function Test-TmfDirectoryRole { <# .SYNOPSIS Test desired configuration against a Tenant. .DESCRIPTION Compare current configuration of a resource type with the desired configuration. Return a result object with the required changes and actions. #> [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [string[]] $SpecificResources, [string[]] $SourceFile, [string[]] $SourceConfig, [switch] $RawOutput, [System.Management.Automation.PSCmdlet] $Cmdlet = $PSCmdlet ) begin { Test-GraphConnection -Cmdlet $Cmdlet $resourceName = "DirectoryRoles" $tenant = (Invoke-MgGraphRequest -Method GET -Uri ("$script:graphBaseUrl/organization?`$select=displayname,id")).value if (($SpecificResources -and $SourceFile -and $SourceConfig) -or ($SpecificResources -and $SourceFile) -or ($SourceFile -and $SourceConfig)) { $exception = New-Object System.Data.DataException("Multiple filters are not supported. You can only filter by one type, sourceFile or sourceConfig or specificResources!") $errorID = "MultipleFiltersNotSupported" $category = [System.Management.Automation.ErrorCategory]::NotSpecified $recordObject = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord($exception, $errorID, $category, $Cmdlet) $cmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError($recordObject) } } process { $definitions = @() if ($SpecificResources) { foreach ($specificResource in $SpecificResources) { if ($specificResource -match "\*") { if ($script:desiredConfiguration[$resourceName] | Where-Object {$_.displayName -like $specificResource}) { $definitions += $script:desiredConfiguration[$resourceName] | Where-Object {$_.displayName -like $specificResource} } else { Write-PSFMessage -Level Warning -String 'TMF.Error.SpecificResourceNotExists' -StringValues $filter -Tag 'failed' $exception = New-Object System.Data.DataException("$($specificResource) not exists in Desired Configuration for $($resourceName)!") $errorID = "SpecificResourceNotExists" $category = [System.Management.Automation.ErrorCategory]::NotSpecified $recordObject = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord($exception, $errorID, $category, $Cmdlet) $cmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError($recordObject) } } else { if ($script:desiredConfiguration[$resourceName] | Where-Object {$_.displayName -eq $specificResource}) { $definitions += $script:desiredConfiguration[$resourceName] | Where-Object {$_.displayName -eq $specificResource} } else { Write-PSFMessage -Level Warning -String 'TMF.Error.SpecificResourceNotExists' -StringValues $filter -Tag 'failed' $exception = New-Object System.Data.DataException("$($specificResource) not exists in Desired Configuration for $($resourceName)!") $errorID = "SpecificResourceNotExists" $category = [System.Management.Automation.ErrorCategory]::NotSpecified $recordObject = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord($exception, $errorID, $category, $Cmdlet) $cmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError($recordObject) } } } $definitions = $definitions | Sort-Object -Property displayName -Unique } elseif ($SourceFile) { foreach ($file in $SourceFile) { $definitions += $script:desiredConfiguration[$resourceName] | Where-Object {$_.sourceFile -eq $file} } } elseif ($SourceConfig) { foreach ($config in $SourceConfig) { $definitions += $script:desiredConfiguration[$resourceName] | Where-Object {$_.sourceConfig -eq $config} } } else { $definitions = $script:desiredConfiguration[$resourceName] } foreach ($definition in $definitions) { foreach ($property in $definition.Properties()) { if ($definition.$property) { if ($definition.$property.GetType().Name -eq "String") { $definition.$property = Resolve-String -Text $definition.$property } } } $result = @{ Tenant = $tenant.displayName TenantId = $tenant.Id ResourceType = 'directoryRole' ResourceName = (Resolve-String -Text $definition.displayName) DesiredConfiguration = $definition } if ($definition.present) { if ($definition.roleID) { $result["GraphResource"] = $definition.roleID try { $roleMembers = (Invoke-MgGraphRequest -Method GET -Uri ("$script:graphBaseUrl/directoryRoles/{0}/members" -f $definition.roleID)).Value } catch { Write-PSFMessage -Level Warning -String 'TMF.Error.QueryWithFilterFailed' -StringValues $filter -Tag 'failed' $exception = New-Object System.Data.DataException("Query with filter $filter against Microsoft Graph failed. Error: $_") $errorID = 'QueryWithFilterFailed' $category = [System.Management.Automation.ErrorCategory]::NotSpecified $recordObject = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord($exception, $errorID, $category, $Cmdlet) $cmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError($recordObject) } if ($roleMembers) { if ($definition.memberIDs) { if (Compare-Object $ $definition.memberIDs) { $result = New-TestResult @result -ActionType "Change members" } else { $result = New-TestResult @result -ActionType "NoActionRequired" } } else { $result = New-TestResult @result -ActionType "Change members" } } else { if ($definition.memberIDs) { $result = New-TestResult @result -ActionType "Change members" } else { $result = New-TestResult @result -ActionType "NoActionRequired" } } } else { $result = New-TestResult @result -ActionType "Activate" } } else { $result = New-TestResult @result -ActionType "NoActionRequired" } if ($RawOutput) { $result } else { $result | Beautify-TmfTestResult } } } end {} } |