function Update-ModuleCustomManifest { [CmdletBinding()] param( [ValidateScript({ if (-Not (Test-Path -Path $_) -or $_.EndsWith(".psd1") -eq $false) { throw "Enter a valid manifest file." } else { $true } })] [string]$Path ) try { $CurrentConfig = Get-ModuleConfig $TelmetryArgs = @{ ModuleName = $CurrentConfig.ModuleName ModulePath = $CurrentConfig.ModulePath ModuleVersion = $CurrentConfig.ModuleVersion CommandName = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name URI = '' } if ($CurrentConfig.BasicTelemetry -eq 'True') { $TelmetryArgs.Add('Minimal', $true) } Invoke-TelemetryCollection @TelmetryArgs -Stage start -ClearTimer } catch { Write-Verbose "Failed to load telemetry" } Invoke-TelemetryCollection @TelmetryArgs -Stage 'In-Progress' # Test if field CmdletsToExport exists in the manifest file $ManifestFileContent = Get-Content -Path $Path $ModuleRoot = Split-Path -Path $Path -Parent $PublicFunctions = Join-Path -Path $ModuleRoot -ChildPath "Public" if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($ManifestFileContent -match '[\s|\t]*CmdletsToExport\s*=.*') -eq $false) { $LineWithCmdletsToExport = $($ManifestFileContent | Select-String -Pattern '^[\s|\t]*CmdletsToExport\s*=(.*)$') $LineNumber = $LineWithCmdletsToExport.LineNumber - 1 $CmdletsToExport = $(Get-ChildItem -Path $PublicFunctions -Filter "*.ps1" | Where-Object {$_.Name -notlike "*.tests.ps1" } | % {'"' + $($_ | Select-Object -ExpandProperty BaseName) + '"' } ) -join ', ' $NewLine = " @($CmdletsToExport)" Write-Output "Replacing line: $($LineWithCmdletsToExport.Matches.Groups[1].Value) with $NewLine" $ManifestFileContent[$LineNumber] = $ManifestFileContent[$LineNumber] -replace [regex]::Escape($LineWithCmdletsToExport.Matches.Groups[1].Value), $NewLine Set-Content -Path $Path -Value $ManifestFileContent } else { Write-Error "CmdletsToExport field could not be found in the manifest file." Invoke-TelemetryCollection @TelmetryArgs -Stage End -ClearTimer -Failed $true -Exception $_ break } Invoke-TelemetryCollection @TelmetryArgs -Stage End -ClearTimer } |