#Requires -Modules ActiveDirectory <# .SYNOPSIS Module for returning AD Site details. .DESCRIPTION Use this module to perform search of a whole or partial AD site name or subnet or to get the AD site of a computer. .PARAMETER ComputerName Enter the full name or IP address of a computer. .PARAMETER Full A switch will return the full AD site info. Used in conjuntion with ComputerName value. .PARAMETER Name This parameter is a full or partial AD site name. .PARAMETER Subnet Enter the first two or three octets of an IP address. Subnets are treated as regular expressions; all rules pertaining to regular expressions are in play. .PARAMETER All A switch that will simply get ALL known sites and subnets. This is helpful when assessing large datasets. No other parameter will be assessed when this switch is true. .EXAMPLE Get-ADSite -ComputerName "D1233210" ComputerName Site ------------ ---- D1233210 Duluth Description ----------- Returns the Site of the computer input. .EXAMPLE Get-ADSite -ComputerName "D1233210" -Full Site Description Subnet ---- ----------- ------ DULUTH Duluth, GA, Description ----------- Used only in conjuntion with ComputerName value. Use of this switch returns the Site, Description and Subnet(s) of the identified AD Site of the computer input. .EXAMPLE Get-ADSite -Name "Duluth" Site Description Subnet ---- ----------- ------ DULUTH Duluth, GA, Description ----------- This example of a full or partial AD site name returns the Site, Description and Subnet(s) of locations matching the name input. .EXAMPLE Get-ADSite -Subnet "11.48" Site Description Subnet ---- ----------- ------ DULUTH Duluth, GA TAMPA Tampa, FL Description ----------- The example returns all AD Sites matching the IP/subnet input. .NOTES Author: Travis M Knight; tmknight; Date: 2017-05-24: tmknight: Inception Date: 2017-09-27: tmknight: Code cleanup Date: 2018-05-25: tmknight: Updated help messages Date: 2018-08-22: tmknight: Add switch to pull all known AD Sites and subnets Date: 2018-11-21: tmknight: Add Test-SubnetMember to assess boundary membership Date: 2022-04-14: tmknight: Switch to Get-ADReplicationSite/Subnet from ActiveDirectory module .NOTES Note: Please enter only one of an AD Site Name, a portion of the subnet address a computer name or the All switch. Using more than one parameter is not supported at this time. #> function Get-ADSite { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParametersetName = "p0")] param( [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "p0", Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true, HelpMessage = "Enter the full name or IP address of a computer", Position = 0)] [string] $ComputerName, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "p0", Mandatory = $false, Position = 2)] [switch] $Full, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "p1", Mandatory = $false)] [string] $Name, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "p2", Mandatory = $false)] [string] $Subnet, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "p3", HelpMessage = "A switch that will simply get ALL known sites and subnets. No other parameter will be assessed", Mandatory = $false)] [switch] $All ) begin { $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop" if ($All) { ## A switch that will simply get ALL known sites and subnets. No other parameter will be assessed } elseif (($Name -and $Subnet -and $ComputerName) -or ($Name -and ($Subnet -or $ComputerName)) -or ($Subnet -and $ComputerName)) { Write-Error -Message "Please enter only one of an AD Site Name, a portion of the subnet address or a computer name. Using more than one parameter is not supported at this time." -Category InvalidArgument break } elseif ($Subnet -match "[a-zA-Z]") { Write-Error -Message "Please enter a full or partial subnet address in the form of dotted decimal-numbers" -Category InvalidArgument break } elseif ($Name -match "^\d{1,3}.*\d{1,3}?") { Write-Error -Message "Please enter a valid AD Site Name" -Category InvalidArgument break } elseif (!($Name -or $Subnet -or $ComputerName)) { Write-Error -Message "Please enter one of an AD Site Name, a portion of the subnet address or a computer name" -Category InvalidArgument break } } process { ## get AD site of a specific computer switch ($PsCmdlet.ParameterSetName) { "p0" { try { if ($ComputerName -eq $env:COMPUTERNAME) { $cn = "." } else { $cn = $ComputerName } $siteName = (Get-CimInstance -ComputerName $cn -ClassName Win32_NTDomain | Where-Object { $Domain -Match $_.DomainName -and $null -ne $_.ClientSiteName }).ClientSiteName } catch { $siteName = ($_.Exception).Message } if ($siteName -eq $err -or ($siteName -and $Full -ne $true)) { $result = [PSCustomObject] @{ ComputerName = $ComputerName Site = $siteName } } elseif ($siteName -ne $err -and $Full) { $Name = $siteName $site = Get-ADReplicationSite -Identity $Name $subs = Get-ADReplicationSubnet -Filter "Site -eq '$($site.DistinguishedName)'" $result = [PSCustomObject]@{ Site = $site.Name Description = $site.Description Subnet = $subs.Name -join "; " } } } "p1" { $site = Get-ADReplicationSite -Identity $Name $subs = Get-ADReplicationSubnet -Filter "Site -eq '$($site.DistinguishedName)'" $result = [PSCustomObject]@{ Site = $site.Name Description = $site.Description Subnet = $subs.Name -join "; " } } "p2" { $result = @() $subs = Get-ADReplicationSubnet -Filter "Name -like '$Subnet*'" foreach ($item in $subs) { $site = Get-ADReplicationSite -Filter * | Where-Object DistinguishedName -EQ "$($" $result += [PSCustomObject]@{ Site = $site.Name Description = $site.Description Subnet = $item.Name -join "; " } } } "p3" { $result = @() $site = Get-ADReplicationSite -Filter * foreach ($item in $site) { $subs = Get-ADReplicationSubnet -Filter "Site -eq '$($item.DistinguishedName)'" $result += [PSCustomObject]@{ Site = $item.Name Description = $item.Description Subnet = $subs.Name -join "; " } } } } } end { if ($result) { return $result } else { Write-Warning -Message "There are no objects matching $ComputerName$Name$Subnet" } } } |