### # Name: TUN.Credentials # Author: Markus Szumovski # Creation Date: 2020-06-18 # Purpose/Change: Methods to easily manage and use credentials # This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, # v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/ ### Set-StrictMode -Version Latest [hashtable] $script:CachedCredentials = @{} # Cached credentials by name function Get-CredentialInternal { <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves credentials from user .PARAMETER Message Message to prompt for credential input. Default is "Please enter credentials" .PARAMETER Usage Optional string describing the usage for the credentials (will be appended to "Initializing credentials for <$Usage>"). .PARAMETER NoOutput True/Present...Will not display any messages to the host .OUTPUTS Retrieved PSCredential object or null #> [CmdletBinding()] PARAM ( [Parameter(Position=0)] [string] $Message, [Parameter(Position=1)] [string] $Usage, [Parameter(Position=2)] [switch] $NoOutput ) if(!$NoOutput.IsPresent) { if($Usage) { Write-Host "Initializing credentials for $Usage..." } else { Write-Host "Initializing credentials..." } } $Credential = Get-Credential -Message $Message if(!$NoOutput.IsPresent) { if(!$Credential) { if($Usage) { Write-Host "Credentials input canceled for $Usage" } else { Write-Host "Credentials input canceled" } } } return $Credential } function Use-PSCredential { <# .SYNOPSIS Gets PS credentials from a cache, file or user input (in that order) and save it to a file and cache. If file and/or cache will be used to store the credentials can be configured. .PARAMETER Name Unique cache name for the credentials. If no cache name is provided, the credentials will not be cached. .PARAMETER File File to store credentials in and read credentials from. Information will be stored in the XML file format. If no path for a credentials file was provided this method will not save the credentials to a file. .PARAMETER Message Message to prompt for credential input. Default is "Please enter credentials" .PARAMETER Usage Optional string describing the usage for the credentials (will be appended to "Initializing credentials for <$Usage>"). This will be ignored if the -NoOuptut switch was provided. .PARAMETER ErrorOnNone True/Present...Will throw an error if no credentials were found (even though File or Name was given in case of NoUnstored switch present) .PARAMETER NoInput True/Present...Will expect a name or file path to be provided and for there to already be a stored credential (exception: Init switch) .PARAMETER NoUnstored True/Present...Will not ask for credentials if no file path or cache name was provided .PARAMETER Init True/Present...If the File parameter was provided: The script will ask for the credentials to use, store them in a credentials file and will then immediatly exit the script. Used to either set up credentials file for the first time, or change/renew the credentials in the credential file, without performing the actual task by the script. The -WhatIf switch cannot be used to make sure the script is not performing its task, because it will also prevent the script from saving the credentials to the credentials file. This switch is ignored if the CredentialsFile parameter is not provided. If the Name parameter was provided: Will clear the cache of these credentials and ask for a user input of credentials. .PARAMETER NoOutput True/Present...Will not display any messages to the host (except if canceling execution due to Init switch being present) .OUTPUTS Retrieved PSCredential object or null #> [CmdletBinding()] PARAM ( [Parameter(Position=0)] [string] $Name = $null, [Parameter(Position=1)] [string] $File = $null, [Parameter(Position=2)] [string] $Message = "Please enter credentials", [Parameter(Position=3)] [string] $Usage = $null, [Parameter(Position=4)] [switch] $ErrorOnNone, [Parameter(Position=5)] [switch] $NoInput, [Parameter(Position=6)] [switch] $NoUnstored, [Parameter(Position=7)] [switch] $Init, [Parameter(Position=8)] [switch] $NoOutput ) [bool] $ShowedCredentialDialog = $false [PSCredential] $Credential = $null if($Name -and $script:CachedCredentials.ContainsKey($Name)) { If($Init.IsPresent) { Clear-CredentialCache -Name $Name -NoOutput:$NoOutput } else { $Credential = $script:CachedCredentials[$Name] } } #check for credential file if($File) { If($Init.IsPresent -or !(Test-Path $File)) { if(!$ShowedCredentialDialog -and !$Credential) { if(!$NoInput.IsPresent -or $Init.IsPresent) { $Credential = Get-CredentialInternal -Message $Message -Usage $Usage -NoOutput:$NoOutput } $ShowedCredentialDialog = $true } if($Credential) { if(!$NoOutput.IsPresent) { Write-Host "Saving credentials to file..." } $Credential | Export-Clixml -Path $File } if($Init.IsPresent) { Write-Host "Ending script since the 'initialize credentials' switch was present!" exit } } else { $Credential = Import-CliXml -Path $File } } #check if we should cache if it's not yet cached If($Name -and !$script:CachedCredentials.ContainsKey($Name)) { if(!