[CmdletBinding()] param( [ValidateNotNull()] [Parameter()] [hashtable]$ModuleParameters = @{ }) if ($host.Name -ne 'ConsoleHost') { Write-Warning "TaskModuleSqlUtility is designed for use with powershell.exe (ConsoleHost). Output may be different when used with other hosts." } # Private module variables. [bool]$script:nonInteractive = "$($ModuleParameters['NonInteractive'])" -eq 'true' Write-Verbose "NonInteractive: $script:nonInteractive" # Import/export functions. . "$PSScriptRoot\SqlPackageOnTargetMachines.ps1" . "$PSScriptRoot\SqlQueryOnTargetMachines.ps1" Export-ModuleMember -Function @( 'Invoke-SqlQueryDeployment', 'Invoke-DacpacDeployment' ) # Special internal exception type to control the flow. Not currently intended # for public usage and subject to change. If the type has already # been loaded once, then it is not loaded again. Write-Verbose "Adding exceptions types." Add-Type -WarningAction SilentlyContinue -Debug:$false -TypeDefinition @' namespace TaskModuleSqlUtility { public class TerminationException : System.Exception { public TerminationException(System.String message) : base(message) { } } } '@ |