Path $OutputDirectory -ChildPath $FileName) Write-Verbose "Downloading requested file $($FileName) from $($Uri)" $SecondPage = $(Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $InitialPageFullUri -Method GET -ErrorAction 'Stop').links.href | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_ -like $("*raw*" + $FileName) } | Select-Object -First 1 $SecondPageFullPath = $($Uri.Scheme + "://" + $uri.Host + $SecondPage) -as [uri] if ([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($SecondPage) -eq $false) { if ((Test-Path -Path $OutputDirectory\$FileName) -eq $false) { Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $SecondPageFullPath -Method GET -OutFile $OutputFullPath -ErrorAction 'Stop' if ($Passthru) { $Obj = New-Object psobject -Property $Props $Obj.FilePath = $OutputFullPath $Obj } } else { if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("The file $($FileName) exists in directory $($outputDirectory), would you like to overwrite?")) { Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $SecondPageFullPath -Method GET -OutFile $OutputFullPath -ErrorAction 'Stop' if ($Passthru) { $Obj = New-Object psobject -Property $Props $Obj.FilePath = $OutputFullPath $Obj } } else { break } } Write-Verbose "Successfully downloaded $($FileName) to $($OutputDirectory)" Invoke-TelemetryCollection @TelmetryArgs -Stage End -ClearTimer } else { Write-Error "Second link empty" Invoke-TelemetryCollection @TelmetryArgs -Stage End -ClearTimer -Failed $true -Exception "Second link empty" break } } else { Write-Verbose "Couldn't find the file matching patten $($SearchPattern)" Invoke-TelemetryCollection @TelmetryArgs -Stage End -ClearTimer -Failed $true -Exception "Couldn't find the file matching patten $($SearchPattern)" } } Catch { $_ invoke-TelemetryCollection @TelmetryArgs -Stage End -ClearTimer -Failed $true -Exception $_ } } else { Write-Warning "No file in path $($uri) specified" break } } 'AllMatches' { } Default { } } } end { } } |