# # .SYNOPSIS # # Complete the -Namespace argument to Wmi cmdlets (similiar to buil-in cim cmdlets namespace completion support) # function WmiNamespaceCompleter { param($commandName, $parameterName, $wordToComplete, $commandAst, $fakeBoundParameter) $nsParent='root' if ($wordToComplete) { [int]$delimiter = $wordToComplete.LastIndexOfAny([char[]]('\','/')) if($delimiter -ne -1) { $nsParent = $wordToComplete.Substring(0,$delimiter) $nsLeaf = $wordToComplete.Substring($delimiter+1) } } Microsoft.PowerShell.Management\Get-WmiObject -Class __NAMESPACE -Namespace $nsParent | Where-Object Name -like $nsLeaf* | Sort-Object Name | ForEach-Object { $namespace = '{0}/{1}' -f $nsParent.Replace('\','/'),$_.Name New-CompletionResult $namespace $namespace } } # # .SYNOPSIS # # Complete the -Attributes argument to Get-ChildItem # function DirAttributesParameterNameCompletion { param($commandName, $parameterName, $wordToComplete, $commandAst, $fakeBoundParameter) [System.IO.FileAttributes].GetFields('Public,Static').Name | Where-Object { $_ -like "$wordToComplete*" } | Sort-Object | ForEach-Object { # TODO - use xml docs for tooltip New-CompletionResult $_ } } # # .SYNOPSIS # # Complete the -ItemType argument to New-Item # function NewItemItemTypeCompletion { param($commandName, $parameterName, $wordToComplete, $commandAst, $fakeBoundParameter) $pathProvided = $fakeBoundParameter['Path'] if($pathProvided) { $resolvedPath = Resolve-Path -Path $pathProvided } else { $resolvedPath = $PWD } $completionSet = switch ($resolvedPath.Provider.Name) { FileSystem { Write-Output File, Directory } ActiveDirectory { Write-Output User, Group, OrganizationalUnit, Container, Computer } Default { # TODO - other providers, check if AD is complete (for useful stuff at least). $null } } $completionSet | Where-Object { $_ -like "$wordToComplete*" } | Sort-Object | ForEach-Object { New-CompletionResult $_ -ToolTip "Create $_" } } # # .SYNOPSIS # # Completer for *-ControlPanelItem -Name parameter # function ControlPanelItemNameCompleter { param($commandName, $parameterName, $wordToComplete, $commandAst, $fakeBoundParameter) Get-ControlPanelItem -Name "*$wordToComplete*" | ForEach-Object { New-CompletionResult $_.Name $_.Description } } # # .SYNOPSIS # # Completer for *-ControlPanelItem -CanonicalName parameter # function ControlPanelItemCanonicalNameCompleter { param($commandName, $parameterName, $wordToComplete, $commandAst, $fakeBoundParameter) Get-ControlPanelItem -CanonicalName "*$wordToComplete*" | ForEach-Object { New-CompletionResult $_.CanonicalName $_.Description } } Register-ArgumentCompleter ` -Command ('Get-WmiObject','Invoke-WmiMethod','Register-WmiEvent','Remove-WmiObject','Set-WmiInstance') ` -Parameter 'Namespace' ` -Description 'Complete the -Namespace argument to Wmi cmdlets. For example: Get-WmiObject -Namespace <TAB>' ` -ScriptBlock $function:WmiNamespaceCompleter Register-ArgumentCompleter ` -Command "Get-ChildItem" ` -Parameter "Attributes" ` -Description @" Complete file attributes like Hidden or ReadOnly, for example: Get-ChildItem -Attributes <TAB> "@ ` -ScriptBlock $function:DirAttributesParameterNameCompletion Register-ArgumentCompleter ` -Command 'New-Item' ` -Parameter 'ItemType' ` -Description @' Complete item types (in FileSystem/ ActiveDirectory), for example: New-Item -ItemType <TAB> '@ ` -ScriptBlock $function:NewItemItemTypeCompletion Register-ArgumentCompleter ` -Command ('Get-ControlPanelItem','Show-ControlPanelItem') ` -Parameter 'Name' ` -Description 'Complete the -Name argument to ControlPanelItem cmdlets. For example: Show-ControlPanelItem -Name <TAB>' ` -ScriptBlock $function:ControlPanelItemNameCompleter Register-ArgumentCompleter ` -Command ('Get-ControlPanelItem','Show-ControlPanelItem') ` -Parameter 'CanonicalName' ` -Description 'Complete the -CanonicalName argument to ControlPanelItem cmdlets. For example: Show-ControlPanelItem -Name <TAB>' ` -ScriptBlock $function:ControlPanelItemCanonicalNameCompleter |