# Function to import SqlPS module & avoid directory switch function Import-SqlPs { push-location Import-Module SqlPS -ErrorAction 'SilentlyContinue' 3>&1 | out-null pop-location } function Get-SqlFilepathOnTargetMachine { param([string] $inlineSql) $tempFilePath = [System.IO.Path]::GetTempFileName() ($inlineSql | Out-File $tempFilePath) return $tempFilePath } function Execute-SqlQueryDeployment { param ( [string]$taskType, [string]$sqlFile, [string]$inlineSql, [string]$serverName, [string]$databaseName, [string]$authscheme, [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]$sqlServerCredentials, [string]$additionalArguments ) Write-Verbose "Entering script SqlQueryOnTargetMachines.ps1" try { if($taskType -eq "sqlInline") { # Convert this inline Sql to a temporary file on Server $sqlFile = Get-SqlFilepathOnTargetMachine $inlineSql } else { # Validate Sql File if([System.IO.Path]::GetExtension($sqlFile) -ne ".sql") { throw "Invalid Sql file [ $sqlFile ] provided" } } # Import SQLPS Module Import-SqlPs $scriptArgument = "Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance `"$serverName`" -Database `"$databaseName`" -InputFile `"$sqlFile`" " $scriptArgument += $additionalArguments $commandToRun = $scriptArgument $commandToLog = $scriptArgument if($authscheme -eq "sqlServerAuthentication") { if($sqlServerCredentials) { $sqlUsername = $sqlServerCredentials.GetNetworkCredential().username $sqlPassword = $sqlServerCredentials.GetNetworkCredential().password $commandToRun += " -Username `"$sqlUsername`" -Password `"$sqlPassword`" " $commandToLog += " -Username `"$sqlUsername`" -Password ****** " } } Write-Verbose "Executing : $commandToLog" Invoke-Expression $commandToRun } # End of Try Finally { # Cleanup the temp file & dont error out in case Deletion fails if ($taskType -eq "sqlInline" -and $sqlFile -and ((Test-Path $sqlFile) -eq $true)) { Write-Verbose "Removing File $sqlFile" Remove-Item $sqlFile -ErrorAction 'SilentlyContinue' } } } |