$ShowedCredentialDialog -and !$Credential) { if(!$NoInput.IsPresent -or $Init.IsPresent) { $Credential = Get-CredentialInternal -Message $Message -Usage $Usage -NoOutput:$NoOutput } $ShowedCredentialDialog = $true } if($Credential) { $script:CachedCredentials[$Name] = $Credential } } #now if no file or cache name was given, this will finally prompt us to enter credentials if(!$NoUnstored.IsPresent -and !$Credential -and !$NoInput.IsPresent -and !$ShowedCredentialDialog) { $Credential = Get-CredentialInternal -Message $Message -Usage $Usage -NoOutput:$NoOutput $ShowedCredentialDialog = $true } if($ErrorOnNone.IsPresent -and !$Credential) { if(!$NoUnstored.IsPresent -or $File -or $Name) { $strMessage = "Credentials could not be initialized or retrieved" if($Usage) { $strMessage = "Credentials for $Usage could not be initialized or retrieved" } throw $strMessage } } return $Credential } function Use-NetworkCredential { <# .SYNOPSIS Gets Network credentials from a cache, file or user input (in that order) and save it to a file and cache. If file and/or cache will be used to store the credentials can be configured. The credentials will be cached and/or saved to a file as PS credentials. So this method can also be used to retrieve these credentials as PS credentials later, or retrieve the network credentials of previously stored PS credentials. .PARAMETER Name Unique cache name for the credentials. If no cache name is provided, the credentials will not be cached. .PARAMETER File File to store credentials in and read credentials from. Information will be stored in the XML file format. If no path for a credentials file was provided this method will not save the credentials to a file. .PARAMETER Message Message to prompt for credential input. Default is "Please enter credentials" .PARAMETER Usage Optional string describing the usage for the credentials (will be appended to "Initializing credentials for <$Usage>"). This will be ignored if the -NoOuptut switch was provided. .PARAMETER ErrorOnNone True/Present...Will throw an error if no credentials were found (even though File or Name was given in case of NoUnstored switch present) .PARAMETER NoInput True/Present...Will expect a name or file path to be provided and for there to already be a stored credential (exception: Init switch) .PARAMETER NoUnstored True/Present...Will not ask for credentials if no file path or cache name was provided .PARAMETER Init True/Present...If the File parameter was provided: The script will ask for the credentials to use, store them in a credentials file and will then immediatly exit the script. Used to either set up credentials file for the first time, or change/renew the credentials in the credential file, without performing the actual task by the script. The -WhatIf switch cannot be used to make sure the script is not performing its task, because it will also prevent the script from saving the credentials to the credentials file. This switch is ignored if the CredentialsFile parameter is not provided. If the Name parameter was provided: Will clear the cache of these credentials and ask for a user input of credentials. .PARAMETER NoOutput True/Present...Will not display any messages to the host (except if canceling execution due to Init switch being present) .OUTPUTS Retrieved network credentials object or null #> [CmdletBinding()] PARAM ( [Parameter(Position=0)] [string] $Name = $null, [Parameter(Position=1)] [string] $File = $null, [Parameter(Position=2)] [string] $Message = "Please enter credentials", [Parameter(Position=3)] [string] $Usage = $null, [Parameter(Position=4)] [switch] $ErrorOnNone, [Parameter(Position=5)] [switch] $NoInput, [Parameter(Position=6)] [switch] $NoUnstored, [Parameter(Position=7)] [switch] $Init, [Parameter(Position=8)] [switch] $NoOutput ) $PSCredential = Use-PSCredential -Name $Name -File $File -Message $Message -Usage $Usage -ErrorOnNone:$ErrorOnNone -NoInput:$NoInput -NoUnstored:$NoUnstored -Init:$Init -NoOutput:$NoOutput if($PSCredential) { return [System.Net.NetworkCredential] $PSCredential } else { return $null } } function Clear-CredentialCache { <# .SYNOPSIS Clears the credential cache (of all or one specific credential). Needed at the beginning of a script, if the credentials should be entered again for each execution of the script, even if the script is still in the same scope (PS window). .PARAMETER Name Name of the credentials to remove from cache, or empty if the whole cache should be cleared .PARAMETER NoOutput True/Present...Will not display any messages to the host .OUTPUTS Nothing #> [CmdletBinding()] PARAM ( [Parameter(Position=0)] [string] $Name, [Parameter(Position=1)] [switch] $NoOutput ) if($Name) { if($script:CachedCredentials.ContainsKey($Name)) { if(!$NoOutput.IsPresent) { Write-Host "Clearing cache of credentials ""$Name""..." } $script:CachedCredentials.Remove($Name) [System.GC]::Collect() } } else { if(!$NoOutput.IsPresent) { Write-Host "Clearing credentials cache..." } $script:CachedCredentials = @{} [System.GC]::Collect() } } |